Рыбалка - Новая Зеландия

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Топ Новая Зеландия направлений

Новая Зеландия: 53 туров доступно
5.0 / 5
(320 reviews)
5.0 / 5
(41 reviews)
4.9 / 5
(110 reviews)
4.9 / 5
(160 reviews)
4.7 / 5
(78 reviews)
4.8 / 5
(119 reviews)
4.6 / 5
(37 reviews)
4.9 / 5
(45 reviews)
4.8 / 5
(74 reviews)
4.9 / 5
(23 reviews)

Frequently Asked Questions about Fishing Charters in New Zealand

According to customer reviews, some of the most popular fishing charters in New Zealand are: Full list of top fishing charters in New Zealand

The average price for a private 4 hour New Zealand fishing trip is US $367, while an 8 hour private trip will cost you US $956 based on prices on FishingBooker.com.

Fishing charters in New Zealand that received great reviews from families are:

The top 3 fish species targeted on guided fishing trips in New Zealand are:

The top 3 fishing techniques in New Zealand are:

The top 3 types of fishing in New Zealand are:

Many fishing charters in New Zealand provide rods, reels and tackle. Some of the top rated are:

According to customer reviews on FishingBooker.com, some of the best rated charter captains in New Zealand are:

Who are the top awarded captains in New Zealand?

Some of the fishing trips offered by fishing charters in New Zealand are:
  • 2-hour fishing trips – US $357
  • 3-hour fishing trips – US $527
  • 4-hour fishing trips – US $843
  • 5-hour fishing trips – US $583
  • 6-hour fishing trips – US $941
  • 8-hour fishing trips – US $1,740
  • 9-hour fishing trips – US $800

Fishing in Новая Зеландия

Рыбалка в Новой Зеландии – что-то совсем невероятное: здесь глубины океана хранят в себе тайны потенциальных трофеев, ключ к которым вам подберут местные капитаны. Покорять воды можно не отрываясь от уникальной природы Новой Зеландии и ее морских просторов. Исследуйте бескрайние морские побережья или порыбачьте в уединенных бухтах, насладитесь прозрачными озерами или горными реками.

Трофеи вам точно обеспечены, ведь в Новой Зеландии можно поймать как марлина, тунца, акулу и рыбу-меч с океанского катера, так и радужную форель в нахлыст.

Что ловить?

Рыбачить в Новой Зеландии можно на все, что душа пожелает. Обычно морская рыбалка состоит из донной, где на живца ловится все от хапуки до ментицирруса, и троллинга, где можно поймать рыбу покрупнее: желтоперого тунца, акул и многих других. Ловить рыбу в Новой Зеландии можно и легкими снастями, – особенно если вам интересна макрель, – и даже на нахлыст, отправившись на мелководье.

Поймать здесь можно длинноперого тунца, особенно если вы отправляетесь покорять воды летом. В это же время можно порыбачить в нахлыст на знаменитого австралийского лосося. А если сезон вы пропустили, не отчаивайтесь – рыбалка в Новой Зеландии длится круглый год. Вас ждут рыба-меч, синеперый и большеглазый тунец, луциан, королевский горбыль, австралийский каранкс и еще много чего увлекательного.

Однако, рыбалка на марлина в Новой Зеландии – отдельная тема. Поохотиться за этим сокровищем морских глубин собираются рыбаки со всего света как только вода нагревается до 20 градусов. Лучшее время для рыбалки на голубого марлина в Новой Зеландии – это февраль-март. Черный и голубой марлины клюют не долго, а вот полосатого можно ловить до конца мая.

Где ловить?

Лучшее место для рыбалки на океане в Новой Зеландии зависит от желаемого улова. На Южном острове вас ждет схватка с гигантским тунцом, а вот на Северном острове можно смело охотиться на марлина. Северная часть страны вообще славится как самая “рыбная” – воды здесь теплее, чем у южного побережья.

Если у вас есть пара дней в расположении, смело отправляйтесь на самую северную точку Новой Зеландии – Острова Трех Королей. Теплые воды островов влекут голубых и полосатых марлинов, а также рыбу-меча. Без трофея вам не вернуться!

К тому же, поймать полосатого марлина можно по всему восточному побережью, особенно в районе Залива Изобилия, где также клюют акулы и черный марлин. За последним можно отправиться в Нортленд, к водам Китового и Белого островов, а также острова Майор.

Ловить синеперого и большеглазого тунца в Новой Зеландии можно недалеко от берега на Южном острове, а вот за длинноперым стоит отправиться на западное или северо-восточное побережье. Луцианы больше всего любят район Хокс-Бея у Северного острова и Нельсона у южного побережья, а вот австралийский каранкс клюет в теплых водах по всей стране. Не обделяйте вниманием и район Мальборо Саундс – кто знает, что вас может там ожидать!

Пресноводная рыбалка

Рыбалка в реках и озерах Новой Зеландии не уступает приключениям в океане. Многочисленные водоемы по всей стране богаты лососем и форелью, которые, к слову, были завезены из Великобритании и США. Озерная рыбалка на форель даст вам возможность поохотиться на радужную и коричневую форель. На Северном острове можно исследовать озеро Таупо, а на Южном – район озера Вакатипу в Квинстауне, озера Крайстчерча и Ванаки.

Если вы предпочитаете лосося, то лучше места, чем реки Кентербери найти непросто. С ноября по март такие реки, как Ваймакарири, Вайау, Ракайа и Хурунуй влекут любителей лосося со всего мира.

Озерная рыбалка на радужную форель или лосося на озеро Вакатипу, ловля форели в горных реках внахлест – все это возможно в Новой Зеландии. Однако вы можете поохотиться и на других жителей пресноводных водоемов, таких как лещ, белобрюхий лещ и всевозможные виды окуня. Популярна и рыбалка на угрей: подобная рыбалка маори проходит ночью. Не обделяйте вниманием и хели-рыбалку – настоящие приключение, которое местные гиды проводят на вертолетах.

Полезная информация

Планируя рыболовный тур в Новую Зеландию, не забывайте о местных правилах. В стране действуют различные ограничения по количеству, методу ловли и минимальной длине улова, который вы планируйте оставить себе. К примеру, королевскую макрель до одного метра нужно будет отпустить обратно в воду, а минимальная легальная длина луцианов – 40 сантиметров. Лицензия на рыбалку на форель приобретается на то количество дней, которое вы планируете рыбачить.

Правила и положения

Before you start fishing, you’ll need a valid fishing licence, even if you’re going out with a charter. There are several types of licences, so pick the one that suits you best and hit the water.

Новая Зеландия
4.8 / 5
На основе 28662 отзывов клиентов FishingBooker

Новая Зеландия – сезоны

С началом нового года в Новой Зеландии отмечают и начало сезона спортивной рыбалки. Если повезет, вы сможете поймать тунца или марлинов,
Сейчас - самое время исследовать северную часть страны и отправиться в открытое море за отличным трофеем.
Даже если туристов становится все меньше, рыбалка в марте никого не может разочаровать. Можете смело ловить тунцов!
Оставьте все, что связано с водой. В Уаикато проходит знаменитый фестиваль воздушных шаров!
Даже если рыбалка в открытом море сдает, в Окленде все еще можно найти что-то интересное, к примеру - рыбу-меч.
Перед тем, как начать праздновать Новый год маори, успейте насладиться рыбалкой на макрель.
Июль - самое время заняться поисками форели или лосося в пресноводных водоемах Новой Зеландии!
Пресноводная рыбалка все еще отличная, но и в прибрежных водах можно найти что-то интересное.
Весна не за горами, но вот рыбачить сейчас - не самая лучшая идея. Посоветуйтесь с вашим гидом или капитаном - ветер и дождь могут быть слишком сильными.
В октябре - самое время оценить рыбалку в Окленде. К тому же, здесь проходит знаменитый карнавал!
Снэпперы сейчас подходят достаточно близко к берегу - не упустите свой шанс и обеспечьте себе отличный ужин.
Макрель сейчас неплохо клюет - возможно, в предверии сезона спортивной рыбалки!

Новая Зеландия Календарь рыболова

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Рыбалка – Новая Зеландия – что говорят?

Prepare for an amazing day on the water. Regardless of the fishing, the location is unbelievable. Fish are fish, every hour is different. If you catch 1 or bag out, it’s been a great day, otherwise, a bad days fishing beats the best day at work, hands down! Tight lines, and best of luck.
5.0 / 5
Prepare for an amazing day on the water. Regardless of the fishing, the location is unbelievable. Fish are fish, every hour is different. If you catch 1 or bag out, it’s been a great day, otherwise, a bad days fishing beats the best day at work, hands down! Tight lines, and best of luck.
Taupo Lake Adventures – Te Arani II
Taupo Lake Adventures – Te Arani II
Listen to everything your captain says and you will learn everything you need to know to catch your fish
4.7 / 5
Listen to everything your captain says and you will learn everything you need to know to catch your fish
Taupo Boating & Fishing Charters
Taupo Boating & Fishing Charters
If you're travelling from Auckland it's a long drive (3+ hours) so before you leave confirm your booking time by phone so everyone is clear. Our boat didn't have a toilet, which was an issue for one of our party who had to stay ashore and miss the action. Bring a big chilly bin - you'll need it.
4.7 / 5
If you're travelling from Auckland it's a long drive (3+ hours) so before you leave confirm your booking time by phone so everyone is clear. Our boat didn't have a toilet, which was an issue for one of our party who had to stay ashore and miss the action. Bring a big chilly bin - you'll need it.
Anglers Fishing Charters
Anglers Fishing Charters
100% yes it was mine and my dad's first time fishing in Bay of Islands and it was amazing.
5.0 / 5
100% yes it was mine and my dad's first time fishing in Bay of Islands and it was amazing.
May Marie Charters
May Marie Charters
Weather can change quickly. It can go from hot and dry to cold, windy, and rainy in a moments notice. Bring warm and cold gear, plus water!
5.0 / 5
Weather can change quickly. It can go from hot and dry to cold, windy, and rainy in a moments notice. Bring warm and cold gear, plus water!
Rotorua Taupo Flyfishing adventures
Rotorua Taupo Flyfishing adventures
Well worth the money great boat and Trent is a great up and coming skipper
5.0 / 5
Well worth the money great boat and Trent is a great up and coming skipper
May Marie Charters
May Marie Charters
Don't leave Paihia without experiencing a fishing trip with Dereck on "Big Fish"
5.0 / 5
Don't leave Paihia without experiencing a fishing trip with Dereck on "Big Fish"
Big Fish Bay Of Islands
Big Fish Bay Of Islands
Book early to get the exact charter you would like. ie kingfish, Snapper, blue water etc as they may get booked out in the warmer months.
5.0 / 5
Book early to get the exact charter you would like. ie kingfish, Snapper, blue water etc as they may get booked out in the warmer months.
Blue Sea Charters – Splash
Blue Sea Charters – Splash
Lake Taupo is fantastic - beautiful, calm, and definitely plenty of fish. Marty is very helpful for new anglers, and make sure you are set up for success!
5.0 / 5
Lake Taupo is fantastic - beautiful, calm, and definitely plenty of fish. Marty is very helpful for new anglers, and make sure you are set up for success!
Fish Taupo
Fish Taupo
We caught Kingfish but were only there for the day. We highly recommend Jason at Strikezone
5.0 / 5
We caught Kingfish but were only there for the day. We highly recommend Jason at Strikezone
Strikezone Sportfishing NZ
Strikezone Sportfishing NZ
Trust your captain to advise you on techniques and tackle, and where to fish.
5.0 / 5
Trust your captain to advise you on techniques and tackle, and where to fish.
Taupo Boating & Fishing Charters
Taupo Boating & Fishing Charters
Make sure you are ready to have a greay day out. Bring a "BIG" chilly bin to put your catch in, because there will be plenty to fill it.
5.0 / 5
Make sure you are ready to have a greay day out. Bring a "BIG" chilly bin to put your catch in, because there will be plenty to fill it.
Coro Cowboy Fishing Charters
Coro Cowboy Fishing Charters
They were well prepared and ready to go. Amenities on the boat were in great condition and the tackle was high quality.
5.0 / 5
They were well prepared and ready to go. Amenities on the boat were in great condition and the tackle was high quality.
May Marie Charters
May Marie Charters
Take a cooler box to keep all the fish you catch - the crew cleaned and filled it and we had heaps to take away with us
Very good
4.0 / 5
Take a cooler box to keep all the fish you catch - the crew cleaned and filled it and we had heaps to take away with us
May Marie Charters
May Marie Charters
You do not have to worry about anything! The captain takes care of you and the fishing part!
5.0 / 5
You do not have to worry about anything! The captain takes care of you and the fishing part!
Target Charters
Target Charters
Look for an experienced angler / skipper to get the best advice. The lakes are large and local knowledge is invaluable.
5.0 / 5
Look for an experienced angler / skipper to get the best advice. The lakes are large and local knowledge is invaluable.
Rotorua Trout Charters
Rotorua Trout Charters
Rely on Dave, he knows his stuff and will provide you with the best possible experience!
5.0 / 5
Rely on Dave, he knows his stuff and will provide you with the best possible experience!
Reel Charters
Reel Charters
Don’t stress Jason has you covered he communicates well and he will let you know what you need to do.
5.0 / 5
Don’t stress Jason has you covered he communicates well and he will let you know what you need to do.
Strikezone Sportfishing NZ
Strikezone Sportfishing NZ
If you have Jason as your captain, he will work his hardest to get you a feed
4.7 / 5
If you have Jason as your captain, he will work his hardest to get you a feed
May Marie Charters
May Marie Charters
Maybe not the most fish you'll ever catch, but they're beautiful and quite large!
5.0 / 5
Maybe not the most fish you'll ever catch, but they're beautiful and quite large!
White Striker Charters Troutcatcher
White Striker Charters Troutcatcher

How did anglers rate fishing charters in Новая Зеландия?

Taupo Lake Adventures – Te Arani II
Taupo Lake Adventures – Te Arani II
Fishing charter in Taupo
5.0 / 5
(23 reviews)
6 fish in the boat and 1 dropped on 1 rod in the first 1&1/2 hors fishing then the fish went off. No complaints here and Nick was very knowledgeable and friendly not to mention plenty of stories.
Justin  W.
Justin W.
White Striker Charters Troutcatcher
White Striker Charters Troutcatcher
Fishing charter in Taupo
5.0 / 5
(160 reviews)
Easy to arrange fir the group, informative trip, and of course caught 3 fish happy days ..perfect westher
Helena  H.
Helena H.
Taupo Lake Adventures – Te Arani II
Taupo Lake Adventures – Te Arani II
Fishing charter in Taupo
5.0 / 5
(23 reviews)
I took my partner for his birthday! We had the best time, caught about 5 trout in a 2 hour period so were very happy and loved being out on the lake on a beautiful sunny afternoon! Highly recommend 😊
Sheldon  B.
Sheldon B.
Anglers Fishing Charters
Anglers Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Amodeo Bay
5.0 / 5
(5 reviews)
Our first fishing charter and loved it. We caught our own bait fish and used it to catch large snapper and kingfish. Ate it tonight with our family and everyone was very impressed! A great trip, thank you!
Cam  B.
Cam B.
Taupo Boating & Fishing Charters
Taupo Boating & Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Taupo
5.0 / 5
(74 reviews)
Captain Dan was a fantastic host who clearly knows his fishing. Skeet shooting was also a blast. Highly recommend.
Roger  C.
Roger C.
Blue Sea Charters – Splash
Blue Sea Charters – Splash
Fishing charter in Paihia
5.0 / 5
(130 reviews)
Fantastic day. Great service, providing excellent support to the young and to the old who have never fished from a boat before. They even helped us to fillet the fish as well. Highly recommend for a great family day out.
WingKi  K.
WingKi K.
Taupo Boating & Fishing Charters
Taupo Boating & Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Taupo
5.0 / 5
(74 reviews)
We had a fantastic trip with Captain Dan. Dan was incredibly welcoming and patient with the kids. Such a great trip, highly recommend.
Melissa  B.
Melissa B.
May Marie Charters
May Marie Charters
Fishing charter in Paihia
5.0 / 5
(134 reviews)
Great experience, very helpful and patient with us. Good equipment and they worked really hard to make the trip enjoyable. Highly recommend.
Susan  T.
Susan T.
Rotorua Taupo Flyfishing adventures
Rotorua Taupo Flyfishing adventures
Fishing charter in Rotorua
5.0 / 5
(41 reviews)
Ray helped on our first ever fly fishing day in New Zealand. Thanks to his tips and guidance we caught 5 big rainbows and a large brown trout. Ray had great knowledge of the stream and we would not have had the same success if we went without him. We had a great time and would highly recommend it to anyone planning on fly fishing around Rotorua!
Jonatan  N.
Jonatan N. New Zealand
Riko Boat Charters
Riko Boat Charters
Fishing charter in Auckland
5.0 / 5
(78 reviews)
Bryan, our captain showed us a great time and some great spots to catch fish. We were more than happy with everything that was provided to us and the experience we had. Would absolutely recommend!
Brett  F.
Brett F.
Taupo Boating & Fishing Charters
Taupo Boating & Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Taupo
5.0 / 5
(74 reviews)
No stress, no mess. Fantastic time on the water with skipper Dan. The trip met all of our expectations and we would love to repeat it.
David  M.
David M.
Riko Boat Charters
Riko Boat Charters
Fishing charter in Auckland
5.0 / 5
(78 reviews)
Bryan was an amazing captain and very knowledgeable about fishing. My colleague and I had the best time out sea connecting with each other and went away home with enough to feed our families. Would definitely recommend this charter to anyone who wish to make sure you catch something and fell completely comfortable doing it. Thank you Bryan
Karena  K.
Karena K.
Taupo Boating & Fishing Charters
Taupo Boating & Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Taupo
4.7 / 5
(74 reviews)
Went out with my partner and our two 10year olds and had a great time, kids loved hanging around in the top deck as well as fishing, the bite was a bit off but we got a couple of nice rainbow trout to go home with which were nicely cleaned an wrapped up in bags for us Great banter and an all round great captain Cheers dan
Michael  B.
Michael B.
Anglers Fishing Charters
Anglers Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Amodeo Bay
4.7 / 5
(5 reviews)
Outstanding trip. Plenty of fish, including a couple of big ones. The captain (Dawson) new his stuff and put us right one the spot. He also took his time helping a 10 year old first-time fisherman to catch a bunch of snapper. there were 4 in our party and we all had a great time.
Clive  R.
Clive R.
Taupo Lake Adventures – Bravado III
Taupo Lake Adventures – Bravado III
Fishing charter in Taupo
5.0 / 5
(119 reviews)
It rained on our day out in Taupo. This boat was certainly well suited to be all weather. We stayed dry and toasty catching fish. We had two lovely rainbow trout meals after our trip. Thanks Skipper Nick
John  C.
John C.
Fish Taupo
Fish Taupo
Fishing charter in Taupo
5.0 / 5
(320 reviews)
Capt. Marty was punctual, geared up and ready upon arrival. He quickly rigged and we were fishing. He’s great company and very attentive. We caught three rainbow trout. Initially, I intended to catch and release, but upon seeing these gorgeous fish I kept one and he recommended I take it to Vines Restaurant where the chef gladly accepted the preparation Schroeder. I shared my other fish with the captain and released the smallest
Robert  P.
Robert P.
Taupo Boating & Fishing Charters
Taupo Boating & Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Taupo
5.0 / 5
(74 reviews)
We have wonderful time with Captain Daniel. He gave us several techniques for our first time fishing. The boat is nice and safe.
Vattanavadee  B.
Vattanavadee B.
Fish Taupo
Fish Taupo
Fishing charter in Taupo
5.0 / 5
(320 reviews)
We had a great and productive time on the lake with captain Marty, who is very knowledgeable and friendly.
Thomas  S.
Thomas S.
Rotorua Taupo Flyfishing adventures
Rotorua Taupo Flyfishing adventures
Fishing charter in Rotorua
5.0 / 5
(41 reviews)
Great opportunity to learn the basics in fly fishing. Ray our trainer was very knowledgeable and friendly. Was a real great training session.
Glenn  H.
Glenn H.
Fish Taupo
Fish Taupo
Fishing charter in Taupo
5.0 / 5
(320 reviews)
Great fishing The weather was poor on our trip. Marty knows how to catch fish. If we could catch fish in poor weather conditions. I’m sure on nicer days the fishing could be even better. Was allot of fun
Glenn  H.
Glenn H.

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Самые популырные виды рыб – Новая Зеландия