Ambition report 26th.May'19
Май 24, 2019 Sydney 4 фото & 1 видео
Dolphin (Mahi Mahi)
Корифена (махи-махи)
Marlin (Blue)
Синий марлин (атлантический)
Tuna (Yellowfin)
Тунец (желтоперый)
Marlin (Striped)
Полосатый марлин

Описание тура

We went out last Wednesday to try and find those mysterious Yellowfin. Reports had been coming in of the Yellowfin ranging along the temperature break South-East of Browns. Along with the'fin were occasional encounters with Blue and Striped Marlin. One of which we caught last week. We took Joseph Liu out, he primarily wanted to deep drop on Browns and have a go at Kingfish on the way. Unfortunately the current was not favourable at all. The Peak were there had been some action over previous days was completely shut down. To top it off there was no way to fish Browns, in my opinion, with 3.5 knots of current. So, the last option was to go wide, find the temperature break and maybe those mysterious Yellowfin and Marlin. Well we did just that and we were working the break when Ben who was just ahead of us in his boat 'Markoo' called up to say the were hooked up to a Yellowfin which they ultimately landed, it weighed 62.5 kilo's. So we were in the right area but unfortunately to no avail. Of interest it was apparent the current was easing. I got another chance to chase those elusive Yellowfin on Friday. I took out Tim and Scott who had just arrived from Minnesota after an unexpected delay, so were a little fatigued. The aim again was to go to the temperature break, work it and hopefully find them a fish. We got to the break were it was immediately apparent the current had eased and moved further out. I know a lot of anglers believe in the change of tide but I am a sceptic having caught heaps of Marlin well away from the changes. In this case the change was at 12:38pm. We had a crashing strike at 12:20pm., I'm still a sceptic. When the fish struck I thought I'd seen a bill but the fish never showed itself, maybe it was a 'fin. Then after nearly half an hour it started to move up to the surface where I got a glimpse, it was a Marlin and when it jumped a big Stripy revealed itself. Either because this fish had conserved its energy by staying deep or because Tim and Scott were jetlagged and had had a VB or two it put up a tough fight and both of them fought it a couple of times. As you will see in the video it didn't want to give in and was incredibly aggressive even at the end . The current out there has eased further and the fact that there are Long liners working near that break is indicative of Yellowfin in the area. Hopefully when the weather stabilises again we'll find them, we'll certainly be looking. Tight lines Ivan
Ivan Bennett
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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Looking to experience the best angling opportunities that Sydney has to offer? Hop aboard Ambition Charters, run by one of the most experienced captains in the area!  Captain Ivan Bennett has been fishing for over 50 years now, is a lover of marine l...

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Ambition Report 17th.May’24
Ambition Report 17th.May’24
Май 17, 2024
There are two types of day out at sea, the good days and the not so good days. Well, Friday was one of those not so good days. Though the weather was perfect and the sea as flat as a pancake and the clients, Richard, his son and father more than keen the fishing was less than perfect. The guys were keen to catch a Marlin or a Yellowfin. Though getting late in the season for a Marlin still a possibility and with the Yellowfin due to turn up at any stage there was a degree of expectation. The water has cooled down considerably in the last week or so, the best I found was 22.7C in eight hundred fathoms. There were some interesting current lines but hardly any bait or bird activity and the current was going South at a rate of knots. Nonetheless we continued out. I decided to put out a light line to see what else might be around, and we ended up catching the occasional Skipjack and Mackerel tuna as well as a just legal Mahi Mahi in the middle of nowhere, keeping the clients busy and motivated. Then, out of the blue the ‘Shotgun’ took a hit and a beautiful Mahi Mahi burst out. It was a nice fish around the fifteen kilo mark, sadly the video doesn't do it any justice. Richard took the rod and gave it all he could. Sadly, when we had the fish close by, excitement at the sight of the fish all lit up got the better of him and didn’t maintain the pressure consequently the fish threw the hooks; disappointment all round. But that’s fishing. We neither saw nor heard of any other action and it was time to head back. A friend of mine had been out the previous day and seen Pilot Whales and lots of Sauries in a thousand fathoms but we didn’t see anything like it. I suppose that that action has moved further South with the current. Hopefully it is not the end of the Marlin season yet and those enigmatic Yellowfin will turn up soon. Tight lines, Ivan
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Ambition Report 28th.April’24
Ambition Report 28th.April’24
Апрель 27, 2024
Last weekend, coinciding with The Port Hacking 100 Tournament was an interesting if not frustrating couple of days to go fishing. Though it did have its highlights the fishing was disappointing when compared to the last few weeks with Striped Marlin. The Saturday was very quiet, a few Striped Marlin tagged and as many lost, Stripies being what they are. Undoubtably the most outstanding catch of the tournament was by a junior, Hunter Davies, fishing on ‘Tantrum’, who spent seven hours on a Blue Marlin which later weighed one hundred and seventy four point five kilo’s. Sunday was just as quiet but there were more encounters with big Blue Marlin, fish in the three hundred kilo range. Hopefully a sign of things to come. Sadly, there were no reports of Yellowfin tuna. The unluckiest boat of the tournament would have had to be Rob Molnar, ‘On Call’. They fished solidly for two days for virtually nothing but then just after the end of fishing hooked and tagged three Striped Marlin. I went out on Saturday taking Thomas Criniti and his family out to celebrate his father’s sixtieth birthday. The weather was pretty average to start with but soon calmed down. It was decided that Micky, Thomas’ sister would be first up. Sadly, listening to the tournament scheds with seventy two boats almost all calling zero’s didn’t inspire confidence. Then, just after the high tide the sounder beeped marking a couple of fish twenty fathoms down. I turned back on them and only a few minutes later there was a fish coming up behind Brad and yet another on Black Betty at the short corner. Black Betty hooked up and young Micky took the rod, the excitement on board was unbelievable. She did a great job on a very stubborn Striped Marlin which was eventually brought to boat and released. We saw nothing else for the rest of the day but in general it had been a good fun day and happy to have been among the few who caught fish. If the water stays as warm and the currents play the game hopefully the Blues will show up and maybe even the Yellowfin will show up too. Tight lines, Ivan
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Ambition Report 1st.April’24
Ambition Report 1st.April’24
Апрель 1, 2024
The Marlin bite here off Sydney continues as it has over the last few weeks with lots of reports coming in yesterday as well. Most boats out there are finding fish and more than a few experiencing multiples strikes. Most of the Marlin are Stripies but there is the occasional Blue as well as larger Mahi Mahi among them. We generally associate Striped Marlin with the shelf area, between eighty and one hundred and fifty fathoms where the bait congregates. However, this latest run has found the Stripies in numbers out to and over the thousand fathom line. There have been sightings of Yellowfin but they remain aloof though a few have been taken. I took George and his son Chase out today they saying it was their one-time chance to catch a Marlin. So, if it was going to happen today was the day. I put the lures in at eighty fathoms and trolled out towards Browns where there had been lots of action. At around four hundred fathoms we raised our first fish, a Striped Marlin which played with a couple of lures and did what Stripies do. We tried teasing it but no go. Expectation was now high, the guys had now seen their first Marlin and all eyes were glued to the lures. The second strike was a screamer but it only lasted a few seconds, the line snapping for no apparent reason and I sadly I lost one of my Brads. My only conclusion being that the line had tangled on the outrigger clip, one of the many ways to lose a Marlin. We continued on heading wider without seeing much but hearing that the action was further North, so off we went. It took a while for the next strike, but when it came it really took off, I thought it was a Blue. A long greyhounding run then sounding. George had the rod and was worked hard but he wanted to give his son a shot so they swapped over. This was a tough fish and Chase did a good job eventually bringing it to the boat and it was a Stripy a very very good one. The next fish hit us as we crossed the shelf on our way home. George took this one and made quick work of it. It put up quite a spectacular show much to the joy of George and Chase whose ambition, no pun intended, had been satisfied. Tight lines, Ivan
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