Trout Limits and Red Snapper
Август 20, 2020 Port O'Connor 2 фото
Speckled Trout
Пятнистая форель
Snapper (Red)
Красный луциан (снэппер)
Красный горбыль
Shark (Blacktip)
Черноперая акула

Описание тура

Caught limits of nice sized speckled trout today and some good red snapper. The trout were caught on artificials and the red snapper were caught on cut bait. It was a good day. A big shark bit one of the snappers in half. Also, caught a shark and a nice redfish.
Jon Mahan
Port-oconnor, Texas, United States
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Fishing out of Port O’Connor, Texas, Captain Jon Mahan Hunting & Fishing offers exciting inshore fishing trips for all the family. You’ll be on some of the most productive waters in Texas, fishing the well-known San Antonio Bay and its sur...

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