Jigging for Sea Bass- Large Jigs=Big Buc
Август 04, 2021 Clinton 1 фото
Seabass (Black)
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So we fished a dropping tide over a sand shoal that went form 38-60ft. When we arrived, the birds where beginning to work the rip line on large pockets of bait. My charter for that afternoon was excited because they thought there where bluefish in a blitz. I calmly explained they were seabass. They was very adamant they where blues! So I rigged up rods with bucktails with gulp minnow and strips squid. Set up a rod with a rubber shad and said let it rip. The first cast on a rubber shad was rewarded with a 24inch sea bass! The next two hours we where on fire we had our limits and where releasing 20" plus and could not get the bucktail to the bottom quick enough! Most anglers fishing for seabass fish with a small piece of bait on a hi-lo which produce small mediocre fish. When buck-tailing for seabass- color selection and presentation are key. Also, depth to where the bait is and where fish are located. Just dragging weight on the bottom is not fishing. Your arms should be tired at the end! Black sea bass will hit your jig up to the surface if you present it correctly- after the first hard hit get, more aggressive and play the jig- I can guarantee a second strike and a large bucket mouth! Capt. Joe
Joseph Podchaiski
Clinton, Connecticut, United States
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Create memories with your family and friends while fishing or cruising all the best spots. Whether you choose to take the kids fishing or relax with friends, let One More Drift Charters do the work while you enjoy time on the water. Hop aboard a 24’...

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October 29 2023
October 29 2023
Октябрь 29, 2023
One More Drift Charters - Fishing Report Location: Clinton, CT - Long Island Sound Weather Conditions: The weather this week has been ideal for fishing with clear skies, temperatures ranging between 50-55 and winds picked up from the ESE These conditions have created a some tough conditions but with the out going tide absolutely for 4 hrs. we were on fire! Water Temperature: The water temperature in the Long Island Sound is currently around 55-59°F, providing optimal conditions for various species. Recent Catches: •Striped Bass: Anglers have reported successful outings targeting Striped Bass, with sizes ranging from 28-39”. The early morning and evening bites have been particularly productive. Bluefish: Bluefish activity remains consistent, providing thrilling action for those seeking an exciting fight. Sizes vary, with some impressive catches recorded. Be sure to focus on areas with structure and current for increased chances of landing big fish. Recommended Baits and Techniques: • For Striped Bass, Diamond Jigging was the ticket into the rip areas Bluefish are hitting on metal jigs. Fast retrieves seem to be enticing more strikes. Captain's Tips: • TIDE TIDE TIDE 2-3 hours into a incoming tide- can I say more where prime times for Striped Bass and Bluefish activity. Experiment with different retrieve speeds and depths to find the sweet spot….. Consider trying various colors and sizes of jigs for Fluke to entice bites. Upcoming Forecast: The upcoming days show favorable weather conditions for fishing, with Blackfish any changes in weather or water conditions. As we transition into the next month, anticipate exciting opportunities for blackfishing improving. For the latest updates, don't hesitate to contact us at Tight lines and happy fishing! Captain Joe One More Drift Charters
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Diamond Jigging for effect!
Diamond Jigging for effect!
Октябрь 11, 2023
Diamond Jigging Techniques: Diamond Jigging is a versatile fishing technique that can be highly effective in a variety of conditions, particularly when targeting species like bluefish and striped bass. Understanding the nuances of diamond jigging techniques and matching the hatch are key elements to success in this method of fishing. Here's a breakdown of diamond jigging techniques and the conditions in which it works well: Diamond Jigging Techniques: • Vertical Jigging: The most common technique used in diamond jigging involves dropping the lure vertically into the water column and then jigging it upward in a sharp, erratic motion. This mimics the movement of injured or fleeing baitfish, which can trigger aggressive strikes from predatory species like bluefish and striped bass. • Fluttering: Another effective technique is to let the diamond jig flutter down through the water column after it's been dropped. This imitates the natural descent of wounded baitfish, enticing strikes from opportunistic predators lurking below. • Speed Jigging: Speed jigging involves quickly retrieving the lure through the water at varying speeds, creating a darting, erratic motion that can trigger reaction strikes from actively feeding fish. • Bottom Bouncing: When fishing in deeper waters or around underwater structures, anglers can employ a bottom-bouncing technique by allowing the diamond jig to sink to the bottom and then bouncing it along the seabed to mimic the movement of foraging prey. • Conditions for Diamond Jigging: Clear Water: Diamond jigging tends to work best in clear or moderately clear water conditions where fish have good visibility and can easily spot and target the lure. • Active Feeding Times: Fishing during periods of high activity, such as dawn, dusk, or during tidal changes, can increase your chances of success with diamond jigging. These are times when predatory fish are actively feeding and more likely to strike at passing lures. • Presence of Baitfish: Diamond jigging is most effective when there is a significant presence of baitfish in the area. Pay attention to signs of baitfish activity such as surface disturbances, diving birds, or baitfish flickering near the surface. Structure and Current: Fishing near underwater structures such as reefs, rock piles, drop-offs, or submerged ledges can increase your chances of encountering predatory fish. Additionally, fishing in areas with moderate to strong currents can attract fish to your lure. Matching the Hatch: Matching the hatch involves selecting diamond jigs that closely resemble the size, shape, and coloration of the predominant baitfish in the area. Pay attention to the species of baitfish present and adjust your lure selection accordingly. For example, if silversides or sand eels are abundant, opt for smaller, slender-profiled diamond jigs in silver or natural hues. If larger bunker or herring are prevalent, choose larger, bulkier jigs in darker colors like blue or green. By mastering diamond jigging techniques, understanding optimal fishing conditions, and carefully matching the hatch, anglers can enhance their chances of success when targeting bluefish, striped bass, and other predatory species in New England's coastal waters.
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