What would you recommend to anglers fishing in Williamsburg, Michigan for the first time?
Ответы клиентов, рыбачивших с FishingBooker – Уильямсберг
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Carolyn Wilk
Terry knows his craft and is professional so there is nothing to recommend because he knows his craft so well.

Gary Roche
Beautiful day on the water !
Captain and mate are candid about what is
Mostly in the water at this time

Ann Brzezniak
Ypsilanti, Michigan
Remember to bring a big cooler. You will get way more fish than you except. Bring a food deeper to pack them up back at your cabin

Kevin Howe
Houghton Lake, Michigan
As explained to us, late in the season do the morning or evening trip, not the midday. We went evening and the sunset was amazing!

Prepare for both cooler and warmer weather. Layer some clothes in the event you get hot/cold.

Mary Farkas
Traverse City, MI
Best decision you’ll ever make if you choose this charter. Awesome time had by all.