Thursday, March 30, 2023 (PM)
Март 30, 2023 Puerto Aventuras 7 фото
Ваху (колючая пеламида)

Описание тура

We did it!!!! A very sunny afternoon out on the Caribbean and we hooked an awesome sailfish and two big wahoo! The sailfish put up an incredible fight and made for great photos - we were happy to let it straight back to its watery home. The two wahoo came home for dinner. It was a memorable day out at sea for both our crew and the lovely family that joined us.
Pescado Adventures
Puerto-aventuras, Quintana Roo, Mexico
Pescado Adventures – Luhrs 40' thumbnail
Pescado Adventures is located in Puerto Aventuras and offers to show you a memorable time in these waters. The crew will do its best to make sure you have a fun day full of fishing, which involves 4-, 6- and 8-hour trips. Opportunities to visit pristine c...

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