1st. Trip of 2023
Март 12, 2023 Niceville 3 фото
King Mackerel (Kingfish)
Королевская макрель
Little Tunny (False Albacore)
Малый тунец (пятнистый)

Описание тура

Finally the weather has given us a chance to get back out on the water. The Kings and Blackfin have been biting so we decided to do some trolling, we caught Little Tunny had a real good King breakoff at the boat, but fortunately we had doubled up and were able to put one on the deck a great day on the water with family.
Kent Peckham
Niceville, Florida, United States
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Broke Tip Charter is a family-owned and operated company that specializes in Gulf fishing trips. It is run by a husband and wife team, who love being on the water and want you to have a great time. We will have the boat ready to go when you get there. Cap...

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