What would you recommend to anglers fishing in Cartersville, Georgia for the first time?

Ответы клиентов, рыбачивших с FishingBooker – Картерсвилл

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Joann Smartt-gaither
Decatur, Georgia
Рыбачил с Extreme Stripers Guide Service Август 23, 2020
Bring a big cooler... we caught 17 fish but had to release a few because we ran out of cooler space!!!

Alicia Escalante
Рыбачил с Extreme Stripers Guide Service Май 24, 2024
In the AM trip, Make sure to dress in layers! Bring hats, sunglasses, sunscreen, water and snacks.

Keith Donovan
Cumming, GA
Рыбачил с Extreme Stripers Guide Service Июль 19, 2023
I guess the lake is a little warm for fishing but they still had a great time and caught fish!!