Snakehead trips and equipment
Сентябрь 18, 2022 Woodbridge 1 фото

Описание тура

The northern snakehead gets alot of attention and is the dubject of much misinformation. Did you know that the tidal Potomac River is the location of the last 4 WORLD record Northern snakeheads ? Catching a snakehead is not a novelty to me anymore and their habitat is fairly predictable. However, they do not throw themselves into the boat so there is a learning curve. 1. You will need nothing to fish for snakeheads with me. I provide all equipment and licenses. 2. You will fish in some of the prettiest creeks the Potomac has to offer and may think you are in the Louisiana bayou and not 20 minutes from DC. 3. You must have realistic expectations. Snakehead fishing requires alot of accurate casting. It requires identifying ambush points. It requires proper hook sets and fish fighting skills. It requires making the most of opportunity. All of these things csn be taught. Get off those u-tube videos and come practice some reality.
Kenneth Penrod III
Woodbridge, Virginia, United States
The Fishing Detective Guide Agency thumbnail
The Fishing Detective Guide Agency is located in Marbury and offers to show you a memorable time in these waters. Capt. Kenneth will do his best to make sure you have a fun day full of fishing. This involves 4-hour trips, mainly fishing for Snakehead and ...

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