Cold Catch Ice Fishing

Cold Catch Ice Fishing runs angling trips out of Brussels, WI, and offers to show you what the local fishery is all about.

Captain Harley Goodman has been ice fishing his entire life all over the Midwest and is a full-time fishing guide. He’s here to get you on some fish and to make sure you have fun doing it.

You’ll be ice fishing mainly for delicious Whitefish during the season. The charter will provide transportation from your vehicle to their heated ice houses. All fishing equipment and pre-drilled ice holes are provided for the day.

You will also receive expert instruction from Capt. Harley on how to master your ice fishing technique. Don’t forget to buy a fishing license before the trip! You can keep anything you catch as long as it’s legal to do so.

They also offer the opportunity to cook your catch for lunch during your trip. There’s nothing like a hot lunch with fresh fish while you’re enjoying your day on the ice. Children are welcome, so you’re good to get the young ones started early!

Book your trip now and hit the water with Cold Catch Ice Fishing.

Выберите даты, чтобы проверить доступные туры и цены:

  • Частный тур
    8 Hour Trip
    Низкие цены депозит не возвращается
    8-часовая рыбалка, начало в 5:00 AM
    сезонный тур (ср., чт., пт., сб., вс.)
    US $600
    8-hour day trip with all transportation and equipment included. We will provide transportation from your vehicle to our heated ice houses. All fishing equipment and pre-drilled ice holes are provided for the day. You will also receive expert instruction from Captain Harley on how to master your ice fishing technique. Capt. Harley has been ice fishing his entire life all over the Midwest and is a full-time fishing guide.
    Виды рыбалки
    Озерная рыбалка
    Подледная (зимняя) рыбалка
    Targeted fish
    Сиг (американский)
    Lake Whitefish
3 человека сейчас просматривают

FAQ о Cold Catch Ice Fishing

Cold Catch Ice Fishing offers the following trip to customers:
  • US $150 за человека - 8 Hour Trip (8 часов)

When you book a trip with Cold Catch Ice Fishing, you can expect the following amenity onboard:
  • Туалет

Trips booked with Cold Catch Ice Fishing include:
  • Удочка, катушка и снасти
  • Наживка
  • Чистка и разделка рыбы на филе

Cold Catch Ice Fishing offers the following type of fishing:
  • Озерная рыбалка

Cold Catch Ice Fishing offers the following fishing technique:
  • Подледная (зимняя) рыбалка

Top targeted fish species with Cold Catch Ice Fishing include:
  • Судак (светлоперый)
  • Сиг (американский)


Harley Goodman
Брасселс, Висконсин, Соединенные Штаты
ID и лицензия подтверждены
На сайте с: Ноябрь 2022
Captain Harley Goodman guides thrilling ice fishing adventures departing from Brussels, Wisconsin. These icy waters are famous for their Lake Whitefish and Walleye, and Capt. Harley is here to teach you how to reel them in. With his local knowledge, he's got some exciting tricks to share. So come out on the frozen water with him for an unforgettable experience you won't want to miss!

О публикации

Можно поймать

Судак (светлоперый) Судак (светлоперый)
Сиг (американский) Сиг (американский)

Виды рыбалки

Озерная рыбалка


Подледная (зимняя) рыбалка



В тур включено

Удочка, катушка и снасти
Чистка и разделка рыбы на филе

Политика отмены

Депозит не возвращается

Если путешествовать небезопасно, вы все равно можете бесплатно отменить тур или изменить даты бронирования.


Трансфер согласовывается при заказе
Transfer to/from departure site may be available and included in price depending on your location and distance from the dock.
Доступно для детей
Вы забираете улов


Бронируйте с депозитом 30%, оплатите остаток капитану

Когда капитан/гид подтвердит бронирование, FishingBooker зарезервирует средства на вашей кредитной карте (30%) в качестве депозита для гарантии бронирования.

Оставшуюся часть суммы необходимо оплатить капитану/гиду лично в день рыбалки или заранее. Способы оплаты:

При оплате оставшейся суммы кредитной картой, взимается 1.5% комиссия.

Брасселс Календарь рыболова

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