Birthday girl V back for more with her b
Декабрь 11, 2023 Venice 2 фото
Snapper (Red)
Красный луциан (снэппер)
Красный горбыль
Кейпкодский карась

Описание тура

Will and V Snowden brought her brother for his first time December Venice experience. Red snapper were dancing literally in big red clouds for the bait. Bull reds are still never ending. Sheepshead are everywhere. Slot reds and trout to finish a fun day nonstop action.
Chad Rudolph
Venice, Louisiana, United States
Southern Access Charters thumbnail
Southern Access Charters offers some of the best inshore fishing trips on the fascinating waters of Venice, Louisiana. Here, the Mississippi River spills out into the Gulf of Mexico, producing diverse and twisting bayous, ponds and rivers that are home to...

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