Great Fishing And Great Weather In Fort
Октябрь 27, 2022 Fort Lauderdale 5 фото

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Hello everyone, Capt. Vinnie here, this week we have a great report with even greater weather so lets get started...This week deep sea fishing right off the coast of Fort Lauderdale has been very productive, to start I would say that bottom fishing still remains very strong right now lots of very nice sized vermillion and yellowed snapper we have been catching on deeper reefs and shipwrecks, also some very very large amberjack some of the ones we have been catching have been as big as 70lbs. While we have been fishing for snapper we have been putting a live bait on the bottom on a bigger rod just incase there is something big down there that is hungry and it has been paying off big time. The weather has been great light winds and temps around 75 degrees make great conditions for a nice day on the water. Besides bottom fishing for snapper and amberjack there has been some kingfish action and sailfish action while trolling in the early morning, I would say right now to catch the bigger sized kingfish live bait would be a very good choice and while using live bait that would open up the chances at possibly a sailfish or a mahi mahi. The sailfish action should start to pick up as we approach the winter time months. There has been some very good sized mahi mahi as of late right off the coast of fort Lauderdale, even though the season has passed on these guys and there more of a summer time fish there are still what we like to call straggler fish around feeding on schools of live bait, some of the mahi we have been catching have been around the 15 to 20lb mark an awesome fish to catch and not to mention eat as well. On the offshore side of things there are a few tuna around but seems the afternoon time has been best for them trolling small feathers fished way behind the boat is always a good choice. One fishery that is picking up very very fast right now is sword fishing not the easiest fish to catch in the sea but right now they have been biting very well and this would be a great time to get out there and target a bucket list fish if that is what your after. This week we have some great pictures of some recent catches caught during our deep sea fishing charters right here in Fort Lauderdale so be sure to check those out. Also remember to give us a follow on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram @Ybnormalsportfishing for daily fishing content. If you are coming to Fort Lauderdale and looking to do some deep sea fishing now is a great time to do so, please check us out we would love to have you. Lots of fishing in the next few days so should have a very valid report soon so be on the look out. more later... Capt. Vinnie
Vinnie Sacks
Fort-lauderdale, Florida, United States
YB Normal thumbnail
Sailing out of Port Everglades In Fort Lauderdale for over a decade YB Normal is ready to take clients out for a great day of fishing. Captain Vinnie offers a range of trips, with four to 8-hour packages and the choice of coming as a group or jumping aboa...

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Killer Fishing In Fort Lauderdale
Killer Fishing In Fort Lauderdale
Июнь 10, 2024
Hello everyone Capt. Vinnie here, this week in Fort Lauderdale we have been having some absolutely great fishing and some great weather as well. So this week starting on the edge of the reef in about 100 feet the kingfish action has been excellent, plenty of kingfish around and size ranging from 7-15lbs with an occasional fish over 20lbs still not uncommon. The best technique right now to target these kingfish is trolling with planners which helps take the baits deeper in the water column, and with all the hot temperatures we have been having baits fished under the surface have been getting the most bites because the water is cooler and the fish are going to be more active below the surface. Other then kingfish we have been catching a few bonitos, bonitos are not the best for the table but we do use them to make strip baits for trolling to catch all of our gamefish so they are very important part of fishing. Moving offshore a little bit deeper we have been starting to see some solid blackfin tuna action in depths around 200 feet of water, but it seems that the afternoons have been much better for the tuna. In the afternoons when the water is clean and blue and there is some northern flow of current seems to be a great recipe for some afternoon tuna action. Further offshore there has been a little bit of mahi action but I would say it is nothing to write home about. Some days have been better then others but it isn't anything that has been spectacular as of yet, I would imagine we will start to see a nice showing of some mahi in the next few weeks towards mid to end of July, so be on the look out in future reports for mahi action. Last but not least as far as a bottom report this week we have had a little bit of vermillion and yellow eye snapper action on some of the deeper bottom spots around 350 feet, we have been using fresh bonito chunks, the fresh bonito works very well because the skin is so durable it stays on the hook very well. This week please be sure to check out some of the great photos of some recent catches we had while out on our deep sea fishing charters and remember to give us a like and follow on social media platforms like facebook and instagram @Ybnormalsportfishing for daily fishing content. For the rest of the month of June we have availability and as you can see the fishing is fantastic and so is the weather so whats your excuse? If your coming down to Fort Lauderdale and looking to go deep sea fishing we would love to have you and show you great time out on the water. Capt. Vinnie
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A Good Start To June 2024 In Fort Lauder
A Good Start To June 2024 In Fort Lauder
Июнь 1, 2024
Hello everyone, Capt. Vinnie here this week I have another great report for you guys so lets get right into it. Fishing this week in Fort Lauderdale we have had exceptional weather pretty much flat calm and the fishing has been excellent. Starting the report off in the inshore side of things the trolling in the early mornings has been excellent for king mackeral. This is the time of year that they migrate through our waters and the bite has been very good with almost every day catching our limit. Average size fish has been around 10lbs. Other then kingfish on the reef we have been catching some nice sized barracudas as well as a few bonitos. Moving a little deeper, there has been some quality blackfin tuna around in early mornings and late afternoons. Tuna have large eyes and are sensitive to light so they tend to bite best in low light conditions. Trolling remains the best technique to get tuna in numbers but if your really wanting quality fish live bait is going too be key. Live pilchards and live goggle eyes are going to be the baits of choice. As far as an offshore report for mahi mahi, we actually have been catching 1 or 2 per trip on the reef on our deeper lines but I have heard of a few reports of some smaller undersize fish in about 800 feet of water, but where there are smaller mahi there are bigger ones, mahi are a schooling fish so there usually is a large amount in an area when you find them. Bringing live baits like pilchards offshore is going to assure you success if you get into a school of hungry mahi. I would say that it is still a little on the early side to be venturing offshore to look for mahi but it is good to hear that the fish are starting to show up alot earlier this year then normal. This week please be sure to check out some of the great photos of some recent catches that were caught while out on our deep sea fishing charters and remember to give us a like and follow on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram @Ybnormalsportfishing for daily fishing content. As we get into the beginning of summer the temps will continue to stay hot and the ocean will remain calm, fishing should remain solid with lots of different species available to target so if your thinking about coming down to Fort Lauderdale to do some deep sea fishing we would love to have you and show you a great time on the water. Capt. Vinnie
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Great People and Great Fishing In Fort L
Great People and Great Fishing In Fort L
Май 21, 2024
Hello everyone Capt. Vinnie here, hope everyone is doing well this week I have a great report for all you guys. So this week on the inshore side of things the name of the game is early, with the way the temps have been it has been getting hot quick so early in the morning has been the best window to get some bites. The kingfish bite has been world class with some days limiting out being easy, but it is fishing some days they are harder to catch then others. Trolling and live baiting has been doing well on the kingfish and it seems pink has been the hot color lately. Also mixed in with the kingfish there has been some bonitos too, as well as the occasional sailfish in the mix. Moving further offshore there has been some quality blackfin tuna around early and also in the late afternoons. The tunas will eat a trolling bait but if you want a quality tuna live bait has been the best bet. Some of the tuna have been close to 30lbs. Way offshore I have been hearing a few reports of some mahi but based on previous years I would say it is to risky to go offshore and look for them just yet, the end of June and early July is a good time to start venturing offshore looking for mahi. The same rules always apply when looking for mahi you have to find something to fish to birds, debris or weed lines are going to be where the best action is going to be. This week please be sure to check out some of the great photos we have of some great catches caught while out on our deep sea fishing charters, and remember to give us a like and follow on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram @Ybnormalsportfishing for daily fishing content. Some great weather on the horizon for the next few weeks and not to mention the bite is on so if your coming down to Fort Lauderdale and looking to do some deep sea fishing please look us up we would love to show you a great time on the water. More Later... Capt. Vinnie
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