Stellar half day mixed bag.
Июнь 23, 2024 Fort Lauderdale 1 фото
Ваху (колючая пеламида)
King Mackerel (Kingfish)
Королевская макрель
Barracuda (Great)
Барракуда (большая)
Snapper (Yellowtail)
Желтохвостый луциан
Rainbow Runner

Описание тура

We fished a morning half day with regular clients Jason, Pat, and Dan. We trolled most of the trip caught 3 nice kingfish and bonitos early then decided to anchor up on a shallow wreck. Caught one nice yellowtail and a rainbow runner the bite was slow on the bottom and decided to troll home and caught a 35 pound wahoo to fishing the trip off!
Taylor Savage
Fort-lauderdale, Florida, United States
Wicked Cuda Sport Fishing thumbnail
Based out of Fort Lauderdale, Wicked Cuda Sport Fishing is your ticket to a memorable time on the water. Capt. Taylor is here to get you on some fish, and to make sure you have fun doing it. You’ll be using techniques like bottom fishing, trolling, ...

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