What would you recommend to anglers fishing in Freeport, Maine for the first time?

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Crystal Collet
Freeport, ME
Рыбачил с Balding Eagle Enterprises Август 17, 2024
He shows up late. Boat wouldn't start battery was dead. Took thebone out of our truck. Then tells us you will be lucky to even catch 1 fish. He stayed in one spot for maybe 20 minutes we started getting bites then he leaves and everything he stopped was maybe 15 minutes gave no time to fish. Then he only took us out for 3 hours when we paid for 4. This was the worst charter trip. He was just someone driving a boat. No one caught a bite but how could we. Do not recommend 550. For a 3 hour boat ride basically. Oh but we helped get his bait for his next charter he said. Seriously Stay Away.

Timothy Bolger
Рыбачил с Balding Eagle Enterprises Июнь 2, 2024
Seems like striper fishing in Maine is just starting/heating up. I feel I was fortunate to catch one, let alone 3! Seems that end of June is a better time based on what I’ve learned. Fishing is always a game of skill and luck though. Every fisherman must know that!!! #FishOn

Tammy Calder
Рыбачил с Balding Eagle Enterprises Июль 14, 2024
I used David’s recipe for pan blackened striped bass we caught, it was amazing. One of the very best tasting fish I have ever had! Thank you David

Scot Palmer
Рыбачил с Seawalker Excursions Июль 13, 2024
Definitely book a trip with Captain Cory he’s a awesome captain knows where to fish and what he’s doing you will not regret a second of it

Wende Copp
Рыбачил с Balding Eagle Enterprises Июнь 30, 2024
Capt Dave will definitely work very hard to make sure you catch fish and have a good time. be sure you go with some one who knows exactly where the fish are and are biting.

Randy Lee
Winthrop Harbor, IL
Рыбачил с Balding Eagle Enterprises Август 27, 2023
Dress appropriately and if possible, buy a parking pass in advance if you are taking the early trip.

Richard Hettlinger
Рыбачил с Balding Eagle Enterprises Август 19, 2023
Be sure to understand if there is a bathroom on board the boat. It may be an issue on 3 to 4 hour trip for some people.

Tony James
United States
Рыбачил с Seawalker Excursions Июнь 15, 2019
Make sure that you talk to local fishermen to know what fish are biting and where they can be found.

Joshua Franco
Рыбачил с Balding Eagle Enterprises Август 26, 2024
Yes but fish in responsable ways so we can sustain the experience for generation.