Palm Breeze Charters – 55'

Explore the productive Florida waters out of Boca Raton with Palm Breeze Charters! Captain Charles Mount is a local who’s been fishing in the area for a long time, so he’ll make sure to take you to all the best fishing spots around and maximize your time on the water.

If you’re up for some team building or a family gathering with fine angling, you’re looking at the right charter. Ideal for large parties, the 55’ Gold Coast catamaran boat was restored in 2017. With two 200 HP Mercury engines, it can develop some speed, getting you to the best fishing grounds in no time.

The crew welcomes all the anglers, and up to 49 of them will find comfort and space aboard this vessel. There’s a toilet on board, as well as a galley and an icebox. The fishing gear will be provided for you, along with the lures. The first mate will work to make your ride enjoyable, and the gratuities will be added to your invoice.

As you sail around the area, you’ll mainly do trolling to entice the bite. The boat is clean, provides great music, and you will find excellent fishing equipment. Boca Raton offers plenty of fish to satiate any angler’s palate, and you can find the likes of Mahi Mahi, Sailfish, Tuna, Wahoo, Kingfish, Cobia, and Amberjack. After your trip, the crew can clean your catch at an additional charge if you wish so.

Snacks and drinks are available to buy on board. You should wear comfortable clothes and pack your necessities. To make the most out of it, bring sunglasses so that you can see the fish as the schools swim around. Bring your camera to capture memories, and enjoy the ride!

Join Palm Breeze Charters, enjoy your day on Florida waters, and have a fishing adventure of a lifetime!

Trip availability and prices

  • Частный тур
    Half Day Trip (AM)
    Низкие цены депозит не возвращается
    4-часовая рыбалка, начало в 8:00 AM
    Цена за: до 8 человек
    US $2,400
    This trip is great for families and friends who want to experience fishing around Boca Raton. You will head out in the morning, and then fish for the likes of Cobia, Sailfish, Wahoo, Tuna, Mahi Mahi, King Mackerel, and more. Maybe you want to charter a boat for team building or to take out your family and friends. The fishing gear is provided on board, and there is a first mate. Head offshore or stay near the coast – there is a lot of fish wherever you go. We fast troll with lures and bait.
  • Частный тур
    Half Day Trip (PM)
    Низкие цены депозит не возвращается
    4-часовая рыбалка, начало в 1:00 PM
    Цена за: до 8 человек
    US $2,600
    If you want to spend your afternoon on a big, comfortable boat, fishing around Boca Raton is a great choice. This package is great for large parties of people. We high-speed troll for gamefish – Cobia, Sailfish, Wahoo, Tuna, Mahi Mahi, King Mackerel, and more. You can charter a boat for team building or take out your family and friends. The fishing equipment is provided on board. Bring a towel, sunscreen, and come along!
23 человека сейчас просматривает

Customer reviews

Средняя оценка
4.2 / 5
из 5 на основе 4 отзывов
Very good
4.0 / 5
4.3 / 5
4.3 / 5
Фото и видео клиентов (5)
For those who boat everyday I don\u2019t think you realize how much of a forever memory it is for a 12 year old boy to turn 12 on this boat trip with cousins and friends! This was a forever EPIC memory!
For those who boat everyday I don\u2019t think you realize how much of a forever memory it is for a 12 year old boy to turn 12 on this boat trip with cousins and friends! This was a forever EPIC memory!
For those who boat everyday I don\u2019t think you realize how much of a forever memory it is for a 12 year old boy to turn 12 on this boat trip with cousins and friends! This was a forever EPIC memory!
Рейтинг рыбака
Оценено рыбаками
Хороший опыт
Дружелюбный капитан
Рекомендует этот чартр
Подходит для детей
Доволен лодкой
Поймал то, что хотел
Сортировать по:
4 из 4 отзывов
Yuri K.
4.7 / 5
Very good
4.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
В общем

April fishing trip

Подтвержденный   Half Day Trip (AM) on Апрель 23, 2024
Yuri K. рекомендует Palm Breeze Charters – 55'
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Yuri K. рекомендует Palm Breeze Charters – 55'
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Shaila K.
Boca Raton, Florida
4.7 / 5
Very good
4.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
В общем
It was absolutely fun and incredible!! Thank you!
Shaila K. рекомендует Palm Breeze Charters – 55'
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Shaila K. рекомендует Palm Breeze Charters – 55'
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Brian F.
Orlando, Florida
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
В общем

Half day with captain Charlie

Подтвержденный   Half Day Trip (AM) on Март 29, 2021
Captain, crew and boat was all amazing, can’t wait to go out again!!!
Brian F. рекомендует Palm Breeze Charters – 55'
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Brian F. рекомендует Palm Breeze Charters – 55'
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Anna G.
Boca Raton, FL
2.3 / 5
3.0 / 5
2.0 / 5
2.0 / 5
В общем

Don’t expect to get what you expect

Подтвержденный   Half Day Trip (AM) on Январь 8, 2022
They care about money and less about clients satisfaction
Anna G. не рекомендует Palm Breeze Charters – 55'
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  Charles Mount Капитан ответил

FAQ о Palm Breeze Charters – 55'

Palm Breeze Charters – 55' offers the following trips to customers:
  • US $2,400 за группу, additional US $225 per person after 8 гостей - Half Day Trip (AM) (4 часа)
  • US $2,600 за группу, additional US $225 per person after 8 гостей - Half Day Trip (PM) (4 часа)

When you book a trip with Palm Breeze Charters – 55', you can expect the following amenities onboard:
  • Туалет
  • GPS
  • Рыболокатор
  • Оборудование для подводного плавания at an additional charge
  • Кухня Galley.
  • Холодильная камера
  • Гидролокатор
  • Радар

Trips booked with Palm Breeze Charters – 55' include:
  • Удочка, катушка и снасти
  • Приманка
  • Первый помощник капитана

Palm Breeze Charters – 55' offers the following types of fishing:
  • Рыбалка у береговой линии
  • Прибрежная рыбалка (1 mile)
  • Рыбалка в открытом море

Palm Breeze Charters – 55' offers the following fishing techniques:
  • Легкая снасть – рыбалка
  • Тяжелая снасть
  • Троллинг
  • Глубоководная рыбалка

Top targeted fish species with Palm Breeze Charters – 55' include:
  • Амберджек
  • Кобия
  • Корифена (махи-махи)
  • Королевская макрель
  • Синий марлин (атлантический)
  • Парусник
  • Тунец (желтоперый)
  • Ваху (колючая пеламида)

Your captain

Charles Mount
Бока-Ратон, Флорида, Соединенные Штаты
11 Отзывы клиентов
Время ответа: 10 часов
На сайте с: Ноябрь 2014
We love the ocean and boating. Our captain is a Florida native and he loves to catch big game fish. Our crew is friendly and passionate about their work and love people. Our boat is clean and comfortable, and has a spacious area for fishing.

The fish you can target

Амберджек Амберджек
Кобия Кобия
Корифена (махи-махи) Корифена (махи-махи)
Королевская макрель Королевская макрель

What is the boat like?

Boat Image
Boat category
49 persons
Boat length
55 ft
Year built
Restored in
Boat manufacturer
Gold Coast
Boat type

Engine model
Powered by
2 x 200HP
Max cruising speed
15 knots

What kind of fishing will you do?

Рыбалка у береговой линии
Прибрежная рыбалка
1 mile
Рыбалка в открытом море

Which fishing techniques will you try?

Легкая снасть – рыбалка
Тяжелая снасть
Глубоководная рыбалка

Which amenities are available onboard

Оборудование для подводного плавания
at an additional charge
Холодильная камера

What’s included in the trip price

Удочка, катушка и снасти
Первый помощник капитана

How cancellations work

Депозит не возвращается

Если путешествовать небезопасно, вы все равно можете бесплатно отменить тур или изменить даты бронирования.

What the listing policies are

Трансфер не включен
Transfer to/from departure site is not included in trip rates.
Доступно для детей
Вы забираете улов
Shared with Boat Crew
Улов остается у команды
Разрешено поймать и отпустить

How you can pay

Бронируйте с депозитом 15%, оплатите остаток капитану

Когда капитан/гид подтвердит бронирование, FishingBooker зарезервирует средства на вашей кредитной карте (15%) в качестве депозита для гарантии бронирования.

Оставшуюся часть суммы необходимо оплатить капитану/гиду лично в день рыбалки или заранее. Способы оплаты:

American Express
Банковский перевод
При оплате оставшейся суммы кредитной картой, взимается 4% комиссия.

What’s biting in Бока-Ратон right now

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