What would you recommend to anglers fishing in Brenham, Texas for the first time?
Ответы клиентов, рыбачивших с FishingBooker – Brenham
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Ronnie Howard
College Station, TX
Be there early on a hot day. Boats have shade but you still should bring sunscreen. They provided water and snaks for the kids

Kimberly Pizana
Captain Harvey and his hand James were an outstanding team and made my son’s birthday

Curtis Lavender
Temple, TX
We went a little too early in the year but still had a great time and caught enough fish for us.

Ronnie Howard
College Station, TX
Don't follow waze to get to the marina. Come 15 minutes early so you can find it

Charles Chappell
Montgomery, TX
Bring water and sunscreen, avoid alcohol on the water and be courteous when operating watercraft.