Great Fishing This Week!
Июнь 21, 2024 Atlantic City 12 фото & 1 видео
Горбыль (серый)

Описание тура

We have seen a strong week fishing recently with flounders chewing, nice sized weakfish making an appearance, large cownose rays putting up some fun fights, small sharks and bluefish mixing in at times too! Its a great time to get out on the water and try your hand at catching some dinner!
Michael Adams
Atlantic-city, New Jersey, United States
A-Bomb Fishing Charters thumbnail
When you book a trip on A-Bomb Fishing Charters, you’re going to have fun and you’ll be on the fish. Captain Mike Adams will show you the tips and tricks he has learned over his 20+ years of experience fishing in these waters and give you the ...

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