Striped Bass and Bluefish are still here
Октябрь 16, 2023 Gloucester 2 фото
Bass (Striped)
Басс (полосатый)

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Bass and Bluefish just keep coming this fall. You never know when the cold water will move in and chase the fish south, but for now the fish are still here and hungry for some fresh baits. Bluefin Tuna bite is solid with some big Thresher sharks roaming around too.
Brian Higgins
Gloucester, Massachusetts, United States
Toby Ann Charters thumbnail
Toby Ann Charters runs angling trips out of Gloucester and offers to show you what the local fishery is all about. Capt. Brian is here to get you on some fish, and to make sure you have fun doing it. You’ll be using techniques like bottom fishing, t...

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