Easy Speckled Trout Catching with Victor
Май 06, 2021 New Orleans 1 фото

Описание тура

Day 1 with good customers Ray and Jay was too much fun. We caught over 100 trout, keeping 65. Several were over 4lbs. Chartreuse sparkle beetles and zoom flukes did the damage on this trip. Another great catch of some really nice speckled trout on the Bluewave. Captain Drake Morvant Victory Bay Charters, LLC New Orleans, LA
Drake Morvant
New-orleans, Louisiana, United States
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With hundreds of post-trip photos showing smiling faces and BIG catches, you’re in good hands with Victory Bay Charters. Skip the hassle of trying to locate your captain at a busy marina. Victory Bay Charters operates out of a peaceful, private dock...

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