What would you recommend to anglers fishing in Bodega Bay, California for the first time?

Ответы клиентов, рыбачивших с FishingBooker – Bodega Bay

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Jack Guo
Рыбачил с Reel Obsession Sportfishing - Bodega Bay Ноябрь 17, 2024
Highly recommend captain Tyja and his deckhand nick. Sit back, drop a Dramamine and Enjoy the ocean.

John Kang
Santa Rosa, California
Рыбачил с Topline Sport Fishing Июль 25, 2021
We were originally to go to Bodega, but the captain changed venues to Berkeley due to the sea conditions.

Matt Henderson
San Jose, CA
Рыбачил с Fish On Charters – Bay Fishing Август 31, 2019
This was my first experience fishing in Bodega Bay and we didn't make out of the harbor. So I would be much help.

Michael Rhodes-Baker
Рыбачил с Reel Obsession Sportfishing - Bodega Bay Ноябрь 24, 2023
We had some rough water, but I’m inexperienced with boats so take that with a grain of salt.