What would you recommend to anglers fishing in Port Saint Joe, Florida for the first time?
Ответы клиентов, рыбачивших с FishingBooker – Порт-Сент-Джо
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1 - 5 of 5

Rusty Guizar
Roanoke, AL
Book at least an 8 hour trip and understand that Captains are not Jesus, they can't just speak to the fish and make them jump in the boat! It is called "Fishing" not "Catching" for a reason!

Seth Brewer
United States
Рыбачил с Hooked On Fishing Март 8, 2019
Рыбачил с Hooked On Fishing Март 8, 2019
It was cold when we went so i am not sure if that is why the fish were not biting