The Bite is on fire
Октябрь 09, 2022 Puerto Vallarta 1 фото

Описание тура

This October the bite is starting off Great!! The big Marlin, Sailfish, are outside the bay 8-to-10-hour trip mahi-mahi have started to move closer in a great 6-hour trip The weather has been improving the rainy seasons is coming to an end.
Draggin Lures Sportfishing
Puerto-vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico
Draggin Lures Sportfishing thumbnail
Draggin Lures Sportfishing is located in Puerto Vallarta and offers to show you a memorable time in these waters. Captian will do his best to make sure you have a fun day full of fishing. This involves 4 to 10-hour trips, mainly fishing for Marlin, Sailfi...

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