What would you recommend to anglers fishing in Lake Worth, Florida for the first time?
Ответы клиентов, рыбачивших с FishingBooker – Лейк-Уорт
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Cory Wunrow
Cold fronts change up the fishing habits but we still had bites and landed a big wahoo despite the high wind, very choppy water. Low 50s was “cold” to fish in but it was a great time regardless.

Mike Zajeski
Be prepared for decent waves, understand methods for avoiding sea sickness, and get kids involved!!!

A. Kristina Bryan
United States
Sun’s too hot for fish and some waters can be saturated with bait by the end of the day Sunday. Early morning and cooler weather better.

Jamey Bohonyi
San Juan
We were here in February and the wind made it tough. We did bette to celebrate we found areas less affected by the wind.

Harold Montgomery
Dallas, TX
Great fishing right in lake worth. Great place to fish for the variety of species.

Robert Bennett
Hilton Head Island, SC
Fish structure and find those shady spots. Always be respectful of property owners.