Deep bottom fishing 300m
Май 08, 2024 Barcelona 2 фото

Описание тура

Today the weather was perfect, sea calm and sunny day. So we decided to do Deep Bottom Fishing with electrically powered reels. Due because 200-300 meters you will need... The sort of fish we catch that way is spectacular and delicious food ? Scorporae and Grouper f.e. Also others that are considered highly by Connaisseurs ... ?
Sport Fishing Barcelona
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Sport Fishing Barcelona – Ramfel thumbnail
Customers may enjoy eating the fish they catch after the trip at a restaurant at the port or at the Beach Bar. Departing from Port Balis, Llavaneres, which is only 25 minute’s drive from Barcelona, the crew of Ramfel proves that a day spent fishing ...

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