Ки-Ларго Тарпон Рыбалка Рыбалка

Ки-Ларго Тарпон Рыбалка Рыбалка

Лучшая Тарпон рыбалка – Ки-Ларго

Ки-Ларго: 105 туров доступно
5.0 / 5
(245 reviews)
5.0 / 5
(40 reviews)
4.7 / 5
(32 reviews)
5.0 / 5
(9 reviews)
5.0 / 5
(2 reviews)
4.9 / 5
(17 reviews)
4.3 / 5
(3 reviews)
4.8 / 5
(10 reviews)

Тарпон Рыбалка – Ки-Ларго

  • Размер 25 to 80lbs
  • Пищевая ценность Отсутствует
  • Игровые качества Отлично
  • Местообитания Inshore, Flats, Backcountry

(Megalops atlanticus)

There are many things in life that should make it onto your bucket list. Key Largo Tarpon fishing should definitely be one of them. It’s not about whether you’ll find a Tarpon or not out here, but whether you'll have what it takes to reel it in.

What to Expect  

You won’t need a long trip to target Tarpon. Anywhere from 4–8 hours will give you enough time to get to the fishing grounds and start fishing for Tarpon.

Most charters will run bay boats, flats boats, or skiffs into the flats and backcountry to target Tarpon. These are smaller boats, so group sizes are usually a maximum of four people. Most boats will have an elevated platform for sight fishing.

If you really want to test your skills, try fly fishing for Tarpon. Also kown as the Silver King, Tarpon will break the line in over 60% of hook ups, so landing one on the boat really gives you bragging rights. All Tarpon should be released after you’ve taken your photo.

A great trip to go on is one that mixes backcountry fishing with inshore fishing. Trips that start in the afternoon give you the chance to fish for Tarpon in the evenings when they're most active.

How to Prepare

Your license will be included in the price of the trip. You’ll probably need to bring along your own food and drink, but be aware of the limited space on board. Remember to leave any beverages in glass bottles at home.

For avid fly fishermen, you’ll be using up to a 12 wt rod in windy conditions – be prepared for a hard fight and you’ll have a great story to tell when you're back home.

Don’t waste a second of your vacation and book a trip with a Key Largo Tarpon fishing guide today. You’ll get to all the hottest spots quickly and be targeting the Silver King before you know it.

Ки-Ларго Тарпон – сезоны

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Тарпон fishing in Ки-Ларго varies moderately throughout the year. High season is May to September. Low season is January and December. There is no closed season.
4.6 / 5
На основе 28,835 отзывов клиентов FishingBooker

Тарпон Рыбалка – Key Largo – что говорят?

Listen to the recommendations of the captain. They know which fish are active.
5.0 / 5
Listen to the recommendations of the captain. They know which fish are active.
Captain Pete Jacobsen
Captain Pete Jacobsen
Enjoy your day on the water and take your fresh catch to Lazy Lobster where they will prepare it for a great meal.
5.0 / 5
Enjoy your day on the water and take your fresh catch to Lazy Lobster where they will prepare it for a great meal.
Mahi Mania Fishing Charters
Mahi Mania Fishing Charters
We enjoyed inshore fishing. We would definitely recommend it for people with kids. It is much more active than trolling.
5.0 / 5
We enjoyed inshore fishing. We would definitely recommend it for people with kids. It is much more active than trolling.
Tail Gator Charters
Tail Gator Charters
Bring something for sea sickness. We used scopolamine patch. Bring slicker suit.
5.0 / 5
Bring something for sea sickness. We used scopolamine patch. Bring slicker suit.
Underwater Cowboy
Underwater Cowboy
This was a perfect trip for my wife and me I would recommend it for those who would like to experience a bit of the Everglades parkland and catch a variety of fish
5.0 / 5
This was a perfect trip for my wife and me I would recommend it for those who would like to experience a bit of the Everglades parkland and catch a variety of fish
Off Course Charters
Off Course Charters
I’m not from the Keys, so I only gave it a good review because I don’t know how great it really can be.
5.0 / 5
I’m not from the Keys, so I only gave it a good review because I don’t know how great it really can be.
Local Grown Charters
Local Grown Charters
Bring food drink sunscreen and you will need time to find the fish more time to find the fish as the ocean is vast
5.0 / 5
Bring food drink sunscreen and you will need time to find the fish more time to find the fish as the ocean is vast
Captain Pete Jacobsen
Captain Pete Jacobsen
Yes, pick the right captain and your will catch fish as well as see plenty of cool stuff.
5.0 / 5
Yes, pick the right captain and your will catch fish as well as see plenty of cool stuff.
Lock It Up Charters
Lock It Up Charters
Die beste Saison soll scheinbar im circa Dezember/Januar oder im Juli/August sein. April ist trotzdem eine gute Zeit, für Anfänger sogar ideal. Es muss ja nicht gleich ein Hai oder Tuna sein ?
5.0 / 5
Die beste Saison soll scheinbar im circa Dezember/Januar oder im Juli/August sein. April ist trotzdem eine gute Zeit, für Anfänger sogar ideal. Es muss ja nicht gleich ein Hai oder Tuna sein ?
Chef Charles The Fishing Chef
Chef Charles The Fishing Chef
Expect all weather conditions and use motion sickness medication even if you do not think you will get seasick.
4.7 / 5
Expect all weather conditions and use motion sickness medication even if you do not think you will get seasick.
Underwater Cowboy
Underwater Cowboy
Waters can be a bit choppy in April. For an amazing experience, if there is a slight possibility you may get sea sick, be sure to take something ahead of time.
4.7 / 5
Waters can be a bit choppy in April. For an amazing experience, if there is a slight possibility you may get sea sick, be sure to take something ahead of time.
Mahi Mania Fishing Charters
Mahi Mania Fishing Charters Tampa, Florida
Yes. Just make sure the boat you’re chartering is size appropriate for the number of people you’re bringing.
5.0 / 5
Yes. Just make sure the boat you’re chartering is size appropriate for the number of people you’re bringing.
Off-Ice Charters
Off-Ice Charters
It was our first time in Key Largo and completely different to fishing in England and France... I would definitely recommend trying this to anyone visiting Key Largo for the first time.
5.0 / 5
It was our first time in Key Largo and completely different to fishing in England and France... I would definitely recommend trying this to anyone visiting Key Largo for the first time.
Off Course Charters
Off Course Charters
Key Largo has some a great water habitat for fishing and tons of wild life can be seen on any given day.
5.0 / 5
Key Largo has some a great water habitat for fishing and tons of wild life can be seen on any given day.
Off-Ice Charters
Off-Ice Charters
Just be patient! A bad day on the water is better than a great day at work as they say!! Just enjoy everything about being in such a beautiful place! March weather is beautiful!
5.0 / 5
Just be patient! A bad day on the water is better than a great day at work as they say!! Just enjoy everything about being in such a beautiful place! March weather is beautiful!
Aloha Boat Charters
Aloha Boat Charters
If on a half or full day trip and go out far into the open ocean .... bring your see legs it gets rough on the windy days. Motion/seasickness bracelets work great! Have phone or waterproof camera for personal footage of what will be an amazing experience!
5.0 / 5
If on a half or full day trip and go out far into the open ocean .... bring your see legs it gets rough on the windy days. Motion/seasickness bracelets work great! Have phone or waterproof camera for personal footage of what will be an amazing experience!
Lock It Up Charters
Lock It Up Charters
Key Largo has an awesome fishery, but due to the weather the day we went we weren’t able to take full advantage of it, but did the best we could and got a good meal of fish.
5.0 / 5
Key Largo has an awesome fishery, but due to the weather the day we went we weren’t able to take full advantage of it, but did the best we could and got a good meal of fish.
Eye Catcher Charters – Key Largo
Eye Catcher Charters – Key Largo
Weather that day seemed to be perfect but didn’t catch allot of fish going through the mangroves. The captain even did recommend booking a 4 instead of a 2 hour trip to go further out to better chances of catching more fish.
5.0 / 5
Weather that day seemed to be perfect but didn’t catch allot of fish going through the mangroves. The captain even did recommend booking a 4 instead of a 2 hour trip to go further out to better chances of catching more fish.
Aloha Boat Charters
Aloha Boat Charters
Skip the bigger charters who aren't concerned with catching fish. Find the locals that have smaller more personalized trips and can get you on fish.
5.0 / 5
Skip the bigger charters who aren't concerned with catching fish. Find the locals that have smaller more personalized trips and can get you on fish.
Lock It Up Charters
Lock It Up Charters
Fishing in the Atlantic is a lot of fun, when you catch a fish you never know what it might be.
5.0 / 5
Fishing in the Atlantic is a lot of fun, when you catch a fish you never know what it might be.
Underwater Cowboy
Underwater Cowboy