Combo trip!
Июль 05, 2022 San Francisco 4 фото
Salmon (Chinook)
Чавыча (королевский лосось)
Змеезуб (зубастый терпуг)
Морской окунь

Описание тура

7/4/22 Happy 4th of July! We had a couple charter the boat to hopefully catch a few fish. We started our day in the flattest ocean of the year. We hit the rocks and found an instant double on the lingcod and caught all we needed in short order. we made a move and got our bottom fish on a few drifts. Wanting to catch different fish, we salmon fished. The caught a few and lost a few but in the end caught their first salmon. Angela, Thanks for trying the Nautilus! Look forward to our upcoming trips! Captain Ron & Hunter
Ron Koyasako
San-francisco, California, United States
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If you are looking for a fantastic family fun-filled adventure, then you need to book with Nautilus Excursions today. Captain Ron Koyasako has been running charters for nearly 2 decades and will do his utmost to ensure you have an awesome day out on the w...

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