Kids Catch It All...
Август 11, 2020 Orleans 6 фото

Описание тура

I had Meghan Mcgarry and her family out on a half day tripout of Rock Harbor today. We fished the waters of Cape Cod Bay. They want stripers but first we went after some bluefish with light action trollong gear and cautght some bluefish and a bonito. The it was off to find some stripers. The kids did that as you can see. It was a good day.
Hap Farrell
Orleans, Massachusetts, United States
Cape Cod Bay Charters thumbnail
Rock Harbor is a tidal harbor, so your captain’s sailing schedule changes with the tides. Call the captain before the trip, so he can confirm the right meeting TIME. Trip starting times change with the tide. On board Cape Cod Bay Charters, you&rsquo...

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