Father and Son
Декабрь 21, 2022 Quepos 2 фото

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Fred and his son Bear joined us for a few and ticked about all the boxes you can. Day one was meat fishing for the time they were down and caught tuna and mahi to the point they were worried about a big bite. Day two and three were focus on billfish and these guys proved to be machines. After releasing a few sails, we had one of the biggest Striped Marlin I’ve seen ignore all the tackle ready for him and ate one of the two ballyhoo on a 20. After right at three hours Fred released his first stripe. I have to hand it to him. Not too many people can endure that kind of time on the rod. The fish was still green at boat side and wasn’t having any part of Bear holding his bill for a photo op. Honesty, I don’t think Bear was either when that fish was showing him who’s boss. Our final day resulted in more meat fish released and just as the day before finished with Bear releasing his first blue just as his dad did the day before after two hours on the rod. It was a special trip for everyone and loved seeing after and son make a memory I’m certain will be passed around many tables. #quepossportfishing #marinapezvela #fishingcostarica #manuelantonio #travelcostarica #fishing #billfish #squidnation #quepostackleshop #bigluresmatter
Bucket List Sportfishing
Quepos, Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica
Bucket List Sportfishing thumbnail
Leave the shores behind and join Bucket List Sportfishing for an unforgettable day on the water! Sportfishing charters run daily out of beautiful Marina Pez Vela in Quepos Costa Rica, located right outside Manuel Antonio National Park. This amazing crew t...

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