What would you recommend to anglers fishing in Treasure Island, Florida for the first time?

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Ray Abruzzi
Рыбачил с La Costa Charters Апрель 24, 2024
Check what kind of fishing you’ll be doing (trolling, spinning, bottom fishing) with the captain. A lot of boats list all fishing techniques like my charter did, but all we did was trolling even though we asked to change it up. Conditions, time of year etc I know are all factors in what’s working so good to check!

Jay Wollschlager
Рыбачил с La Costa Charters Февраль 7, 2024
No heavy drinking the night before. We did the half day which would be fine for kids, probably not a full day trip. We are novice fisherman and had a great time.

Larry Denney
Tampa, FL
Рыбачил с La Costa Charters Май 30, 2019
Reminder that red snapper season opens in June so all red snapper you catch will be released. Still May is great month for fishing here.

Dan Gage
Tampa, Florida
Рыбачил с La Costa Charters Февраль 16, 2019
If you pick one of the charters out of John's Pass, you can spend some time on the boardwalk before or after your trip. Highly recommend La Costa Charters and Capt Patrick.

Toby Chenoweth
Port Byron, IL
Рыбачил с La Costa Charters Июнь 26, 2023
The heat is intense so dress appropriately and drink plenty of water. The fishing is excellent.

Paula Atteberry
Springfield, IL
Рыбачил с La Costa Charters Июнь 8, 2023
Fish with La Costa Charters and take plenty of water and sunscreen and have a great time.

Holly Gamblin
Hyattsville, MD
Рыбачил с La Costa Charters Апрель 23, 2019
book a full day; our half day experience was great but we all could have stayed out longer