
Fiske-eventyr offers fishing trips out of Chilliwack in British Columbia that include enchanting fishing in the Chilliwack, Vedder, Stave, and Fraser rivers. A tour guide with many years of experience accompanies all fishing days and does his best to get you fishing in the right places and with the best methods. This crew knows all the good spots and adapts the fishing to the conditions.

The Chilliwack River is world-renowned for its terrific rise of particularly large King Salmon in September and October, Silver Salmon in September and October, and plenty of Chum Salmon in October. On odd years, there is also an insane amount of Pink Salmon in September. The Fraser River is famous for its White Sturgeon and one day of fishing Sturgeon is included in the price. Your crew has the best guides on the river to help you have an excellent trip.

The techniques you can expect to use are light and heavy tackle, bottom fishing, spinning, jigging, popping, as well as fly fishing. Some species can be kept, while others have to be released.

Your house is 20 meters away from the Chilliwack River. The maximum group size is 6 persons and the tour guide. Single rooms are available as well as 2 cars. Apart from other amenities, there’s a kitchen so you can prepare any food you like. Your guide provides all the fishing gear you’ll need, just make sure to bring your fishing licenses.

Hit the water with Fiske-eventyr and have a memorable experience fishing!

Выберите даты, чтобы проверить доступные туры и цены:

  • Частный тур
    7 Day Trip – Chilliwack
    Низкие цены депозит не возвращается
    Рыбалка на 7 дней, начало в 8:00 AM
    С ночевкой, проживание
    сезонный тур Sep 1 - Oct 30 (пт.)
    US $7,737
    Six days of excellent fishing in the Chilliwack River and 1 day of Sturgeon fishing on the Fraser River. Your house is located just 20 meters off the Chilliwack River. Up to 6 people can join a trip, not including the tour guide. You have single rooms and 2 cars at your disposal.
  • Частный тур
    7 Day Trip – Sturgeon
    Низкие цены депозит не возвращается
    Рыбалка на 7 дней, начало в 8:00 AM
    С ночевкой, проживание
    сезонный тур Apr 1 - Oct 30 (сб.)
    US $9,026
    You stand on a hazy morning by the boat railing, gazing out over the Fraser River, falling in spells over the sea eagle circling the boat or a seal chasing Salmon. A few powerful nods in the tip of the rod tear you away and before you know it, you're suddenly connected to a fish you haven't even dared to dream of. This is a fishing trip for Sturgeon in Canada, and if you dream of catching a freshwater fish bigger than yourself, there are probably no other places where the chance is greater!
7 человек сейчас просматривают

FAQ о Fiske-eventyr

Fiske-eventyr offers the following trips to customers:
  • €3,600 в день за человека - 7 Day Trip – Chilliwack (7 дней)
  • €4,200 в день за человека - 7 Day Trip – Sturgeon (7 дней)

When you book a trip with Fiske-eventyr, you can expect the following amenities onboard:
  • Туалет
  • GPS
  • Кровать
  • Кухня
  • Холодильный шкаф
  • Холодильная камера

Trips booked with Fiske-eventyr include:
  • Удочка, катушка и снасти
  • Наживка
  • Приманка
  • Первый помощник капитана
  • Снаряжение для нахлыста

Fiske-eventyr offers the following type of fishing:
  • Речная рыбалка

Fiske-eventyr offers the following fishing techniques:
  • Легкая снасть – рыбалка
  • Тяжелая снасть
  • Донная рыбалка
  • Спинниг
  • Джиггинг
  • Поппинг
  • Ужение на муху (нахлыст)

Top targeted fish species with Fiske-eventyr include:
  • Чавыча (королевский лосось)
  • Кета (лосось)
  • Кижуч (серебристый лосось)
  • Осетр


Чилиуок, Британская Колумбия, Канада
ID и лицензия подтверждены
На сайте с: Июль 2021
Anglers at Fiske-eventyr have been fishing their whole lives and they want to arrange great tours for fishermen to exotic rivers. Group trips, companionship, local fishing guide, Danish tour guides. For them, a successful fishing trip is also a good friendship. The crew has spent a long time finding the best local fishing guides and that is the key to success. Even though it's made up of quite skilled fishermen, it uses local guides who know each spot in the rivers they fish. Therefore, the crew emphasizes that guided tours are always included on all trips. Your captain and crew can guarantee that it provides the best fishing. If you are a group or association, they also offer to tailor a fishing trip that suits you. They offer you the best fishing adventure and a unique experience with your fishing buddies.

О публикации

Можно поймать

Чавыча (королевский лосось) Чавыча (королевский лосось)
Кета (лосось) Кета (лосось)
Кижуч (серебристый лосось) Кижуч (серебристый лосось)
Осетр Осетр

Виды рыбалки

Речная рыбалка


Легкая снасть – рыбалка
Тяжелая снасть
Донная рыбалка
Ужение на муху (нахлыст)


Холодильный шкаф
Холодильная камера

В тур включено

Удочка, катушка и снасти
Первый помощник капитана
Снаряжение для нахлыста

Политика отмены

Депозит не возвращается

Если путешествовать небезопасно, вы все равно можете бесплатно отменить тур или изменить даты бронирования.


Трансфер включен
Transfer from hotels or jetties in Чилиуок to departure site is available and included in trip rates.
Доступно для детей
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Разрешено поймать и отпустить
Строго поймать и отпустить


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Когда капитан/гид подтвердит бронирование, FishingBooker зарезервирует средства на вашей кредитной карте (20%) в качестве депозита для гарантии бронирования.

Оставшуюся часть суммы необходимо оплатить капитану/гиду лично в день рыбалки или заранее. Способы оплаты:

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Чилиуок Календарь рыболова

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