Рыбалка - Аляска

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Топ Аляска направлений

Аляска: 118 туров доступно
4.9 / 5
(39 reviews)
4.9 / 5
(5 reviews)
4.8 / 5
(63 reviews)
4.9 / 5
(27 reviews)
4.8 / 5
(40 reviews)
4.9 / 5
(59 reviews)
4.8 / 5
(25 reviews)
5.0 / 5
(11 reviews)
5.0 / 5
(5 reviews)

Frequently Asked Questions about Fishing Charters in Alaska

According to customer reviews, some of the most popular fishing charters in Alaska are: Full list of top fishing charters in Alaska

The average price for a private 4 hour Alaska fishing trip is US $928, while an 8 hour private trip will cost you US $1,573 based on prices on FishingBooker.com.

Fishing charters in Alaska that received great reviews from families are:

The top 3 fish species targeted on guided fishing trips in Alaska are:

The top 3 fishing techniques in Alaska are:

The top 3 types of fishing in Alaska are:

Many fishing charters in Alaska provide rods, reels and tackle. Some of the top rated are:

According to customer reviews on FishingBooker.com, some of the best rated charter captains in Alaska are:

Who are the top awarded captains in Alaska?

Some of the fishing trips offered by fishing charters in Alaska are:
  • 4-hour fishing trips – US $885
  • 5-hour fishing trips – US $1,078
  • 6-hour fishing trips – US $1,133
  • 7-hour fishing trips – US $350
  • 8-hour fishing trips – US $1,356

Fishing in Аляска

Аляска – настоящий рай на земле, где рыбак любой масти может остаться наедине с потрясающими водами рек, озер и океана. Здесь самое настоящее “водное царство”, где царит суровый климат и уникальная красота. Оказаться на Аляске и отказать себе в удовольствии порыбачить – непростительно!

Отправляясь рыбачить на Аляску, готовьтесь не только к рыбе, лосям и медведям – здесь и прекрасные дороги, и отлично развитая инфраструктура. Местные гиды – настоящие знатоки своего дела, которые бережно относятся к сохранению природных ресурсов.

Исследуйте океанские заливы и бухты, поймайте своего собственного трофея в горных реках и озерах. Не сомневайтесь – улова хватит на всех!

Пресноводная рыбалка на Аляске

Рыбалка в реках и озерах на Аляске – это уникальная возможность познакомиться с заповедными местами этой удивительной страны. А рек и озер здесь – тысячи!

Большую часть улова на Аляске составляет тихоокеанский благородный лосось – уникальный вид рыб, одержимый продолжением своего рода. Ведь именно поэтому бесконечные стаи лососей идут на место рождения своих предков, проходя сквозь водопады и пороги. В пресной воде тихоокеанский лосось приобретает красочный брачный наряд – именно так местные отличают уже постоявших в реке лососей.

Готовьтесь отправиться на реки уже к середине апреля: именно тогда в них заходит стальноголовый лосось, который нерестится до середины июня. Далее он уступает место нерке - ее вы можете ловить до середины августа. Горбуша и кета ловятся с середины лета и до начала осени, как и кижуч.

В течение всего летнего сезона вы можете насладиться ловлей хариуса, вайтфиша, озерной форели, кеты, различными гольцами и щукой. К тому же, местные воды полны микижей – радужной форелью, – которая по праву считается одним из самых интересных трофеев на Аляске.

Аляска – рай как для любителей ловли в нахлыст, так и спиннингистов. Также здесь применяются бэйтинг и джиггинг. Лучше всего рыбачить в соответствии со временем года и условиями водоема. Будьте уверены, что ваш гид с легкостью покажет, как успешно поймать любого представителя местных вод!

Океанская рыбалка на Аляске

Рыбалка в океане на Аляске – удовольствие, в котором не сможет себе отказать ни один уважающий себя рыбак. Лишь немного отъехав от берега, вы сможете насладиться красивейшими водопадами, горами и ледниками, готовясь остаться наедине с любимым развлечением.

Ловля гигантского тихоокеанского палтуса на Аляске даст любому возможность ощутить мощь этого морского жителя. Это – огромная и упорная рыба с плоским телом, напоминающим камбалу. Затащить такого гиганта на борт - огромное удовольствие, особенно если вам удалось поймать трофей от 1000 и более килограмм. Но сомневайтесь в том, что даже 15-50-килограммовый палтус продемонстрирует вам свою силу!

Проверить на прочность свои снасти и встретиться один на один с тихоокеанскими трофеями может каждый, и не обязательно концентрироваться только лишь на ловле палтуса. Глубины Аляски богаты зубатым терпугом, морским окунем, тихоокеанской сельдевой весом до 450 килограмм и полярной акулами весом в полтонны.

Океанская рыбалка на Аляске не оставит вас равнодушным вне зависимости от того, как далеко от берега вы рыбачите. Исследуйте воды ближе к берегу или отправляйтесь на дальние рубежи. Готовьтесь к чавыче, различным видам трески, сибасу, фореле, скатам и, конечно же, морскому лососю – он здесь не менее вкусный, чем в реках.

Правила и положения

Everyone who casts a line in Alaska needs to have a valid fishing license first. Residents who are 18 and older can buy an annual fishing license, while non-residents aged 16 and older can choose between several different license options. If you plan on fishing for Chinook Salmon, you'll need to buy an additional King Salmon stamp.

4.8 / 5
На основе 28579 отзывов клиентов FishingBooker

Аляска – сезоны

Аляска зимой - не только лед, ведь под ним обитают такие виды рыб, как голец и щука. Насладитесь подледной рыбалкой с одним из местных гидов.
Заядлые любители нахлыстовой рыбалки по праву оценят февраль: вы можете поймать радужную форель и некоторые другие виды рыб в местных водоемах.
Сезон морской рыбалки не за горами, поэтому стоит по-максимому использовать оставшееся время и исследовать пресноводные водоемы.
Морская рыбалка вполне может вас порадовать даже в апреле, ведь на горизонте появляются палтус, морской окунь и даже королевский лосось.
Сейчас - самое время отправиться на рыбалку на лосось! Исследуйте реку Кенай с одним из местных гидов или капитанов.
Донная рыбалка - отличная идея для первого месяца лета, ведь палтус и морской окунь сейчас активно клюют.
Летний сезон рыбалки на Аляске достигает своего пика: здесь полно кеты, нерки и королевского лосося. В год, заканчивающийся на четное число, можно найти и горбушу.
Поздним летом не найти ничего лучше, чем рыбалка на Аляске. Вы можете ожидать палтуса, змеезуба и лососевых, которые активно ловятся вдоль побережья.
Сейчас - отличное время для пресноводной рыбалки на щуку и даже лосося в некоторых водоемах штата.
Многие рыбацкий судна заканчивают свой сезон, но все еще можно найти лодку для донной рыбалки.
Если повезет с погодой, вы можете попробовать свои силы в подледной рыбалке на щуку и многие другие виды рыб.
Нахлыстовики и любители подледной рыбалки не могут позволить себе упустить свой шанс и исследовать местные водоемы!

Аляска Календарь рыболова

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Рыбалка – Аляска – что говорят?

The weather can be sketchy in October. July through September are better for peak salmon season and more stable weather conditions
4.7 / 5
The weather can be sketchy in October. July through September are better for peak salmon season and more stable weather conditions
Discovery Charters
Discovery Charters
Make plans with your guide before booking your room. They may be able to help you find a good place and a better deal right in Cooper landing. I booked a room in Soldotna before I made fishing plans and spent a little extra time traveling. It wasn't too bad, but it would have been nicer to be right there.
5.0 / 5
Make plans with your guide before booking your room. They may be able to help you find a good place and a better deal right in Cooper landing. I booked a room in Soldotna before I made fishing plans and spent a little extra time traveling. It wasn't too bad, but it would have been nicer to be right there.
Kenai River Trout Anglers
Kenai River Trout Anglers United States
First time salmon fishing and first time salmon fishing on the river. The fishing is sitting right off the bank anchored down while you lure is diving close to the bottom from the current. Just a lot of sitting waiting for a bite.
5.0 / 5
First time salmon fishing and first time salmon fishing on the river. The fishing is sitting right off the bank anchored down while you lure is diving close to the bottom from the current. Just a lot of sitting waiting for a bite.
Scout Lake Adventures
Scout Lake Adventures Anchorage, Alaska
Talk to experienced guides. There are a lot of lodges with guides with limited experience.
5.0 / 5
Talk to experienced guides. There are a lot of lodges with guides with limited experience.
Chugach Backcountry Fishing
Chugach Backcountry Fishing Kailua-Kona, Hawaii
Bring rain gear and wear layers. You never know what the weather will be like until you are out.
5.0 / 5
Bring rain gear and wear layers. You never know what the weather will be like until you are out.
Blue Ice Alaska Charters – Salty Loot
Blue Ice Alaska Charters – Salty Loot Seattle, Washington
Go in July and first part aug, unless you a resident of alaska, and yous this charter.
5.0 / 5
Go in July and first part aug, unless you a resident of alaska, and yous this charter.
Blue Ice Alaska Charters – Yanichka
Blue Ice Alaska Charters – Yanichka Anchorage, Alaska
Bring a lunch, appropriate shoes and clothing and an eagerness to have fun.
4.7 / 5
Bring a lunch, appropriate shoes and clothing and an eagerness to have fun.
Discover Alaskan Adventures
Discover Alaskan Adventures Kasilof, AK
Go with Noah and his crew...... very helpful, on the ball and committed to your having a good time
5.0 / 5
Go with Noah and his crew...... very helpful, on the ball and committed to your having a good time
Saltwater Safari Company
Saltwater Safari Company Eagle Mountain, UT
Make it a priority to fish in Seward on your trip, it is an absolutely stunning setting and the fish did not disappoint.
5.0 / 5
Make it a priority to fish in Seward on your trip, it is an absolutely stunning setting and the fish did not disappoint.
First Cast Fishing
First Cast Fishing Seattle, WA
Don't be disappointed if you don't catch all the fish you expect to. So many variables with weather and conditions. Enjoy the experience of it all. The camaraderie, the scenery is wonderful, being out on the big water. Being able to go fishing in Alaska is a blessing, not a given.
4.7 / 5
Don't be disappointed if you don't catch all the fish you expect to. So many variables with weather and conditions. Enjoy the experience of it all. The camaraderie, the scenery is wonderful, being out on the big water. Being able to go fishing in Alaska is a blessing, not a given.
Jake's Saltwater Adventures – FV Nauti Nellie
Jake's Saltwater Adventures – FV Nauti Nellie Ruth, MI
Being rain grear and waterproof boots, Don’t expect a guarantee to catch salmon.
5.0 / 5
Being rain grear and waterproof boots, Don’t expect a guarantee to catch salmon.
Scout Lake Adventures
Scout Lake Adventures Dalton Gardens, ID
This is surf fishing. We thought it was specific for halibut which is not true. Title of this fishing expedition needs to change. It was a great experience. We caught fish without sea sickness and if you need to go pee there is bathroom :) beautiful scenes to view while fishing. Take your chairs, coolers, relax, enjoy and have good time. My grandsons (10 & 13) recommend and so do we.
5.0 / 5
This is surf fishing. We thought it was specific for halibut which is not true. Title of this fishing expedition needs to change. It was a great experience. We caught fish without sea sickness and if you need to go pee there is bathroom :) beautiful scenes to view while fishing. Take your chairs, coolers, relax, enjoy and have good time. My grandsons (10 & 13) recommend and so do we.
Halibut Beach Fishing
Halibut Beach Fishing La Mesa, CA
Set back relax, enjoy the scenery and know that this operation will put you on fish. We seen whales, seals and eagles
5.0 / 5
Set back relax, enjoy the scenery and know that this operation will put you on fish. We seen whales, seals and eagles
Juneau Adventures – 30'
Juneau Adventures – 30' Seattle, Washington
Prepare for rain but bring a short sleeved shirt just in case the sun comes out! Plenty of space to store your backpacks and coolers so if you think you may need it-bring it.
5.0 / 5
Prepare for rain but bring a short sleeved shirt just in case the sun comes out! Plenty of space to store your backpacks and coolers so if you think you may need it-bring it.
Saltwater Safari Company
Saltwater Safari Company Wasilla, AK
Allow enough time to get at least two good fishing days. Be prepared to spend 500.00 to 1000.00 on processing and shipping costs.
5.0 / 5
Allow enough time to get at least two good fishing days. Be prepared to spend 500.00 to 1000.00 on processing and shipping costs.
Heaven’s Gate Charters
Heaven’s Gate Charters
check the dates; mid to late july for reds, mid august for silvers. We went in between and it really didn't work out.
5.0 / 5
check the dates; mid to late july for reds, mid august for silvers. We went in between and it really didn't work out.
King of the River – Powerboat
King of the River – Powerboat Atascadero, CA
Make sure you know what days correspond with the fish you desire to catch. For example, you are not allowed to keep Halibut on Wednesdays.
5.0 / 5
Make sure you know what days correspond with the fish you desire to catch. For example, you are not allowed to keep Halibut on Wednesdays.
BLN Fishing Charters
BLN Fishing Charters Newton, AL
Be prepared for cold and wet weather and listen to the captain and crew-they will do their best to guide you to catch fish!
5.0 / 5
Be prepared for cold and wet weather and listen to the captain and crew-they will do their best to guide you to catch fish!
Saltwater Safari Company
Saltwater Safari Company Wasilla, AK
Perfect time to catch salmon! We almost didn’t do and can’t believe we almost missed.
5.0 / 5
Perfect time to catch salmon! We almost didn’t do and can’t believe we almost missed.
Ketchikan’s Finest Fishing Charters
Ketchikan’s Finest Fishing Charters Seattle, Washington
Rain gear, be prepared for cooler weather....dont expect 100 pound halibut....take the good normal 30-50 pound ones if you get the opportunity....
5.0 / 5
Rain gear, be prepared for cooler weather....dont expect 100 pound halibut....take the good normal 30-50 pound ones if you get the opportunity....
Heaven’s Gate Charters
Heaven’s Gate Charters Seattle, Washington

How did anglers rate fishing charters in Аляска?

Big Butt Charters - Captain Josh
Big Butt Charters - Captain Josh
Fishing charter in Homer
5.0 / 5
(164 reviews)
Had a blast! Caught some rockfish and some Kings! Would definitely recommend!
Pierce  D.
Pierce D.
Chugach Backcountry Fishing
Chugach Backcountry Fishing
Fishing charter in Kenai
5.0 / 5
(10 reviews)
This is the fourth time we have enjoyed fishing with Corey and the Chugach Backcountry Fishing team. There is a reason my family and I plan our annual fishing trip with Chugach Backcountry and never consider the competition. We look forward to fishing again next season!
Jeremy  B.
Jeremy B. Sydney, New South Wales
Kodiak Adventure Fishing
Kodiak Adventure Fishing
Fishing charter in Kodiak
5.0 / 5
(3 reviews)
Had an awesome trip with Aidan! He was energetic, attentive, knowledgeable, and fishy! Caught a massive halibut, rockfish, land lingcod! Excited to fish with him again this summer!
Brian  M.
Brian M. Anchorage, Alaska
Scout Lake Adventures
Scout Lake Adventures
Fishing charter in Kenai
5.0 / 5
(27 reviews)
Managed to catch 2 Silvers (missed 2 - didn't get them in the boat!), nevertheless, we enjoyed our day on the beautiful Kenai River. Our last 30 minutes sitting in our spot we started in, a beautiful Eagle landed in the tree right next to us on the bank. What a great way to end the day as the sun was setting. Book Scout Lake Adventures for your next fishing trip!
Tonisha  E.
Tonisha E.
Scout Lake Adventures
Scout Lake Adventures
Fishing charter in Kenai
5.0 / 5
(27 reviews)
Highly recommended. Very experienced guide knows what is doing will get you on the fish.
Sangkoo  P.
Sangkoo P. United States
Big Butt Charters - Captain Josh
Big Butt Charters - Captain Josh
Fishing charter in Homer
5.0 / 5
(164 reviews)
The trip was awesome. Very knowledgeable captain Josh seemed to know where all the best fishing was. We limited out on everything we were after and then some.
Wade  O.
Wade O. Lynnwood, Washington
Scout Lake Adventures
Scout Lake Adventures
Fishing charter in Kenai
5.0 / 5
(27 reviews)
We went on a honeymoon fishing trip with Captain Robert. We had such a fun time and caught limits for the both of us. Captain was knowledgeable about the fisheries, fun to chat with and even took us to look for Eagles after we finished fishing. He had all the good gear and had a heater to keep us warm, it was a chilly morning! It was an adventure we wont forget! We will definitely be back to fish with Captain Robert with our family. Thank you!
Kaitlin  D.
Kaitlin D. Kenai, AK
Big Butt Charters - Captain Josh
Big Butt Charters - Captain Josh
Fishing charter in Homer
5.0 / 5
(164 reviews)
Very clean, new and fast boat. All the equipment is great snd in great shape. Captain is nice, very experienced and effortlessly does his job in a very efficient way. Over all a great trip and I will be fishing with him again when I’m in homer.
Tom  A.
Tom A. Seattle, Washington
Fishhound Expeditions LLC
Fishhound Expeditions LLC
Fishing charter in Willow
5.0 / 5
(34 reviews)
What an amazing float and fish. Great way to see the country that most visitors never get to. The fish we're big and plentiful.
Steve  P.
Steve P. Labadie, MO
Scout Lake Adventures
Scout Lake Adventures
Fishing charter in Kenai
5.0 / 5
(27 reviews)
Fishing was slow due to the flooding on the Kenai. We did however catch a few and Robert was very pleasant and personable. We would definitely fish with him again
Paul  G.
Paul G.
Chugach Backcountry Fishing
Chugach Backcountry Fishing
Fishing charter in Kenai
5.0 / 5
(10 reviews)
I've fished with Corey and his crew many times, and have always had a great time on the water. They are professional, know the water well and will put you on the fish! I highly recommend Chugach Backcounty Fishing. You will have a great time!
Nick  S.
Nick S. Bellingham, Washington
Fishhound Expeditions LLC
Fishhound Expeditions LLC
Fishing charter in Willow
4.3 / 5
(34 reviews)
I did a one day float trip for a chance to catch Salmon. Catch for day was one Rainbow Trout and Arctic Char. Salmon had left weeks earlier Shore lunch of Reindeer brats, beer and chips was great. Guide RyN was of great help on boat control, rigging line, and trying to locate fish.
Larry  C.
Larry C. Gilboa, NY
Chugach Backcountry Fishing
Chugach Backcountry Fishing
Fishing charter in Kenai
5.0 / 5
(10 reviews)
Our group went fishing wih Kristen on the Kenai and had a wonderful time catching and releasing beautifull Rainbow Ttrout. She know all of the good spots which we worked hard effortlessly. Her laid back demeanor and patience with some of the inexperienced anglers made for a memorable outing.
Jeff  H.
Jeff H. Kailua-Kona, Hawaii
Scout Lake Adventures
Scout Lake Adventures
Fishing charter in Kenai
5.0 / 5
(27 reviews)
Had a great time despite the cold, rain, and slow bite. We only caught four silvers total but it’s been slow for everyone.
Christopher  M.
Christopher M. Anchorage, Alaska
Saltwater Safari Company
Saltwater Safari Company
Fishing charter in Seward
5.0 / 5
(294 reviews)
Captain Noah and Mate Kai of the Renegade delivered a fantastic day of fishing for halibut and rockfish. All 12 customers filled their limits and several hauled in good sized halibuts. The fishing was well organized, with the boat on hot spots, baits replaced promptly and fish handled quickly. The Renegade itself is a relatively new, smooth sailing and comfortable fishing boat. A highly recommended outfit and experience.
Harold  L.
Harold L. Harvest, AL
Saltwater Safari Company
Saltwater Safari Company
Fishing charter in Seward
5.0 / 5
(294 reviews)
Very highly recommend this organization. Most fun and best results of any fishing trip I have done. Great crew. Outstandingly organized. Finished early, they took us sightseeing. Saw Dall Porpoise and Stellar Sea Lions.
Warren  J.
Warren J.
Saltwater Safari Company
Saltwater Safari Company
Fishing charter in Seward
5.0 / 5
(294 reviews)
Had an absolute blast. Staff were great and worked there tails off. Shout out to Justin and Maka, you guys were great.
Kevin  C.
Kevin C. Lillian, TX
Chugach Backcountry Fishing
Chugach Backcountry Fishing
Fishing charter in Kenai
5.0 / 5
(10 reviews)
I have fished with Corey for many years. When you find a guide that is knowledgeable and fun to be with, you stick with em! I send a lot of people Corey’s direction every year from the lower 48. I have full confidence that people will have a quality Alaska experience with him. No one has been disappointed yet!
Sherwin  L.
Sherwin L. Anchorage, Alaska
Fishhound Expeditions LLC
Fishhound Expeditions LLC
Fishing charter in Willow
5.0 / 5
(34 reviews)
We loved Orion!!! He was a great teacher and very patient with new fly fishermen!! Thank for a great day.
Nancy  B.
Nancy B. Hood River, OR
Scout Lake Adventures
Scout Lake Adventures
Fishing charter in Kenai
5.0 / 5
(27 reviews)
Captain Bob got our group of three out on a trip with short notice and in tough fishing conditions. He did a great job of getting us into fish and we were able to walk away with some fish for the freezer. It was enjoyable to spend several hours on the water with him. Would highly recommend a trip. I hope to be back.
Ryan  H.
Ryan H. Salt Lake City, UT

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Самые популырные виды рыб – Аляска