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Глубоководная рыбалка Рыбалка – Орегон
Глубоководная рыбалка Рыбалка – Орегон
Fishing has always been an important part of life in Oregon. And while these deep waters have traditionally been explored by commercial fishing fleets, there's a lot of fun in store for recreational anglers, too. The deep sea fishing Oregon has off its coastline has plenty to offer anyone who dips a line in the water. Go out into the deep blue, and you'll see why.
Which Trip Should I Take?
Depending on what you’re hoping to catch, you’ll have different trip options available to you. Whether it’s Rockfish or Albacore Tuna, there’s always something fishy going on both near the coast and further offshore.
Half Day Trips
Shorter trips mean casting your line in shallow waters, but there’s still plenty of Rockfish for you to find. More than two dozen different types even. You may also be able to find a Lingcod or two, but that’s mostly up to luck.
¾ Day Trips
Trips of up to eight hours in length provide you with more freedom, and with that comes more opportunities for great fishing. Lingcod start becoming much more common the deeper you go, and we also see delicious Halibut making an appearance.
Full Day Trips
Longer trips enable you to head out up to 50 miles offshore, which in turn means you’re targeting the biggest and baddest fish out there. If you’re looking to check out the Albacore Tuna bite, these are the trips for you. Tuna will be in these waters from the end of July up until October, something to keep in mind when planning your trip.
How to Prepare
The most important thing you need to have sorted is a valid fishing license for yourself and any anglers age 12 and older. The easiest way to buy a fishing license is online, but you can also get them from licensed vendors. Another thing to keep in mind is that Tuna fishing can be pretty hardcore, so a good idea is to dress in older clothes you won’t mind getting messy or bloody.
Oregon might be the Beaver State, but there’s also plenty of fish in these seas. Come on down and check it out for yourself!