Рыбалка - Пуэрто-Вальярта

Мы нашли самые интересные предложения из 94 туров в Пуэрто-Вальярта -–введите свои даты и посмотрите

Пуэрто-Вальярта: 94 туров доступно
4.8 / 5
(368 reviews)
 Мгновенное подтверждение
4.6 / 5
(435 reviews)
 Мгновенное подтверждение
4.7 / 5
(195 reviews)
 Мгновенное подтверждение
4.7 / 5
(44 reviews)
Вы выбрали популярные даты – у нас не осталось свободных дат для этой команды! Посмотрите другие варианты ниже.
4.6 / 5
(103 reviews)
 Мгновенное подтверждение
4.9 / 5
(19 reviews)
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4.5 / 5
(172 reviews)
 Мгновенное подтверждение
4.9 / 5
(176 reviews)
Вы выбрали популярные даты – у нас не осталось свободных дат для этой команды! Посмотрите другие варианты ниже.
4.8 / 5
(99 reviews)
 Мгновенное подтверждение
4.5 / 5
(14 reviews)
 Мгновенное подтверждение

Frequently Asked Questions about Fishing Charters in Puerto Vallarta

According to customer reviews, some of the most popular fishing charters in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco are: Full list of top fishing charters in Puerto Vallarta

The average price for a private 4 hour Puerto Vallarta fishing trip is US $360, while an 8 hour private trip will cost you US $692 based on prices on FishingBooker.com.

Fishing charters in Puerto Vallarta that received great reviews from families are:

The top 3 fish species targeted on guided fishing trips in Puerto Vallarta are:

The top 3 fishing techniques in Puerto Vallarta are:

The top 3 types of fishing in Puerto Vallarta are:

Many fishing charters in Puerto Vallarta provide rods, reels and tackle. Some of the top rated are:

According to customer reviews on FishingBooker.com, some of the best rated charter captains in Puerto Vallarta are:

Who are the top awarded captains in Puerto Vallarta?

Some of the fishing trips offered by fishing charters in Puerto Vallarta are:
  • 4-hour fishing trips – £374
  • 5-hour fishing trips – £301
  • 6-hour fishing trips – £475
  • 7-hour fishing trips – £422
  • 8-hour fishing trips – £620
  • 10-hour fishing trips – £653
  • 12-hour fishing trips – £876
  • 15-hour fishing trips – £1,206

Fishing in Пуэрто-Вальярта

Рыбалка в Пуэрто-Вальярте даст фору многим знаменитым местам Тихоокеанского региона Мексики. Этот райский уголок не разочарует даже самого требовательного профессионала, ведь здесь расположились Эль Банко, Корбетена и Эль Моро с их плодотворными сезонами круглый год.

Отправиться покорять океанские просторы можно в любое время. Попробовать свои силы в ловле тунца или погоняться за красивейшими (и очень вкусными!) махи-махи в Пуэрто-Вальярте может каждый: от начинающего рыбака до искушенного профессионала.

Что и как ловить?

Заняться спортивной рыбалкой на отдыхе мы можете практически не отходя от отеля: Пуэрто-Вальярта расположилась на Баия-де-лас-Бандерас, – “Заливе Флагов”. Здесь вас ждут махи-махи, рыба-меч, барракуда, снэппер и, конечно же, знаменитая рыба-петух, встретить которую можно в пяти минутах от берега.

Если же вы хотите поохотиться на крупных хищников, которые с легкостью могут проверить ваше оборудование на прочность, – смело отправляйтесь на Мариетские острова и наслаждайтесь настоящими чудесами природы. Ловятся здесь самые разнообразные морские сокровища, включая тунца, ваху, марлинов и парусника. Правда, вам придется запастись терпением, ведь поездка туда займет несколько часов. К счастью, скучать вам точно не придется: расслабьтесь, устройтесь поудобнее и полюбуйтесь потрясающими видами открытого моря.

Но это далеко не все. Пуэрто-Вальярта – одно из лучших мест в мире для спортивной рыбалки на желтоперого тунца, а также голубого, черного и полосатого марлинов и парусника. Любителям глубоководной рыбалки необходимо лишь отплыть подальше от берега и приготовиться к схватке с крупным хищником.

Если вы жаждите настоящих приключений и готовы посвятить морской охоте все свое время, то смело отправляйтесь на «Банки» и на остров Ла-Корбетенья. Путь туда долгий: остров расположен в 57 километрах от пристани, а Банки – в 80, – однако именно там вас ждут гигантские марлины и тунцы. Каждый уважающий себя рыболов просто обязан включить в свой список эти роскошные места!

Тем рыболовам, которые отдают предпочтение пресноводной рыбалке, обязательно стоит изучить местные водоемы. Вы можете отправиться на реки и половить снука, сразиться с бассов на озере Агуа-Милпа или же насладиться потрясающем озером Кахон-де-Пена, расположившимся посреди гор Сьерра-Мадре.

Рыбачат на марлина и тунца в Пуэрто-Вальярта обычно на троллинг, на рыбу-петуха здесь можно выходить с легким снаряжением, а снуков в водоемах ловят нахлыстом. Какую бы технику вы ни выбрали, скучно в Пуэрто-Вальярте вам точно не будет!

Правила и положения

Most charters in town provide a Mexican sportfishing license for all on board, but it’s worth checking with your captain if you need to get one before you board. Your professional guide will also be up-to-date with all the latest bag and size limits, so rest assured you’ll be fishing within the law.
4.6 / 5
На основе 28559 отзывов клиентов FishingBooker

Пуэрто-Вальярта – сезоны

Начало нового года позволяет вам как следует насладиться Пуэрто-Вальяртой. Погода вас точно не разочарует: дожди идут редко, поэтому самое время порыбачить на ваху и парусника.
В последний месяц зимы в Пуэрто-Вальярте можно встретить огромное количество туристов из-за роскошной погоды. Если вам посчастливилось отдыхать здесь в феврале, порыбачьте на махи-махи.
С наступлением весны нет ничего лучше, чем заняться рыбалкой в заливе Бандерас. Если же вы хотите остаться с любимым хобби наедине, самое время исследовать один из местных водоемов.
В апреле можно заняться рыбалкой вдоль берега залива Бандерас. Возьмите с собой всю семью: им точно понравится ловить макрелей.
Именно в мае по-настоящему начинается рыболовный сезон в Пуэрто-Вальярте. Отдыхающих не так много, поэтому у вас есть отличная возможность первыми открыть сезон рыбалки на желтоперого тунца.
В начале лета в Пуэрто-Вальярте настоящая эйфория: в открытом море можно достать вкуснейших тунцов, а в прибрежных водах – рыбу-петуха, груперов и амберджека.
В июле в Пуэрто-Вальярте достаточно жарко, а где лучше всего спрятаться от жары? На борту рыболовного судна в открытом море!
Насладитесь морским бризом и отправляйтесь рыбачить в открытое море. Поймать сейчас можно практически все: от парусника до марлинов.
В сентябре – самое время насладиться глубоководной рыбалкой в Пуэрто-Вальярта. Потенциальный улов состоит из полосатого марлина, тунца и махи-махи.
Сезон рыбалки все еще в разгаре, однако стоит обратить особое внимание на погоду. В октябре возможны тропические штормы.
Погода улучшается, поэтому можно заметить большой наплыв туристов. Любители спортивной рыбалки оценят международный турнир по ловле марлинов и парусников.
Начните готовиться к праздникам вместе с тысячами других людей в Пуэрто-Вальярте, которые предпочитают море снегу. Кто может устоять перед рыбалкой в открытом море в качестве новогоднего подарка?

Пуэрто-Вальярта Календарь рыболова

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Рыбалка – Пуэрто-Вальярта – что говорят?

Encourage the operator to have enough live bait. All of our good catches were on line bait
4.7 / 5
Encourage the operator to have enough live bait. All of our good catches were on line bait
Martin's Fishing Adventures
Martin's Fishing Adventures
The waters are a little cooler in April so the mahi mahi and dorados are further offshore. However there are still plenty of great fish to catch in the bay!
5.0 / 5
The waters are a little cooler in April so the mahi mahi and dorados are further offshore. However there are still plenty of great fish to catch in the bay!
Super Panga Tres Estrellas
Super Panga Tres Estrellas
Don’t be afraid to ask to fish for a certain type of fish if you’re after something specific. Our captain was super flexible and would put us wherever and whatever we wanted to do. We wanted to pull in some fish with a good fight but not keep them, so he found us crevalle jacks to hook into. We had our two kids with us that wanted to see a lot marine life, so he found us sea turtles and manta rays, and took us to the most beautiful spot to snorkel. Just an amazing day out on the water!
5.0 / 5
Don’t be afraid to ask to fish for a certain type of fish if you’re after something specific. Our captain was super flexible and would put us wherever and whatever we wanted to do. We wanted to pull in some fish with a good fight but not keep them, so he found us crevalle jacks to hook into. We had our two kids with us that wanted to see a lot marine life, so he found us sea turtles and manta rays, and took us to the most beautiful spot to snorkel. Just an amazing day out on the water!
Super Panga Tres Estrellas
Super Panga Tres Estrellas
Nicest Captain and crew. They set it up to be successful, 6 lines trolling various baits and depths. We booked a 4 hour trip.
4.7 / 5
Nicest Captain and crew. They set it up to be successful, 6 lines trolling various baits and depths. We booked a 4 hour trip.
Tres Amores
Tres Amores
In March, If you are looking to find mahi and tuna, you're going to have book an all day trip so that you can go 2 1/2 hours offshore.
5.0 / 5
In March, If you are looking to find mahi and tuna, you're going to have book an all day trip so that you can go 2 1/2 hours offshore.
Valeria I
Valeria I
All anglers of all types can enjoy the experience of off shore fishing in PV.
5.0 / 5
All anglers of all types can enjoy the experience of off shore fishing in PV.
Azul Profundo Sportfishing
Azul Profundo Sportfishing
Visit with your captain and fish for the species that is the most abundant for the time of year your here.
5.0 / 5
Visit with your captain and fish for the species that is the most abundant for the time of year your here.
Burton lll Sport Fishing
Burton lll Sport Fishing
Super fun trip! Go and learn! They will teach you!! 100% worth it!! Don’t forget to tip!
5.0 / 5
Super fun trip! Go and learn! They will teach you!! 100% worth it!! Don’t forget to tip!
Gilligan III
Gilligan III
Contact the captain and check with him on what’s being caught. Make sure you have the core address if you are taking Uber
4.3 / 5
Contact the captain and check with him on what’s being caught. Make sure you have the core address if you are taking Uber
Calypso Charters – Calypso II
Calypso Charters – Calypso II
I never have been sea sick before, but even in what seemed pretty calm water I got a little sick. Maybe the tequila the night before had something to do with it, lol. Next time I would take the anti-nausea medicine before hand. Just expect to have a good time and catch fish.
5.0 / 5
I never have been sea sick before, but even in what seemed pretty calm water I got a little sick. Maybe the tequila the night before had something to do with it, lol. Next time I would take the anti-nausea medicine before hand. Just expect to have a good time and catch fish.
Valeria I
Valeria I
Yes, we had a good time. Everyone caught fish and we saw whales and several sea turtles.
5.0 / 5
Yes, we had a good time. Everyone caught fish and we saw whales and several sea turtles.
Viking Fishing Charters – PV
Viking Fishing Charters – PV
Plan on an adventure over a fishing trip and you will not be disappointed with this 8 hour trip. Lots of action closer in but, mostly smaller fish. For bigger game fish you should book a longer trip and go out further…
4.7 / 5
Plan on an adventure over a fishing trip and you will not be disappointed with this 8 hour trip. Lots of action closer in but, mostly smaller fish. For bigger game fish you should book a longer trip and go out further…
Lucina III Fishing Charters & Tours
Lucina III Fishing Charters & Tours
Having a boat with cover was essential for the heat. It was helpful to be able to move around if the water made you queasy. I would suggest to pick a boat that allows more friends than are actually planning on boarding. I also needed a bathroom nearby the day we chose to go fishing, and it was really helpful that there happened to be one on board. Definitely made the trip easier.
5.0 / 5
Having a boat with cover was essential for the heat. It was helpful to be able to move around if the water made you queasy. I would suggest to pick a boat that allows more friends than are actually planning on boarding. I also needed a bathroom nearby the day we chose to go fishing, and it was really helpful that there happened to be one on board. Definitely made the trip easier.
Tres Amores
Tres Amores
Just put your trust in colypso and and be wowed by their service, knoledge and hospitality. These guys were absolutely amazing. A+. Very highly recomend.
5.0 / 5
Just put your trust in colypso and and be wowed by their service, knoledge and hospitality. These guys were absolutely amazing. A+. Very highly recomend.
Just go fishing! Get a good boat and crew if you want to get out in open ocean!
5.0 / 5
Just go fishing! Get a good boat and crew if you want to get out in open ocean!
PV Sail, Fishing & Tours – Top Gun
PV Sail, Fishing & Tours – Top Gun
Patience needed to catch big sport fish. Plenty of action fish in bay if your looking to reel in more fish in short periods
5.0 / 5
Patience needed to catch big sport fish. Plenty of action fish in bay if your looking to reel in more fish in short periods
Lucina III Fishing Charters & Tours
Lucina III Fishing Charters & Tours
Yes, definitely. Very friendly, professional, experienced, fun, crew, and top-notch boat.
5.0 / 5
Yes, definitely. Very friendly, professional, experienced, fun, crew, and top-notch boat.
Valeria I
Valeria I
If you plan to keep your catch, make arrangements in advance !! Things can get hectic and exciting on the trip itself and when you get back to shore! Wonderful experience -- need lots of muscle to reel in the fish !!
5.0 / 5
If you plan to keep your catch, make arrangements in advance !! Things can get hectic and exciting on the trip itself and when you get back to shore! Wonderful experience -- need lots of muscle to reel in the fish !!
Chimar Fishing Charters
Chimar Fishing Charters
If you get sea sick at all definitely take some medicine to prevent that. The Pacific Ocean is not the most calm body of water.
5.0 / 5
If you get sea sick at all definitely take some medicine to prevent that. The Pacific Ocean is not the most calm body of water.
Valeria I
Valeria I
Make sure your transportation knows where to go. Cab can contact boat captains if you are having location problems
5.0 / 5
Make sure your transportation knows where to go. Cab can contact boat captains if you are having location problems
Valeria I
Valeria I

How did anglers rate fishing charters in Пуэрто-Вальярта?

Valeria I
Valeria I
Fishing charter in Puerto Vallarta
5.0 / 5
(366 reviews)
As an avid fisherman it's hard to sit back and have them do everything for us lol. Fishing was fun but I would definitely spend the extra money and go out for the bigger fish. Overall was a good morning and good fun. Thanks Jorge!!!
Dylan  H.
Dylan H.
Valeria I
Valeria I
Fishing charter in Puerto Vallarta
5.0 / 5
(366 reviews)
Highlight of our vacation…crew went out of the way to make our experience amazing. Great crew!
Selina  R.
Selina R.
Valeria I
Valeria I
Fishing charter in Puerto Vallarta
5.0 / 5
(366 reviews)
Captain Jorge beat the crowds to get us to the prime fishing spots. On our 1/2 day trip we caught 2 big pompano and a couple bonito. We also caught a beauty of a red snapper by casting off of the bow. Lots of great eating fish!
Matthew  W.
Matthew W.
Lucina III Fishing Charters & Tours
Lucina III Fishing Charters & Tours
Fishing charter in Puerto Vallarta
4.3 / 5
(99 reviews)
Great crew. The fishing was slow but the crew did there best to get us on the fish
Harley  T.
Harley T.
Gilligan III
Gilligan III
Fishing charter in Puerto Vallarta
4.7 / 5
(14 reviews)
This was our 2nd trip fishing with them. 1st one went great and we caught lots of fish and 1 monster sized. This time we asked to skip the smaller closer ones and just go out farther. We didn’t catch any but still a great afternoon. The crew did all they could for us. I would go a 3rd time if vacation allowed. Fun crew and best fishing for the price. I’d highly recommend them! Thanks Guys!
Steve  V.
Steve V.
Valeria I
Valeria I
Fishing charter in Puerto Vallarta
5.0 / 5
(366 reviews)
The day was absolutely beautiful. Captain Jorge and Austin were so helpful and worked extremely hard to make sure we caught something. It was a slow day for all boats around but we still caught a Jack Crevalle and a Tarpon. We also got to see turtles and sea lions. I would love to come back and fish with them again.
Aubri  R.
Aubri R.
Tres Amores
Tres Amores
Fishing charter in Puerto Vallarta
4.3 / 5
(103 reviews)
Not the best day of catching fish, but not for a lack of effort by the wonderful captain and crew. Nobody was catching Thursday, and we were one of the few boats which got at least one nice yellowfin (from which mate Juan made the best ceviche we’ve ever had with some of it!). Overall, a beautiful day and would definitely book again with Tres Amores.
David  C.
David C.
Valeria I
Valeria I
Fishing charter in Puerto Vallarta
5.0 / 5
(366 reviews)
We enjoyed a half day afternoon fishing trip with Jorge and managed to catch a couple crevalle jack’s. As a bonus we had several dolphins come by and swim with the boat and we even came across a couple whales. Nice day on the water, Jorge also has perfect English which made it easy to communicate. Thanks again Captain!
Justin  B.
Justin B.
Gilligan III
Gilligan III
Fishing charter in Puerto Vallarta
4.7 / 5
(14 reviews)
Awesome day of fishing. Crew was great and very knowledgeable. We had lots of success. Great trip! Thank you
Steve  V.
Steve V.
Valeria I
Valeria I
Fishing charter in Puerto Vallarta
5.0 / 5
(366 reviews)
We booked the 6 our trip, and being that this time of year the mahi and tuna are 2 1/2 hours offshore we went after red snapper. Jorge put us on some great spots and we caught a ton of them. Once we had filled a bucket he took us to a restaurant called Los Conos which is only accessible by boat to cook our fish for us. Awesome day!
Jackson  H.
Jackson H.
Valeria I
Valeria I
Fishing charter in Puerto Vallarta
5.0 / 5
(366 reviews)
My husband and I had the best time with captain Jorge! He took care of us from before we boarded answering questions and even hiked with us to a waterfall. We caught 7-8 fish and then were taken to an amazing restaurant where they cooked it for us. 10/10 would recommend, Jorge was knowledgeable and helpful as was his first mate. Worth every penny.
Meredith  S.
Meredith S.
Valeria I
Valeria I
Fishing charter in Puerto Vallarta
5.0 / 5
(366 reviews)
Had a great time and got to see other parts of PV that we would not have got to. Captain and crew where very nice and helpful
Danielle  B.
Danielle B.
Guanatuna II Sportfishing
Guanatuna II Sportfishing
Fishing charter in Puerto Vallarta
Very good
3.7 / 5
(6 reviews)
I was fortunate enough to have written down the captains phone # as their directions were NO GOOD! Our cab driver was able to contact them and take us to the appropriate place. Not a good way to start the trip. No fish were caught, just one of those days. The crew did everything they could including stopping when seeing surface activity & dropping bait right on them. No luck. We only saw 1 other boat catch 1 fish.
Ken  B.
Ken B.
Lucina III Fishing Charters & Tours
Lucina III Fishing Charters & Tours
Fishing charter in Puerto Vallarta
5.0 / 5
(99 reviews)
Alfredo and his crew were amazing! Although we didn’t catch any mahi or tuna, we caught a TON of Spanish mackerel, king mackerel, Bonita, a couple of groupers, and even a stingray. Great day with a great crew. Do yourself a favor and book it!
Diana  T.
Diana T.
Valeria I
Valeria I
Fishing charter in Puerto Vallarta
5.0 / 5
(366 reviews)
What an amazing trip!!! The Captain and mate were amazing, they sure do know how to get the fish on...Caught 10 yellowfin and 1 jack... Captain made fresh tuna ceveiche on the way in absolutely best I ever had...Will definitely fish with them again!!!!
Jessica  G.
Jessica G.
Lucina III Fishing Charters & Tours
Lucina III Fishing Charters & Tours
Fishing charter in Puerto Vallarta
4.7 / 5
(99 reviews)
My Wife and I had a very nice trip, the Capitan took us out early so we had time to fish and then watch the sun set over the ocean.
Ben  K.
Ben K.
Azul Profundo Sportfishing
Azul Profundo Sportfishing
Fishing charter in Puerto Vallarta
5.0 / 5
(11 reviews)
Capt. Arrow is a native of PV and is a world class fishermen and guide. We set out to catch fish on an artificial lures and did just that! We were on fish all day because of his true knowledge of the season, species, and angling tactics.
Kaliko  O.
Kaliko O.
Nuevo Vallarta Fishing – Sea Ray
Nuevo Vallarta Fishing – Sea Ray
Fishing charter in Puerto Vallarta
4.7 / 5
(172 reviews)
Carlos and Jaun were great, we caught multiple fish and they made it a success, hats off to them!
Patrick  M.
Patrick M.
Valeria I
Valeria I
Fishing charter in Puerto Vallarta
5.0 / 5
(366 reviews)
Loved this trip and loved the crew. They were awesome people and made the whole experience worth it. 100% would recommend to anyone considering going!
Will  R.
Will R.
Lucina III Fishing Charters & Tours
Lucina III Fishing Charters & Tours
Fishing charter in Puerto Vallarta
5.0 / 5
(99 reviews)
Alfredo and crew did a great job for us, 3 thirteen year olds and one 15 year old plus adults. All caught fish, landed 8 bonita and 1 Jack Crevalle. Great day, would recommend for sure. They made fresh ceviche with two of the bonitos. Good stuff!!
John  T.
John T.

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