Канада Подледная (зимняя) рыбалка Рыбалка Рыбалка

Канада Подледная (зимняя) рыбалка Рыбалка Рыбалка

Топ регионы – Канада

Лучшая Подледная (зимняя) рыбалка рыбалка – Канада

Подледная (зимняя) рыбалка Рыбалка – Канада

Подледная рыбалка, которой так гордится Канада, считается легендарной благодаря бесчисленным водоемам, где обитают настоящие трофеи. В стране расположились более двух миллионов озер – больше, чем во всем остальном мире, – и практически каждое из них подойдет для превосходной зимней рыбалки.

Рыбалка в Канаде вас не разочарует: энтузиасты со всего света год за годом приезжают сюда за настоящими приключениями. Поверьте нам на слово: как только вы порыбачите в Канаде зимой хотя бы раз, вам все сразу станет ясно.

На что и где рыбачить зимой?

Что касается улова, то рассчитывать стоит на пресноводную рыбу: огромных судаков, форелей, северную щуку, окуня, сига, налима и многих других.

Каждая провинция Канады богата на пресноводные водоемы, в которых можно порыбачить зимой. Провинция Онтарио, названная в честь самого маленького из Великих озер, считается эпицентром рыбалки в Канаде. В зимние месяцы рыбаки со всего света съезжаются в Онтарио, чтобы насладиться подледной рыбалкой. Исследуйте озеро Симко – самое популярное место для ловли сига, форели, щуки и окуня. Учитывая, что здесь проходит Чемпионат Канады по подледной рыбалке, с озером Симко трудно ошибиться.

В Онтарио также стоит посетить залив Куинт – еще один рай для подледной рыбалки, особенно для любителей судака, которого здесь активно ловят с декабря до конца февраля.

В провинции Альберта отправляйтесь на Пиджин-Лейк, Слэйв-Лейк и озеро Вабамун – там вас ждут судаки, щуки, окунь и многие другие. В Саскачеванской провинции особое внимание стоит уделить озеру Тобин: с декабря по апрель здесь активно клюют северные щуки и огромные судаки. Не откажите себе в удовольствии порыбачить и на озере Ласт Маунтин, где господствуют крупный сиг, желтый окунь, северная щука и судак. Берега этих озер усеяны уютными рыбацкими домиками, что особенно удобно для тех, кто хочет целиком посвятить себя рыбалке.

Озеро Виннипег в провинции Манитоба – одно из лучших мест для подледной рыбалки. Однако во всем регионе так много озер, что порой хочется порыбачить в каждом из них: Киввиссинг-Лейк воплотит в жизнь мечты любого рыбака, а с озером Клируотер и вовсе трудно расстаться.

Когда ловить рыбу?

Сезон подледной рыбалки в Канаде начинается в конце декабря и продолжается до весны – лед почти полностью исчезает к апрелю.

4.6 / 5
На основе 28,582 отзывов клиентов FishingBooker

Подледная (зимняя) рыбалка Рыбалка – Canada – что говорят?

When fishing in Calgary for the first time definitely recommend getting a guide who knows the area so you aren't wasting time figuring out places/lures to use to catch fish in the area.
5.0 / 5
When fishing in Calgary for the first time definitely recommend getting a guide who knows the area so you aren't wasting time figuring out places/lures to use to catch fish in the area.
River People Guides
River People Guides
Not a lot of fishing boats out, so hardly any competition. We were able to catch our limit for the day. I am sure if we stayed out longer we could have got Halibut as well, since the other boat did in the same area.
5.0 / 5
Not a lot of fishing boats out, so hardly any competition. We were able to catch our limit for the day. I am sure if we stayed out longer we could have got Halibut as well, since the other boat did in the same area.
Tofino Ocean Adventures
Tofino Ocean Adventures
Be prepared for unpredictable weather changes and be ready to roll with what may be presented to you.
5.0 / 5
Be prepared for unpredictable weather changes and be ready to roll with what may be presented to you.
Full Melt Charters
Full Melt Charters
We couldn’t have gotten a more perfect day! Sun was shining, wasn’t too windy, fish were biting! We definitely over prepared but never know what to expect with being on the water
5.0 / 5
We couldn’t have gotten a more perfect day! Sun was shining, wasn’t too windy, fish were biting! We definitely over prepared but never know what to expect with being on the water
Rising Tide Coastal Adventures
Rising Tide Coastal Adventures
Opt for a seasoned local guide like Captain Scott in Ucluelet who knows the area well. His expertise can make a significant difference, ensuring you have a successful and enjoyable first fishing trip. Ucluelet’s weather can be unpredictable. Dressing in layers ensures you stay comfortable throughout the day. Pack the essentials, be patient and enjoy the experience!
5.0 / 5
Opt for a seasoned local guide like Captain Scott in Ucluelet who knows the area well. His expertise can make a significant difference, ensuring you have a successful and enjoyable first fishing trip. Ucluelet’s weather can be unpredictable. Dressing in layers ensures you stay comfortable throughout the day. Pack the essentials, be patient and enjoy the experience!
Oceans West Adventures
Oceans West Adventures
Contact the captain first, and he’ll give you all the information needed to include flexibility for weather.
5.0 / 5
Contact the captain first, and he’ll give you all the information needed to include flexibility for weather.
Niagara Fish Assassins Sportfishing
Niagara Fish Assassins Sportfishing
Its worth the effort to travel here...beautiful setting, plentiful fish and not overly commercialized
5.0 / 5
Its worth the effort to travel here...beautiful setting, plentiful fish and not overly commercialized
Sooke Salmon Charters
Sooke Salmon Charters
The captain admitted that the fishing is better prior to October but we had plenty of action.
5.0 / 5
The captain admitted that the fishing is better prior to October but we had plenty of action.
Northwest Saltwater Adventures
Northwest Saltwater Adventures
If you want a bigger catch you should check the dates of when you can keep the wild salmon.
5.0 / 5
If you want a bigger catch you should check the dates of when you can keep the wild salmon.
Full Melt Charters
Full Melt Charters
Book a charter that is able to assist you in fishing for the fish species you are targeting and have fun.
5.0 / 5
Book a charter that is able to assist you in fishing for the fish species you are targeting and have fun.
Peninsula Charters
Peninsula Charters Vancouver, British Columbia
Price was good for 5 hours. Lots of experience and Willing to answer questions. Book halibut full day so boat can travel to better Halibut options.
5.0 / 5
Price was good for 5 hours. Lots of experience and Willing to answer questions. Book halibut full day so boat can travel to better Halibut options.
Rising Tide Coastal Adventures
Rising Tide Coastal Adventures Didsbury, AB
Dress appropriately and bring gloves. It can get cold out there. Also a rain jacket and hat since there’s no roof on the boat.
5.0 / 5
Dress appropriately and bring gloves. It can get cold out there. Also a rain jacket and hat since there’s no roof on the boat.
Campbell's Deep Sea Fishing
Campbell's Deep Sea Fishing St. John's, Newfoundland And Labrador
I did not see a lot of other boats catching a lot of fish. Few fish per boat. However, we limited with Full Melt Charters in less than 2 hours. Definitely go with this guy!
5.0 / 5
I did not see a lot of other boats catching a lot of fish. Few fish per boat. However, we limited with Full Melt Charters in less than 2 hours. Definitely go with this guy!
Full Melt Charters
Full Melt Charters Brush Prairie, WA
Make sure to only book Phantom Fishing with Captain Frank and First Mate John!!
5.0 / 5
Make sure to only book Phantom Fishing with Captain Frank and First Mate John!!
Phantom Sportfishing – Oakville
Phantom Sportfishing – Oakville Pillager, MN
Bring a big cooler for all the fish you will be catching - they helped us pack up the fish and we got it all home without making a mess in my car but it would have been easier if I thought to bring my big cooler.
5.0 / 5
Bring a big cooler for all the fish you will be catching - they helped us pack up the fish and we got it all home without making a mess in my car but it would have been easier if I thought to bring my big cooler.
Tips Up Sport Fishing Charters
Tips Up Sport Fishing Charters Victoria, BC
Book the trip with Bob only! You will be satisfied with this. Don't forget to buy a Licence for fishing!
5.0 / 5
Book the trip with Bob only! You will be satisfied with this. Don't forget to buy a Licence for fishing!
Salmon Catcher Charters Toronto Ontario
Salmon Catcher Charters Toronto Ontario Toronto, ON
Not sure what the best time to fish in the Parksville area is but mid-August seemed to be pretty good.
5.0 / 5
Not sure what the best time to fish in the Parksville area is but mid-August seemed to be pretty good.
Rugged West Coast Sport Fishing
Rugged West Coast Sport Fishing Seattle, WA
Outstanding unbelievable fishing trip of a lifetime. Massive chinook salmon.
5.0 / 5
Outstanding unbelievable fishing trip of a lifetime. Massive chinook salmon.
Last Chance Fishing Adventures
Last Chance Fishing Adventures Overland Park, KS
The coastline is protected a bit by small rock islands which reduced the swells. We also go to see some sealions nearby.
5.0 / 5
The coastline is protected a bit by small rock islands which reduced the swells. We also go to see some sealions nearby.
Peninsula Charters
Peninsula Charters Burlington, Ontario
Excellent was as busy as we could’ve hoped! So glad we made the trip from tofino
5.0 / 5
Excellent was as busy as we could’ve hoped! So glad we made the trip from tofino
Kootenay Kingfisher – Salmon and Halibut
Kootenay Kingfisher – Salmon and Halibut Canada

Подледная (зимняя) рыбалка – лучший улов Рыбалка – Канада