Ambition Charters

Ищете лучшие предложения рыбалки в Сиднее? Австралийская компания Ambition Charters организует запоминающийся тур для вас и ваших близких! В морских приключениях вас будет сопровождать капитан Беннетт, рыболовный стаж которого насчитывает более 50 лет.

Капитан приглашает в тур рыбаков любого уровня подготовки, так что зовите с собой семью или друзей, разделяющих ваше хобби. Иван расскажет вам всё о местной рыбе и покажет эффективные техники для ловли.

Вы будете рыбачить на борту просторного 12-метрового судна Precision, оснащённого двумя двигателями Iveco мощностью 370 л.с., GPS и рыболокатором Furuno. Здесь также есть холодильная камера, баки для тунца и наживки, рыболовное кресло, открытый мостик и аутригеры. Кухня с холодильником, телевизор, душ и туалет делают судно действительно комфортным. На борту разместятся до 6 гостей, включая детей старше 10 лет.

Щедрые воды залива Уотсонс-Бей предлагают большой выбор рыбы! Здесь можно попробовать свои силы в ловле чёрного, синего и полосатого марлина, желтохвоста, махи-махи, розового пагруса и желтопёрого тунца. Улов можно будет оставить себе, за исключением марлиновых: их нужно будет обязательно отпустить.

В тур входит использование удилищ и снастей Shimano и наживки, оформление лицензии на рыбалку, чистка и разделка рыбы, безалкогольные напитки.

Приготовьтесь к отличной рыбалке от Ambition Charters в богатых австралийских водах!

Trip availability and prices

  • Частный тур
    10 Hour Game Fishing
    БЕСПЛАТНАЯ отмена – за 7 дней до рыбалки
    10-часовая рыбалка, начало в 7:00 AM
    Цена за: до 6 человек
    US $1,553
    Come target some of the world's most famous big game fish on this 10-hour adventure! You'll depart early and head to the hottest fishing grounds, which vary from day-to-day. Depending on what's biting, you'll either troll, live bait, or skip bait for Marlin, Mahi Mahi, and Tuna. You will be returning to the Port between 5 and 6PM depending on the bite. During autumn and winter, you'll find Mako Sharks on offer, too – perfect for those who like high-flying fish! Your license and fishing gear are included.
    Глубоководная рыбалка
  • Частный тур
    10 Hour Tuna Trip
    БЕСПЛАТНАЯ отмена – за 7 дней до рыбалки
    10-часовая рыбалка, начало в 7:00 AM
    сезонный тур May 1 - Nov 30
    Цена за: до 6 человек
    US $1,553
    If you want to battle some beasts of the deep, join your captain in the late summer through winter, when Yellowfin, Bluefin, and Albacore Tuna show up in the waters around Sydney! You will depart at 7:00 a.m. from Watsons Bay, heading to the top fishing grounds around 20–30 miles offshore to troll or drift for your target species. Your fishing gear and license are included.
15 человек сейчас просматривают

Customer reviews

Средняя оценка
4.9 / 5
из 5 на основе 27 отзывов
4.9 / 5
5.0 / 5
4.9 / 5
Фото и видео клиентов (40)
November fishing trip
Best fishing experience ever!
Рейтинг рыбака
Оценено рыбаками
Хороший опыт
Дружелюбный капитан
Рекомендует этот чартр
Подходит для детей
Доволен лодкой
Поймал то, что хотел
Сортировать по:
5 из 27 отзывов
Michael F.
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
В общем


Подтвержденный   НОВЫЙ  10 Hour Game Fishing on Декабрь 27, 2024
Although the weather wasn’t looking to great Captain Ivan offered us the chance to change our dates, however the 4 of us...
Michael F. рекомендует Ambition Charters
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Michael F. рекомендует Ambition Charters
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Larry M.
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
В общем

Fantastic trip

Подтвержденный   НОВЫЙ  10 Hour Game Fishing on Декабрь 30, 2024
I chartered this boat for myself and my niece. The crew was very knowledgeable and courteous and shared some great fishing...
Larry M. рекомендует Ambition Charters
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Larry M. рекомендует Ambition Charters
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Philip W.
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
В общем

Awesome Guys

Подтвержденный   10 Hour Game Fishing on Апрель 18, 2024
We were looking for an offshore Trip for Marlin during our short term visit in Sydney. We decided to choose Ivan & Ron...
Philip W. рекомендует Ambition Charters
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  Ivan Bennett Капитан ответил

Xiao X.
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
В общем

Best fishing experience ever!

Подтвержденный   10 Hour Tuna Trip on Сентябрь 29, 2024
Ivan is professional and has a boat with specialized tuna fishing tools!We got a big tuna and 2 other fish! Best fishing...
Xiao X. рекомендует Ambition Charters
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Xiao X. рекомендует Ambition Charters
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George M.
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
В общем

Trip of a lifetime!

Подтвержденный   10 Hour Game Fishing on Апрель 1, 2024
Captain Ivan and mate were a pleasure to spend the day with and possessed exceptional knowledge on the fishery .  My Son and...
George M. рекомендует Ambition Charters
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  Ivan Bennett Капитан ответил

FAQ о Ambition Charters

Ambition Charters offers the following trips to customers:
  • AU $2,500 за группу - 10 Hour Game Fishing (10 часов)
  • AU $2,500 за группу - 10 Hour Tuna Trip (10 часов)

When you book a trip with Ambition Charters, you can expect the following amenities onboard:
  • Туалет
  • GPS Furuno
  • Рыболокатор Furuno
  • Открытый мостик (флайбридж)
  • Бак для наживки
  • Холодильный шкаф
  • Аутригеры
  • Трубы для тунца
  • Холодильная камера
  • Радар Furuno

Trips booked with Ambition Charters include:
  • Удочка, катушка и снасти (Shimano)
  • Наживка (if needed are caught on the day)
  • Приманка
  • Чистка и разделка рыбы на филе
  • Напитки (Soft drinks and water)
  • Первый помощник капитана
  • Лицензия на рыбалку

Ambition Charters offers the following types of fishing:
  • Прибрежная рыбалка
  • Рыбалка в открытом море (Up To 30 Miles)

Ambition Charters offers the following fishing techniques:
  • Легкая снасть – рыбалка (All Shimano Up To 24kg)
  • Троллинг (Shimano)
  • Джиггинг (Shimano)
  • Дрифтерная рыбалка (For Sharks And Tuna)
  • Глубоководная рыбалка

Top targeted fish species with Ambition Charters include:
  • Корифена (махи-махи)
  • Чёрный марлин
  • Синий марлин (атлантический)
  • Полосатый марлин
  • Акула Мако
  • Розовый пагрус
  • Тунец (желтоперый)
  • Желтохвост

Your captain

Ivan Bennett
Сидней, Новый Южный Уэльс, Австралия
Отчетов: 110
30 Отзывы клиентов
Время ответа: в течение часа
На сайте с: Ноябрь 2016
Рыбалка – настоящая страсть капитана, ведь он удит с самого детства. Уже более 30 лет он является членом Сиднейского клуба любителей рыбной ловли. Он охотится на рыбу вдоль восточного побережья Австралии. Капитан открыл свой бизнес в 2000 году, и с того времени ни один клиент не уходил от него недовольным!

The fish you can target

Корифена (махи-махи) Корифена (махи-махи)
Чёрный марлин Чёрный марлин
Синий марлин (атлантический) Синий марлин (атлантический)
Полосатый марлин Полосатый марлин

What the boat is like

Boat Image
Boat category
Sportfishing boats
6 persons
Boat length
40 ft
Year built
Restored in
Boat manufacturer
Boat type

Engine model
Powered by
2 x 370HP
Max cruising speed
22 knots

Which types of fishing are offered

Прибрежная рыбалка
Рыбалка в открытом море
Up To 30 Miles

Which fishing techniques you can try

Легкая снасть – рыбалка
All Shimano Up To 24kg
Дрифтерная рыбалка
For Sharks And Tuna
Глубоководная рыбалка

Which amenities are available onboard

Открытый мостик (флайбридж)
Бак для наживки
Холодильный шкаф

What’s included in the trip price

Удочка, катушка и снасти
if needed are caught on the day
Чистка и разделка рыбы на филе
Soft drinks and water
Первый помощник капитана
Лицензия на рыбалку

How cancellations work

Бесплатная отмена бронирования до 7 дней до поездки

Клиенты могут бесплатно отменить или изменить бронирование до 7 дней до даты поездки. Если поездка отменена или изменена позже (или в случае неявки), взимается 100% от суммы депозита.

What the listing policies are

Трансфер не включен
Transfer to/from departure site is not included in trip rates.
Доступно для детей
Over 14 Years Old
Курение запрещено
Вы забираете улов
No Marlin are killed...
Разрешено поймать и отпустить
Строго поймать и отпустить
Marlin Are Strictly Released

How you can pay

Бронируйте с депозитом 15%, оплатите остаток капитану

Когда капитан/гид подтвердит бронирование, FishingBooker зарезервирует средства на вашей кредитной карте (15%) в качестве депозита для гарантии бронирования.

Оставшуюся часть суммы необходимо оплатить капитану/гиду лично в день рыбалки или заранее. Способы оплаты:

Банковский перевод

What’s biting in Сидней right now

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Свежие отчеты о рыбалке

Ambition Report 30th.December’24
Ambition Report 30th.December’24
Декабрь 30, 2024
I am glad to say that this remarkable run of Marlin continues. We took Izzy and her Grandfather Larry out yesterday to chase these Marlin knowing we had every chance of success. Not to say that luck doesn’t play a part. So, on a glorious summer day we headed out. After fishing in some horrible weather over the last week this day was a dream. I ran out to seventy fathoms and put the lures in. The water was twenty-three degrees and a beautiful blue the scene was set, all we needed were the actors. There was little chat on the radio but what there was, was talk of the boats raising Stripies which were only half-heartedly hitting the lures. We trolled for a time without any success so I decided to skip some baits. It wasn’t hard to find a bait ball high in the water column and one drop of the jig gave us six reasonable Slimies. We put the skippies out on the riggers and I decided to leave the ‘Brad’J’’ out there as a teaser. A big mistake. I should have taken the hooks out of it first. Over an hour of running the skippies two Striped Marlin came in and hit the ‘Brad’J’’ of all things. But because we were trolling at a slow speed we didn’t get a hook-ups. Only one Stripy came in to hit a skippy but it hit the leader instead and spooked. By now it was mid-afternoon and the bait had gone down so the skippies were pulled in and the lures re-launched. After what seemed like an interminable amount of time the short rigger took off at a huge rate of knots and a Marlin bust out screaming off at a rate of knots. It seemed to take forever to get the other lures in and the reel was being stripped very quickly. So much so that with a rigger still out I started backing up trying to slow down the rate of line loss. Izzy had taken the rod and was feverishly trying to gain line. In the meantime, the Marlin was greyhounding at what looked like a mile away. It took some time, but we finally got the Marlin under control. It was still hard work for Izzy as the fish was dogging it down deep refused to come up. I surmised that this was either a foul hooked Stripy or a Blue, but a Blue in seventy fathoms seemed unlikely, so I thought. It did take some time but Izzy worked the Marlin up and unbelievably, to me anyway, it was a Blue Marlin looking to be one hundred and thirty to one hundred and forty kilo’s. We eventually did release the Blue much to very weary Issy’s relief; she had done a great job. We had just put the lures in again when to our surprise after not having gone more than a couple of hundred metres we hooked up again, this time to a Striped Marlin with Larry taking the rod. Then and not so surprisingly the Marlin jumped off. It was time to go home. Tight Lines, Ivan
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Ambition Report 29th.December’24
Ambition Report 29th.December’24
Декабрь 27, 2024
After watching the weather during the week there hadn’t been any moderation, so I was a bit concerned about the day’s fishing on Friday. The marine charts also didn’t seem really good with the current coming from the South. The only interesting feature being the zero line around the fifty fathom line. I gave Mike and his crew the option to postpone the charter but they were keen so off we went. I think their excitement waned a little when one of them was sick as we went through the Heads. Sadly it wasn’t long before Mike was the only man standing. However he was still keen and we put the lures in and started trolling out. We were out in about seventy fathoms. The sea was a little angry as you can see in the video and fighting a Marlin was going to be interesting if not a little damp. I must say I was just thinking it didn’t look fishy at all, no bait, no birds and just over twenty one degree. As if to make a liar of me ‘Brad’ on the shotgun took at a rate of knots. Suddenly everyone was awake, and the excitement was palpable. To my surprise it was a Black Marlin and a good one too and it didn’t like the boat especially when Mark took the trace. After we released the Black we were on our way again and didn’t even have the full spread out when ’Brad’ was hit again, this time a Striped Marlin which put on a great show and was soon released. So, with two Marlin within a short space of time I turned around a to go back over the area again. Well it happened again. This time we raised two or maybe three Stripies. One hit the shot gun another the long rigger but the only one that stuck hit the short corner with ‘Black Betty’. Amazingly for a day which looked like a no go it turned out to be the best day’s fishing for these guys. Actually, a good day’s fishing by anyone’s standard off Sydney. Our final count for the day was six strikes, four hook ups and three released, all this with no bait and a horrible sea. I think the fish are just passing by in the current like us searching for the bait, and if you’re lucky you strike gold. By this time the state of the sea had overcome the excitement of the Marlin and the call was made to head back. Interestingly I think we spent more time fighting Marlin than actually trolling for them. Being so early in the season and with the best Marlin months still ahead of us one can’t help but be optimistic about the days ahead. Tight Lines, Ivan
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