Fly Fishing in Slovenia

Water Man Adventures invites you for a fly fishing adventure in Slovenia! Come spend a few days fishing on the Soča, Unica, Krka, and other beautiful and rich waters and create memories that will last a lifetime. The friendly team provides cozy lodgings and all the guidance you need for a great day of fishing. Join in and discover Slovenia’s stunning nature together with Miha, Tomaž, and Water Man Adventures!

For this adventure, you won’t be using boats. You can fish rivers, lakes, as well as the backcountry, and up to 8 guests can join a trip. You’ll have a toilet, shower, and bed at your disposal. The species you’ll be targetting include Marble Trout, Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout, and Grayling. Catch and release is usual for the crew, but if you want Trout for dinner, the crew can do that, too.

The Water Man Adventures team loves having a family atmosphere while fishing, so feel free to bring your kids and spend a wonderful time in nature with your whole family.

Water Man Adventures will take care of fishing licenses and will provide you with lunch. You should bring your own fly fishing equipment, bait, as well as any additional food and drinks you want.  Or, the crew can help you out with all of that.

The prices include lodging at Krka River Lodge. If you don’t need lodging, then send the captain a note and the crew can work on a custom itinerary for you.

Water Man Adventures is waiting for you, join in and have a fishing experience you won’t soon forget!

Выберите даты, чтобы проверить доступные туры и цены:

  • Частный тур
    8 Hour Trip
    Низкие цены депозит не возвращается
    8-часовая рыбалка, начало в 8:00 AM
    сезонный тур Mar 1 - Oct 15
    US $757
    For this trip, you and the guide will meet at the Krka River Lodge or at the river you will be fishing on. Depending on the day you choose and what you want to go for, the guide will assess the conditions and recommend the best river for you. Based on that decision, he'll make final plans and provide a final price. Trip prices vary based on the license as each river has a different license cost, your need for fishing gear, and the other options that you choose.
  • Частный тур
    2 Day Trip
    Низкие цены депозит не возвращается
    Рыбалка на 2 дня, начало в 8:00 AM
    С ночевкой, проживание
    сезонный тур Mar 1 - Oct 15
    US $1,730
    You will be staying 2 nights at our Krka River Lodge and fishing 2 days on different rivers. The guide will assess the conditions and recommend the best rivers to you, make final plans, and provide a final price. Trip prices vary depending on the license, fishing gear, meals you would like to have prepared, number of anglers, as well as other add-ons.
  • Частный тур
    3 Day Trip
    Низкие цены депозит не возвращается
    Рыбалка на 3 дня, начало в 8:00 AM
    С ночевкой, проживание
    сезонный тур Mar 1 - Oct 15
    US $1,730
    On this trip, you'll be enjoying 3 nights at the Krka River Lodge and fishing 3 days on different rivers. As always, the experienced guides will recommend the best rivers to you, make the plan, and offer you a price. The prices depend on the license – each river has a different price – fishing gear, meals you'd like to be served, the number of guests, and other amenities.
  • Частный тур
    4 Day Trip
    Низкие цены депозит не возвращается
    Рыбалка на 4 дня, начало в 8:00 AM
    С ночевкой, проживание
    сезонный тур Mar 1 - Oct 15
    US $1,730
    Enjoy 4 nights at Krka River Lodge and fish in different rivers each day. Our guides will consider the conditions, give you their opinion on what rivers are best for fishing, and make final plans and pricing. The factors affecting the price include the specific river, your need for fishing equipment, food, number of anglers, and other add-ons.
  • Частный тур
    5 Day Trip
    Низкие цены депозит не возвращается
    Рыбалка на 5 дней, начало в 8:00 AM
    С ночевкой, проживание
    сезонный тур Mar 1 - Oct 15
    US $1,730
    This multi-day trip allows you to stay 5 nights at the beautiful Krka River Lodge and on several different rivers. After assessing all the conditions, the guides will recommend you the best rivers, make final plans, and provide a price. The exact river you'll visit, fishing gear, meals, number of guests, and other add-ons will all affect the final price.
  • Частный тур
    6 Day Trip
    Низкие цены депозит не возвращается
    Рыбалка на 6 дней, начало в 8:00 AM
    С ночевкой, проживание
    сезонный тур Mar 1 - Oct 15
    US $1,730
    Spend 6 nights at the lovely Krka River Lodge and enjoy fishing for 6 days on different rivers. The guides will recommend you the best options for the day and provide a final price. Depending on the river, your need for gear, meals you may want to have, number of guests, and other amenities, the trip price may vary.
  • Частный тур
    7 Day Trip
    Низкие цены депозит не возвращается
    Рыбалка на 7 дней, начало в 8:00 AM
    С ночевкой, проживание
    сезонный тур Mar 1 - Oct 15
    US $1,730
    Krka River Lodge offers you 7 comfy nights and 7 days of fishing different rivers. Depending on the day and all the conditions, the guides will recommend the best rivers and provide a final price. It can vary based on the river, fishing gear, your meals, number of anglers, and other add-ons.
4 человека сейчас просматривают

FAQ о Fly Fishing in Slovenia

Fly Fishing in Slovenia offers the following trips to customers:
  • €350 за человека - 8 Hour Trip (8 часов)
  • €800 в день за человека - 2 Day Trip (2 дня)
  • €800 в день за человека - 3 Day Trip (3 дня)
  • €800 в день за человека - 4 Day Trip (4 дня)
  • €800 в день за человека - 5 Day Trip (5 дней)
  • €800 в день за человека - 6 Day Trip (6 дней)
  • €800 в день за человека - 7 Day Trip (7 дней)

When you book a trip with Fly Fishing in Slovenia, you can expect the following amenities onboard:
  • Туалет
  • Кровать

Trips booked with Fly Fishing in Slovenia include:
  • Лицензия на рыбалку
  • Обед

Fly Fishing in Slovenia offers the following types of fishing:
  • Речная рыбалка
  • Озерная рыбалка
  • Бэккантри рыбалка

Fly Fishing in Slovenia offers the following fishing technique:
  • Ужение на муху (нахлыст)

Top targeted fish species with Fly Fishing in Slovenia include:
  • Кумжа (ручьевая форель)
  • Европейский хариус
  • Окунь (речной)
  • Микижа (радужная форель)


Water Man Adventures
Krka, Словения
ID и лицензия подтверждены
На сайте с: Апрель 2019
As the founders of Water Man Adventures, Miha and Robert are excited to share Slovenia with you. Robert has fished all his life and has had the fortune to live in the country. During that time, he and his family were able to explore not only Slovenia but the surrounding countries to include Austria, Italy, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro. In addition to picking up the language, Robert found all the good places to fish. Miha is a native Slovenian and knows all the fishing waters of the country. His local knowledge gives you the advantage of having the best time possible while fly fishing in Slovenia. Also, he'll set you up for the best non-angling activities that show you the best culinary and cultural experiences in Slovenia.

О публикации

Можно поймать

Кумжа (ручьевая форель) Кумжа (ручьевая форель)
Европейский хариус Европейский хариус
Окунь (речной) Окунь (речной)
Микижа (радужная форель) Микижа (радужная форель)

Виды рыбалки

Речная рыбалка
Озерная рыбалка
Бэккантри рыбалка


Ужение на муху (нахлыст)



В тур включено

Лицензия на рыбалку

Политика отмены

Депозит не возвращается

Если путешествовать небезопасно, вы все равно можете бесплатно отменить тур или изменить даты бронирования.


Трансфер согласовывается при заказе
Transfer to/from departure site may be available and included in price depending on your location and distance from the dock.
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Бронируйте с депозитом 20%, оплатите остаток капитану

Когда капитан/гид подтвердит бронирование, FishingBooker зарезервирует средства на вашей кредитной карте (20%) в качестве депозита для гарантии бронирования.

Оставшуюся часть суммы необходимо оплатить капитану/гиду лично в день рыбалки или заранее. Способы оплаты:

American Express
Банковский перевод
При оплате оставшейся суммы кредитной картой, взимается 3% комиссия.