Dec 10th day and night
Декабрь 11, 2020 Tequesta 3 фото
Indian Threadfish
Индийский лосось
Jack Crevalle
Большой каранкс
Jack (Horse-eye)
Большеглазый каранкс
Shark (Bull)
Тупорылая акула (акула-бык)
Кейпкодский карась
Snapper (Mangrove)
Серый луциан
Snapper (Lane)
Краснохвостый луциан
Snapper (Mutton)
Светлый луциан
Снук (робало)

Описание тура

Are day trips are starting to produce alot of snook and snappers along with really really big jacks to days Total fish count was 9 snook 12 jacks 33 snappers 1 sheeps head / the night trip is on fire like always with large amount of snook and moon fish and sharks night trips fish count was 19 snook 24 moon fish 7 jacks 3 10foot bull sharks
Snook Action charters
Tequesta, Florida, United States
Snook Action Charters thumbnail
Snook Action Charters will take you on a memorable Florida fishing experience! Captain Allen Johnson has been guiding the waters around Jupiter for Snook for over 12 years. He has the local knowledge and confidence to be able to offer a ‘no Snook, n...

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