Master’s of the Seas…
Март 23, 2015
1 фото
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Описание тура
On the vessel today, is the fabled captain Erwin Westby, master of the seas and marlin whisperer. The day started out beautifully, weather conditions were in favor of the fishing crew today. Sydney Lopez at the wheel, with Darrel Westby manning the deck. They all thought for sure that today would be a landing day, the guests today a group from the sporting adventures club, Brad, Richard, Thomas and Chuck all from North Carolina and avid fishermen themselves. The hunt was on and the bite was hot, many fishes were hooked on this fair day but met with stiff competition as the sharks were out for the kill. Out of a decent amount of fish they only managed to bring in the smallest hook-ups. Such as Spanish mackerels, king mackerels, barracuda and triggerfish. But that’s not all, the guests on the boat today each got their blood boiling taking turns at hauling in a monster 9 feet lemon shark. It was a grueling 30 minutes as the monster came up and took off again several times, but it was Chuck who finished off the battle as he brought it long side the vessel and Captain Erwin Westby cut the line to set it free.