What would you recommend to anglers fishing in Bay St Louis, Mississippi for the first time?
Ответы клиентов, рыбачивших с FishingBooker – Бэй Сент-Луис
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1 - 7 of 7

Dee Shana Talley
New Belgrade, Belgrade
Fishing was great, but the heat was rough. We called the trip a little early because one member of our group was getting ill from the heat.

Christie Veach
Weather in the afternoon can be unpredictable so manage expectations. Wear a hat, sunscreen and bug repellent since the boat may not have a cover.

Coley Johnson
Abilene, TX
Sunscreen, water, hat, sun glasses, and a spare day, because you’re going to want to stick around and go again.

Jerome Beavers
United States
Yes indeed , This place is beautiful, and our guide was a true example for others to follow, Stellar to say the least .

Mitchell Metzger
Ashland, OH
It's a great place to fish, and the Bay St Louis area has many nice restaurants. Neat little town.

Thomas Fullilove
Mattson, MS
Don’t know, first trip here. Lots of heat and wind, but that’s just part of the experience.

Mark Leffler
Fort Wayne, IN
Take overalls and sun screen you never know what kind of weather you will have in Feb.