Стон-Харбор – отчеты о рыбалке

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Отчеты о рыбалке из Stone Harbor

Sea bass fun!
Sea bass fun!
Октябрь 29, 2023
Ran out to the rubble and wrecks with Keith. Our first pile was a barrage of constant tog bites. The rigs no sooner hit the bottom when they were assaulted by rapid fire tog bites. I managed to pull up five. Keith fed them. Nothing big, but all were fun. We decided to run out deeper. We didn't mark much on the pieces we were hovering over, but we built up a bite. All short sea bass, and a short flounder landed by Keith. Just before we left, we managed a keeper sea bass each. But the bite had slowed considerably. Onward we went. Our final destination had two boats already working it over. We found our own area to ply and dropped down our rigs. Mole crabs, squid, and clam all worked. The current was really heavy, pulling our sinkers out further than we wanted. I should have put on heavier leads, but we managed. The boat drifting behind us pulled in a beast of a sea bass, measuring in at 20 inches. The other boat to our left wasn't doing so well. We had consistent action. Our companions decided to leave, so we poked around. We spot locked on what looked to be a tasty piece with fish hovering above it. Around this time another boat decided to join us. Rather than simply drifting across the area, he decided to run a circle around us. He then stopped about twenty yards off our stern and held his position by back trolling. His exhaust fumes we just lovely. Then he'd let her go and drift by us. And repeat the process. Granted, he never interfered with our fishing, but it was annoying. Especially his exhaust. Courtesy is dead. They finally left, they weren't doing so well. We hung out enjoying the now quiet and fresh air. We ended up keeping thirteen out of the fifty sea bass we caught (yes, I keep score). We tossed plenty of keepers back. We could have had our two man limit, but decided we didn't need all of those fish. We had plenty. We finally called it a day. The conditions were incredible, except for the raging current. Not sure of it was the Moon or the tropical storm, either way, it made things interesting. The trolling motor got a work out. Can't wait for tog season to open back up, and the striper bite to get more consistent. Well, out front at least. They are chewing in the back... Tight Lines!
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More fun in the back!
More fun in the back!
Октябрь 24, 2023
Ran around the back last night despite the crappy tide and the Vikings playing Monday Night Football. Turns out it was a pretty good choice. My first stop was just an effort in frustration. There were stripers cruising around chasing small baits. I cast out and worked my jig back through them, but not a glance. I repeated this a dozen or so times with zero reaction. I though about putting a plug on, or switching to another color plastic, but decided to just move on. My next stop had some seriously low water levels. I tried a few casts, but it wasn't worth the effort. I moved again, and found some stripers. I managed to land two, both around 25 inches. I missed two others. As I was poking around I saw some movement. It turned out tobbe a squadron of squid. They were harassing the hell out of spearing. As luck would have it, I had a squid jig in my tackle bag. I put it on and proceeded to catch a few of the evil little buggers. Every one I landed did its best to shoot ink and water at me. Then, when pulling free of the sharp spines of the squid jig, they try to grab you and bite you with that nasty little beak they have. Evil. But really fun to catch, and they make for great bait and good eats. Once the squid got wise to me I moved on. I hit a bridge and found a bunch of shad flashing in the depths. I put on a sabiki rig and had some fun landing a handful. I really need tobstart bringing the fly rod out. Catching those mini tarpon on a fly is an absolute blast! The sabiki is fun too. I managed to land five, and lost at least twice that many. Once the tide quite they vanished. I checked a few more spots, but the dead tide had them all empty. Hopped back into the truck and listened to the end of the game as I drove home. Good fishing and a Viking victory. It was a good night. Tight Lines!
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Fall fishing at it's finest!
Fall fishing at it's finest!
Октябрь 14, 2023
What a fun day out! Skel and I ran out to see what we might find. First stop was the reef. We spot locked over a pile of rubble and hauled up short sea bass, after short sea bass. I managed three blues and a triggerfish too. Made a move to o eof the wrecks, but it was barren. Ran a few miles further out and tried another wreck. We found more sea bass, but they were even smaller. The question burning in our minds was simple; push further out in search of bigger sea bass, or, run back inside and enjoy the bent rods? We ended up pushing further out. We found some sea bass pots and worked the area in between them. There were clouds of fish! We started off with bait, Mole crabs, clam, and squid. Then I changed up to jigging. Jigs were the ticket. Bigger fish and quicker results. While hauling up a ton of short sea bass, we slowly drifted close to one of the pots. We noticed some movement and realized there was a big school of little mahi holding to the structure. We tried chunks of peanuts, whole peanuts, and all sorts of lures. Skel managed to finally get one of the slightly larger mahi to bite his chunk. It bent the rod for about three seconds and spit the hook. I finally had enough. I ran back over to the little piece of rubble and dropped our jigs. We started right back where we left off. The sea bass were voracious, and for some reason, bigger. We hauled in fifteen keepers in short order, along with loads of shorts. I even got a big porgy. Unfortunately time wasn't on our side. I could've stayed out there all day. But, obligations take precedence over fun at times... The autumn bite is just getting started. The sea bass will be moving in as the water cools. The tog bite will get even better. Stripers are already holding around the back bay structures and will be migrating along our coast in due time. So much fun yet to come! Tight Lines!
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