Chase Petty

Member since May 2023 Counce, United States
Chase, a native of Northwest Tennessee, grew up exploring exceptional Crappie fishing lakes like Reelfoot Lake and the Tennessee River. Motivated by his own incredible experiences, Chase began guiding fishing trips in 2015, and his business has thrived ever since. His expertise and skill have led him to multiple victories in top nationwide Crappie fishing tournaments. Join Chase on a fishing adventure, learn from a champion, and make unforgettable memories that will endure a lifetime.
Single Pole, Casting, Long Poling

Я – Chase Petty

Counce, Соединенные Штаты
Chase, a native of Northwest Tennessee, grew up exploring exceptional Crappie fishing lakes like Reelfoot Lake and the Tennessee River. Motivated by his own incredible experiences, Chase began guiding fishing trips in 2015, and his business has thrived ever since. His expertise and skill have led him to multiple victories in top nationwide Crappie fishing tournaments. Join Chase on a fishing adventure, learn from a champion, and make unforgettable memories that will endure a lifetime.
Single Pole, Casting, Long Poling

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