Frank Breakell

Member since February 2015 Stone Harbor, United States
I grew up on the water. I have been fishing since I can remember. I have worked the waters around Cape May County, NJ all of my life; from boats, the beaches, and every sort of man made structure that I could access. Fishing, crabbing, and clamming, I have done, and do it all. My family and I love the water and what it has to offer, and I enjoy sharing that with others. I also tie and sell rigs, Brown Dog Bombs, and make surf fishing plugs.
I love all types of fishing! A relaxing day out in the boat drifting or anchored over a wreck. Walking along a sod bank or out on a jetty. Casting from a dock or a bridge. Heaving out a chunk of bait from the surf. I love it all!

Я – Frank Breakell

Стон-Харбор, Соединенные Штаты
I grew up on the water. I have been fishing since I can remember. I have worked the waters around Cape May County, NJ all of my life; from boats, the beaches, and every sort of man made structure that I could access. Fishing, crabbing, and clamming, I have done, and do it all. My family and I love the water and what it has to offer, and I enjoy sharing that with others. I also tie and sell rigs, Brown Dog Bombs, and make surf fishing plugs.
I love all types of fishing! A relaxing day out in the boat drifting or anchored over a wreck. Walking along a sod bank or out on a jetty. Casting from a dock or a bridge. Heaving out a chunk of bait from the surf. I love it all!

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Fun reef trip!
Fun reef trip!
июль 24, 2023 Стон-Харбор
Ran out this morning with Randy, his son Sean, and buddy Matt. The weather prognosticators finally got it right today, we had the calm seas they called for. The water was clear and warm too. Perfect conditions. We ran to the reef and set up our drift over some rubble. These guys were new to salt water fishing. So I explained the finer points; bounce your rod, give line to the fish when they hit, feel the weight and set the hook, don't reel all the way up, don't lift the fish out of the water,...and so on. It's a lot if you don't do it often. Getting the feel takes time. So, we drifted over the rubble, they got hits, missed, and gave out free meals to hungry fish. You're welcome PETA. Eventually they got the hang of it and started to pull up fish. Matt started things off with a sea robin. Then Sean got a sea bass and a sea robin. Around that time I decided to make a move and switch up tactics. We set up over a really large piece and I back trolled to hold us over various parts. The drift was slow anyway, but I figured it was worth a shot. It worked. Sean got a flounder. Then Matt got a keeper, but due to a SNAFU, it shook the hook. I won't mention any names...Matt! As was his usual today, Matt reeled up way too far and lifted. He was also tangled in Randy's line. The flounder saw it's chance and bolted. It was of course a nice sized keeper. To Matt's credit, he did land another keeper on a subsequent drift. He listened this time and it went into the box. Things slowed up on the rubble piles so we took a ride and spot locked over a wreck. We picked at sea bass and fed a bunch. While sitting there a school of striped fish took up residence beneath the boat. Not sure if they were pilotfish or banded rudderfish. We dropped small baited hooks down, even a jig, but they wouldn't touch anything. Would've been nice to catch one to see what they were. We called it a day when the bite slowed. I think a few of the boys were feeling a bit green beneath their gills too. But they endured the entire trip and did very well. We had a blast, and a lot of laughs. We won't discuss the ride behind Avalon in the no wake area... let's just say, there are some serious idiots driving boats out there. And I can't always hold back my 12 Guage, hair triggered mouth. The Coast Guard had a word with them, so all is right in the world. And overall, it was a great day! Tight Lines!
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Fun times!
Fun times!
июль 23, 2023 Стон-Харбор
What a fun day! I had the pleasure of guiding CJ, Kim, Chase, and Lucia. We ran out into the ocean to see if we could spot some dolphins. It was a bit on the choppy side ( again), but manageable. Chase and Lucia were laughing their heads off enjoying the wild ride. CJ was a bit worried the kids wouldn't enjoy the ride, let alone the fishing. We had planned on going for two, maybe three hours. Suffice to say, we made it a bit over four. I offered the opportunity to fish one of the near shore wrecks, to see how the kids might like it. We spot locked over some structure and dropped our lines down. We were marking fish, or my sounder is a massive lying twat. We couldn't get them to bite though. They'd steal the baits, but you never felt a touch. We moved around to different pieces, but it was always the same. The wind kicked up a bit more and Kim decided it was time for us to head into the back to see what we could find. We drifted a few different areas and again encountered bait stealers. I put a Brown Dog Bomb kingfish rig on one of the rods and we finally broke the ice. Lucia, and then Chase hauled up a croaker each. And just that fast the bite turned off in that spot. We hit another area and drifted a sod bank. We started catching again. Lucia pulled up a few little sea bass, as did Chase. Then CJ finally kept his bait on long enough to pull up a flounder. It was short, but he had bragging rights for biggest fish. It was short lived. Chase hooked and landed a bigger flounder! It was about an eighth of an inch short of keeper size. There were a few more sea bass and croakers in the mix. But Chase ended up as the high hook on the day. The fishing wasn't stellar, but the fun and memories were beyond worth the time spent on the water. Lucia and Chase will be pestering mom and dad for a boat for sure. I hope they get one. They'll enjoy it for years! Tight Lines!
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Shorts, but fun...
Shorts, but fun...
июль 22, 2023 Стон-Харбор
Ran out front with my friend Keith and his son Keith Jr. The maritime forecast was a bit off, imagine my surprise. It called for 2' at 12 seconds, which would've been a dream. Instead it was 2' with occasional 3's at maybe 1 second. It was manageable though. We had planned on going out to try our hand at trolling to see what we might find. Given the conditions we decided to stay closer and play with flounder. When we arrived on the reef we were greeted by an 8' hammerhead shark cruising along. It came up to the boat then slowly slid back down into the depths before we could get our phones out for a photo. Not sure how effective throwing a baited hook would've been, but that thought crossed our minds briefly. We set up on our first drift over some heavy rubble piles and found that the drift was rather fast. Spent the rest of the time backtracking rather than using the trolling motor. It worked as we picked at the flounder, sea bass, and weakies. All of which were short, of course. After we made a few drifts over that pile we moved on the next. Of course some nimrod in a blue boat decided that I knew where the fish were and followed me. And closely, never mind etiquette. I normally don't care if someone is close, it's usually crowded on the reefs. But I was one of six boats, not counting the two head boats there. Spread out! So Mr. Blue kept following me and staying close. Finally I said something, he acted like he couldn't hear me, but must've gotten the message as he moved away. Anyway, we continued to pick at shorts. We made one more move over a wreck. I spot locked over some choice structure and we tried for sea bass. It was dead at first, but then we started to pick at them. Then it died out again. We took a ride out to check out a buoy, but nobody was home. The wind was coming up some and the white caps were getting more pronounced. We called it a day and ran it back in. Really fun day out there catching up with Keith and I trouncing Jr. to inshore fishing. Pretty sure he's now hooked... Tight Lines!
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Fun Bay beach day!
Fun Bay beach day!
июль 18, 2023 Стон-Харбор
Ran Jim, Shay, and Colby down onto the beach today to try the surf. We were greeted with some thick fog. Things looked good otherwise. I set out four rods to ply the waters. And there they sat. An hour, not a touch other than us hauling them in to change the baits. Decided to make a move to the Bay side. Walking off the beach one of the wheels popped off the cart. The lynch pin holding the tire on somehow vanished. Luckily I had some wire and made a quick fix of the situation. Another angler walking onto the beach asked how we did, to which I replied, nada. He said it was the same yesterday. So, adding things up in my head, I read we had some upwelling and a front push through, then of course we have the New Moon. And the water looked quite cloudy. Thus, no fish. We arrived on the Bay side and set back up. Three fun fish rods, two for sharks and rays. The action was more immediate. We started off with a kingfish, then a spot, then a spike weakie. Then a doggie. And the action continues just like that. Steady pick of mostly spot, weakies, and kingies, with a few doggies in the mix. A bit later one of the big boy rods went over. Shay pounced on it and whipped a nice little brow sharks tail. We got the hook out and took a few pictures for posterity, then got it swimming again. Once the tide turned back out the bite slowed considerably. We picked a few more fish, but no where near as many as earlier. Then the crowd started to thicken, so we called it a day. Had a great time with Jim and the boys. They kicked butt and took names today. Solid fishermen. Hopefully they check out so.e of the spots I showed them and find some more fish before they head back home... Tight Lines!
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Half Day Back Bay Fishing Trip w Captain Frank
Half Day Back Bay Fishing Trip w Captain Frank
Half Day Back Bay Fishing Trip w Captain Frank
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United States
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Evening Beach surf trip

Подтвержденный   4 Hour Trip–Surf Fishing Beach (PM) on Июль 20, 2022
What an incredible guy and Top notch Captain! My kids had a great time surf fishing with Captain Frank! I can’t...
Don C. рекомендует Brynnie-B Inshore Fishing, LLC
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Michael M.
Pittsburgh, PA
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August fishing trip

Подтвержденный   6 Hour Trip on Август 9, 2021
Thanks Captain Frank! We had a great day on the water. You put us on fish all day-flounder, skate, sea bass, and sea robins....
Michael M. рекомендует Brynnie-B Inshore Fishing, LLC
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Jennifer H.
Quarryville, PA
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Another great trip

Подтвержденный   6 Hour Trip on Июнь 12, 2021
This is our second trip with Captain Frank. We had a very good day of fishing despite tough conditions. The captain worked...
Jennifer H. рекомендует Brynnie-B Inshore Fishing, LLC
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Jilian W.
Neffsville, PA
5.0 / 5
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Second year out on the boat

Подтвержденный   4 Hour Trip (AM) on Июль 21, 2022
We live this trip and look forward to it every year. The fish were shy, but we all just love being out on the water. Highly...
Jilian W. рекомендует Brynnie-B Inshore Fishing, LLC
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  Frank Breakell Капитан ответил

Tim H.
Ashland, Nebraska
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4 hour inshore and a one day later 4 hour shore fishing

Подтвержденный   4 Hour Trip (AM) on Июль 3, 2019
My sons and I have never done this type of fishing before and Captain Frank was very informative on what to do. The boat fishing...
Tim H. рекомендует Brynnie-B Inshore Fishing, LLC
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