BIG BASS - Migration has arrived!
Ноябрь 12, 2023 Atlantic City 2 фото

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The pictures say it all. BIG BASS have moved into the waters off Atlantic City, NJ. This week we have seen the first wave (of many) of stripers make their way unto the area. Every fall these fish migrate north to south and we are there waiting. Usually the larger fish lead the way with the smaller 10-30lb fish following them. With that said if you want the chance at a true Trophy sized Striped Bass, the time is now. If you’re after more numbers of fish, give it another week or two and it’ll be chaos.
Michael Adams
Atlantic-city, New Jersey, United States
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When you book a trip on A-Bomb Fishing Charters, you’re going to have fun and you’ll be on the fish. Captain Mike Adams will show you the tips and tricks he has learned over his 20+ years of experience fishing in these waters and give you the ...

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