Рыбалка - Кабо-Сан-Лукас

Мы нашли самые интересные предложения из 134 туров в Кабо-Сан-Лукас -–введите свои даты и посмотрите

Кабо-Сан-Лукас: 134 туров доступно
4.7 / 5
(776 reviews)
4.8 / 5
(86 reviews)
4.7 / 5
(524 reviews)
4.5 / 5
(60 reviews)
4.7 / 5
(231 reviews)
4.9 / 5
(657 reviews)
4.5 / 5
(70 reviews)
4.8 / 5
(28 reviews)
4.8 / 5
(503 reviews)
4.7 / 5
(45 reviews)

Frequently Asked Questions about Fishing Charters in Cabo San Lucas

According to customer reviews, some of the most popular fishing charters in Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur are: Full list of top fishing charters in Cabo San Lucas

The average price for a private 4 hour Cabo San Lucas fishing trip is US $573, while an 8 hour private trip will cost you US $862 based on prices on FishingBooker.com.

Fishing charters in Cabo San Lucas that received great reviews from families are:

The top 3 fish species targeted on guided fishing trips in Cabo San Lucas are:

The top 3 fishing techniques in Cabo San Lucas are:

The top 3 types of fishing in Cabo San Lucas are:

Many fishing charters in Cabo San Lucas provide rods, reels and tackle. Some of the top rated are:

According to customer reviews on FishingBooker.com, some of the best rated charter captains in Cabo San Lucas are:

Who are the top awarded captains in Cabo San Lucas?

Some of the fishing trips offered by fishing charters in Cabo San Lucas are:
  • 3-hour fishing trips – US $475
  • 4-hour fishing trips – US $700
  • 5-hour fishing trips – US $606
  • 8-hour fishing trips – US $731

Fishing in Кабо-Сан-Лукас

Что ловить в Кабо-Сан-Лукас? Мировая столица марлинов, о водах этого мексиканский город уже не первое десятилетие мечтают почитатели спортивной рыбалки со всего света. Здесь есть все условия для рыбалки – говорят даже, что ловить рыбу здесь лучше, чем на любом другом побережье Тихого океана!

Объектами спортивной рыбалки в Кабо может стать как быстрая рыба-парусник, так и тунец, махи-махи (дорадо), барракуда и ваху. Кабо – дом для одной из самых богатых рыбацких флотилий во всей Мексике, а местные капитаны готовы познакомить с азами рыбалки любого желающего. И неважно, какова ваша цель – выловить самый большой трофей или насладиться самыми вкусными на свете севиче из махи-махи.

Рыбалка на марлина

Кабо-Сан-Лукас до сих пор по праву считается меккой спортивной рыбалки. Смешение вод могучего Тихого океана и моря Кортеса благоприятствует богатым рыбным ресурсам всего Калифорнийского полуострова. Однако настоящим сокровищем местных вод остается марлин – о рыбалке на марлина в Мексике мечтает каждый.

Поймать марлина в Кабо-Сан-Лукасе можно трех видов: черного и синего с июля по декабрь, и полосатого в любое время года. Вытащить на борт 40-килограммового хищника – рутина для Кабо-Сан-Лукаса!

Спортивная рыбалка в Кабо-Сан-Лукасе настолько популярна, что на протяжении всего года здесь проводятся профессиональные состязания. Однако вам совсем не обязательно принимать в них участие, чтобы насладиться замечательной рыбалкой!

...и не только!

Местные капитаны и гиды с удовольствием покажут вам самые “рыбные” места в округе и помогут вам достать из морских глубин вашего личного трофея. Для этого не нужно быть опытным профессионалом: вы можете смело отправляться в путешествие в открытое море даже если никогда прежде не держали в руках удочку.

Здесь легко можно найти хищника себе по вкусу: желтоперый тунец клюет с конца весны по начало зимы, уступая место сериоле, ваху царит с июня по позднюю осень, а махи-махи ловят и вовсе круглый год. Рыбу-павлина можно найти в прибрежных водах, а вот за некоторыми другими рыбами придется отправиться в открытое море.

Места, где лучше всего рыбачить в Кабо-Сан-Лукасе, стоит искать на банках и пологих берегах. Одним из самых популярных мест в Кабо считаются “Золотые ворота”, расположившиеся в 15 милях к северу от пристани. Также стоит посетить воды южнее знаменитого маяка и банки Гордо в море Кортеса в 22 милях от города. Однако не стоит ограничиваться и этим: отправившись на 50 миль от берега в поисках огромных марлинов, вы вряд ли вернетесь домой без фантастического улова.

Самым популярным методом рыбалки в Кабо считается троллинг, но попробовать свои силы можно и в нахлысте, джиггинге, поппинге и донной рыбалке на снэпперов и груперов.

Правила и положения

Every angler fishing in Mexico needs a license, however, most captains in Cabo will arrange yours for you. Get in touch with your charter operator before you go to confirm, or pick yours up by the dock. You should also beware that you can’t cook your catch on board, so if you want a fishy dinner, you’d better bring your own snacks. 
4.6 / 5
На основе 28584 отзывов клиентов FishingBooker

Кабо-Сан-Лукас – сезоны

Погода в Кабо в январе роскошна, как и рыбалка. Вы можете поймать полосатого марлина и рыбу-петуха в один день!
Будьте осторожны, ведь с севера могут прийти холодные течения и изменить ваши планы на рыбалку. Займитесь донной ловлей или останьтесь в прибрежных водах.
В начале марта не стоит ожидать огромного улова, а вот ближе к концу можно встретить десятки марлинов. В прибрежных водах тоже не заскучаешь!
В апреле редко идут дожди, а условия для рыбалки - отличные. Вы можете ожидать махи-махи и полосатого марлина.
Рыбалка в открытом море может быть успешна, если вы нацелены на полосатого марлина или махи-махи. Ближе к берегу ожидайте рыбу-петуха.
Отправляйтесь в открытое море за большим тунцом, синими и полосатами марлинами и ваху, или останьтесь ближе к берегу и рыбачьте на снэпперов и груперов.
Июль - самый теплый месяц в году, который особенно популярен среди любителей рыбы-парусника, полосатого марлина и синего марлина.
Если вы останетесь в прибрежных водах, можете ожидать рыбу-петуха, ваху и махи-махи. А вот в открытом море в самом разгаре ловля больших хищников!
Тропические штормы могут испортить весь сентябрь. Но если погода позволяет, вы сможете поймать желтоперого тунца, марлинов и рыбу-парусника.
Знаменитый на весь мир рыболовный турнир проходит в Кабо-Сан-Лукасе именно в октябре. Если вы считаете себя настоящим рыбаком, не упустите свой шанс!
Полосатые марлины приходят на смену черным и синим марлинам заодно с рыбой-парусником, махи-махи и ваху.
Если вы бы были не против поймать всю палитру мексиканских хищников, сделайте это в декабре!

Кабо-Сан-Лукас Календарь рыболова

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Рыбалка – Кабо-Сан-Лукас – что говорят?

The weather was great in April but it is not peak season for marlin! Look for the great reviewed crew, it is better to get a crew that know rather than a fancy boat!
5.0 / 5
The weather was great in April but it is not peak season for marlin! Look for the great reviewed crew, it is better to get a crew that know rather than a fancy boat!
El Budster Pride
El Budster Pride
Weather, water and temperature was perfect! We caught 3 marlin and another fish between two of us. It was perfect!
5.0 / 5
Weather, water and temperature was perfect! We caught 3 marlin and another fish between two of us. It was perfect!
Black Marlin Sportfishing
Black Marlin Sportfishing
Be clear about the kind of day you want - make the day yours! We wanted flexibility and to expose our son to a day of fishing without making him stay out all day. We booked a full day trip, which was only a little more than 1/2 fay so we could have flexibility.
5.0 / 5
Be clear about the kind of day you want - make the day yours! We wanted flexibility and to expose our son to a day of fishing without making him stay out all day. We booked a full day trip, which was only a little more than 1/2 fay so we could have flexibility.
Cabo Sportfishing Crew – Blue Tail II
Cabo Sportfishing Crew – Blue Tail II
Schedule with the Black Marlin!! Great crew and dedication to get you some fish!
5.0 / 5
Schedule with the Black Marlin!! Great crew and dedication to get you some fish!
Black Marlin Sportfishing
Black Marlin Sportfishing
I recommend a package that is inclusive. Don't forget a hat and sunblock. Bring nausea pills just in case.
5.0 / 5
I recommend a package that is inclusive. Don't forget a hat and sunblock. Bring nausea pills just in case.
Wahoo 33'
Wahoo 33'
Get a cooler and make sure you fishing guide gets your license and gives it to you like ours did.
5.0 / 5
Get a cooler and make sure you fishing guide gets your license and gives it to you like ours did.
Black Marlin Sportfishing
Black Marlin Sportfishing
Booking in Cabo is NOT like the States. Everything is extra and your “captain” is actually a pimp for the crew who, I fear, are only working for tips.
4.3 / 5
Booking in Cabo is NOT like the States. Everything is extra and your “captain” is actually a pimp for the crew who, I fear, are only working for tips.
BlueSea sportfishing
BlueSea sportfishing
Wonderful experience. Whale watching and fishing from the boat was a bonus. Truly a wonderful experience. you won't regret giving these guys a chance to teach you,
5.0 / 5
Wonderful experience. Whale watching and fishing from the boat was a bonus. Truly a wonderful experience. you won't regret giving these guys a chance to teach you,
Spearfishing Brothers
Spearfishing Brothers
Don’t go thinking you will catch lots of fish. It’s fishing. Some days good some days bad. Just go in and hope the fish work with you. Captain will put on miles if needed.
4.7 / 5
Don’t go thinking you will catch lots of fish. It’s fishing. Some days good some days bad. Just go in and hope the fish work with you. Captain will put on miles if needed.
Cabo Sportfishing Crew - El Pargo
Cabo Sportfishing Crew - El Pargo
Arrive early as parking can be a challenge. Licenses can be purchased at the market on the pier. Wish someone had told us where to go to get them.
5.0 / 5
Arrive early as parking can be a challenge. Licenses can be purchased at the market on the pier. Wish someone had told us where to go to get them.
Cabo Mahi Mahi – Samantha
Cabo Mahi Mahi – Samantha
I was hoping for Wahoo since it's been 25 years since my last one. We tried but it just didn't happen although we gave it a serious effort.
5.0 / 5
I was hoping for Wahoo since it's been 25 years since my last one. We tried but it just didn't happen although we gave it a serious effort.
Cabo Mahi Mahi – 23' Panga
Cabo Mahi Mahi – 23' Panga
Nice weather. Not too hot, yet. Been on boats in July and got fried and sea sick. This boat is luxury. Spend the extra you won’t regret it.
5.0 / 5
Nice weather. Not too hot, yet. Been on boats in July and got fried and sea sick. This boat is luxury. Spend the extra you won’t regret it.
Blue Sky Cabo – 43’ Riviere
Blue Sky Cabo – 43’ Riviere
February seems to a tough time of year, per Google lol. But, there are fish. Plus the whales are everywhere.
5.0 / 5
February seems to a tough time of year, per Google lol. But, there are fish. Plus the whales are everywhere.
Rosa Del Mar II
Rosa Del Mar II
Do your research. We used reviews to pick this boat. Speed & size matter. Def use fishingbooker when in cabo otherwise you will be bombarded at the Marina by vendors.
5.0 / 5
Do your research. We used reviews to pick this boat. Speed & size matter. Def use fishingbooker when in cabo otherwise you will be bombarded at the Marina by vendors.
Fin Chaser Sportfishing – “Fin Chaser”
Fin Chaser Sportfishing – “Fin Chaser”
I loved the personal experience with the captain on this small boat. My favorite fishing ever!!!
5.0 / 5
I loved the personal experience with the captain on this small boat. My favorite fishing ever!!!
BlueSea sportfishing
BlueSea sportfishing
wear long sleeves sunglasses hat and bring sunblock and water, I cant say I'm educated enough to say if it was good or bad, but seeing as we caught and say marlin I can't complain. I would say it's great time to see stuff besides the fishing, seeing all the whales was super cool
5.0 / 5
wear long sleeves sunglasses hat and bring sunblock and water, I cant say I'm educated enough to say if it was good or bad, but seeing as we caught and say marlin I can't complain. I would say it's great time to see stuff besides the fishing, seeing all the whales was super cool
Cabo Sportfishing Crew – Blue Tail
Cabo Sportfishing Crew – Blue Tail
It was easy to see these guys new what they were doing Highly recommend by me !!
5.0 / 5
It was easy to see these guys new what they were doing Highly recommend by me !!
Black Marlin Sportfishing
Black Marlin Sportfishing
Captain noted it was the end of the pelagic season. Boat was rigged only for trolling. We would have opted for reef fishing after 4 hours of trolling with no action and few other boats catching fish
5.0 / 5
Captain noted it was the end of the pelagic season. Boat was rigged only for trolling. We would have opted for reef fishing after 4 hours of trolling with no action and few other boats catching fish
Kellyfish Cabo Sportfishing
Kellyfish Cabo Sportfishing
Many boats to choose from. Recommend Black Marlin. Manuel and Jose have this down to a science. In any event read reviews and hope you can get on a boat with a solid crew who works to catch fish because it’s not easy.
5.0 / 5
Many boats to choose from. Recommend Black Marlin. Manuel and Jose have this down to a science. In any event read reviews and hope you can get on a boat with a solid crew who works to catch fish because it’s not easy.
Black Marlin Sportfishing
Black Marlin Sportfishing
Just get out there...you may not catch fish every outing but when you do your going to be pulling in some awesome fish in Cabo.
5.0 / 5
Just get out there...you may not catch fish every outing but when you do your going to be pulling in some awesome fish in Cabo.
Cabo Mahi Mahi – 23' Panga
Cabo Mahi Mahi – 23' Panga

How did anglers rate fishing charters in Кабо-Сан-Лукас?

El Budster Pride
El Budster Pride
Fishing charter in Cabo San Lucas
5.0 / 5
(503 reviews)
We were celebrating my birthday and what a gift, I caught a 8ft Marlin before 7:30AM. As we continued with our fishing, we caught a second Marlin. The boat was extremely clean and comfortable. Captain Luis was diligent and professional, deckhand Omar was very good and supportive in coaching us on the proper way to bring in our catch. A beautiful experience!!!
Olga  J.
Olga J.
El Budster Pride
El Budster Pride
Fishing charter in Cabo San Lucas
5.0 / 5
(503 reviews)
By far our best fishing trip ever! The crew members were optimistic since we arrived and they did not disappoint! We used a variety of different baits to catch the 3 marlins. The crew members were also very tentative, they were looking around and trying hard to get more than the three we had already caught. These guys know the spots like the palm of their hand. We definitely recommend this company and best believe we will book again when we come back.
Noe  F.
Noe F.
Picudo Sport Fishing
Picudo Sport Fishing
Fishing charter in Cabo San Lucas
5.0 / 5
(189 reviews)
Captain Casey & Co provided a great fishing experience. Crew was hands on, attentive, and extremely knowledgeable. 40 years of experience in Cabo cant be matched. Thanks again, Casey!
Allen  Y.
Allen Y.
Wahoo 33'
Wahoo 33'
Fishing charter in Cabo San Lucas
5.0 / 5
(200 reviews)
We had a great time. The captain and first mate were wonderful and made sure everything went smooth. They are experts and we caught 3 marlin (only kept one of course)! It was a blast!
Leslie  P.
Leslie P.
Cabo Sportfishing Crew – Blue Tail
Cabo Sportfishing Crew – Blue Tail
Fishing charter in Cabo San Lucas
5.0 / 5
(776 reviews)
We thoroughly enjoyed our day fishing with Juan and Joel. We caught 2 marlin due to their expertise and know how! It was a great day on the water! Bonus was feeding the seals on our way in.
Paula  H.  W.
Paula H. W.
BlueSea sportfishing
BlueSea sportfishing
Fishing charter in Cabo San Lucas
5.0 / 5
(524 reviews)
He worked hard to catch fish and made it happen! Give it his all until the last second and we caught some great fish! Got to cross a couple species off the bucket list!
Matthew  H.
Matthew H.
Black Marlin Sportfishing
Black Marlin Sportfishing
Fishing charter in Cabo San Lucas
5.0 / 5
(657 reviews)
Amazing trip! José and Manuel were awesome! We pretty much only cared about marlins and they delivered! We caught 3 large marlins and another fish. The boat and equipment was exactly as promised. They were super helpful and knew exactly where to take us and what to do. We will never use another fishing company in Cabo!
Christy  H.
Christy H.
Cabo Sportfishing Crew – Blue Tail II
Cabo Sportfishing Crew – Blue Tail II
Fishing charter in Cabo San Lucas
5.0 / 5
(86 reviews)
The group of 4 had a great time on our charter trip, everyone caught fish. The trip was very successful as we had 3 marlin take hits with a 96.25" hitting the boat, also had an above average trigger fish caught. We attempted for a grouper as we got to witness a strike and power of one of these fish but it was quick to the rocks and broke us off.
Brian  R.
Brian R.
Cabo Sportfishing Crew – Blue Tail
Cabo Sportfishing Crew – Blue Tail
Fishing charter in Cabo San Lucas
5.0 / 5
(776 reviews)
Fish with Cabo sportfishing crew blue tail on April/17 2024 Cobo trip was excellent caught my first Marlin and four other fish. Would highly recommended Captain Juan and his crews and definitely do it again.
Soda  S.
Soda S.
Cabo Sportfishing Crew – Reel Tequila
Cabo Sportfishing Crew – Reel Tequila
Fishing charter in Cabo San Lucas
5.0 / 5
(230 reviews)
We enjoyed our full day trip. It lasted from 6 AM - 2 PM. I was concerned that it might be too long for us, but we enjoyed the day on the water. Sadly, we did not catch anything but that is the nature of fishing!
Greg  W.
Greg W.
Wahoo 33'
Wahoo 33'
Fishing charter in Cabo San Lucas
5.0 / 5
(200 reviews)
The best experience ever!! Super friendly and knowledgeable crew. Great price. We caught three huge Marlin when no one else on the water was catching ANYTHING!! All thanks to our crew 🥹 can’t say enough good things about them!
Miranda  H.
Miranda H.
El Budster
El Budster
Fishing charter in Cabo San Lucas
5.0 / 5
(278 reviews)
Went out 4/15/2024 with Captain Francisco and Mate Omar in the afternoon...We caught 4 Jack Caravelle, 1 Needlefish and 1 8ft Striped Marlin. Everything was excellent and i highly recommend!
Jason  E.
Jason E.
El Budster Pride
El Budster Pride
Fishing charter in Cabo San Lucas
5.0 / 5
(503 reviews)
I had such an amazing experience!! The captain and 1st mate were polite, courteous and very helpful. From the minute we walked on to the boat to stepping off at the end of the trip, they made us feel at home. We caught 2 marlin early in the morning but the Captain never stopped trying to put us on more fish. We ended the day catching our 3rd marlin - what a way to end the trip. When I come back to Cabo, I’m definitely booking another trip with them!!
Martin  S.
Martin S.
Black Marlin Sportfishing
Black Marlin Sportfishing
Fishing charter in Cabo San Lucas
5.0 / 5
(657 reviews)
Manuel and crew were great. Had a fish on in the first 30 min. Bring your muscle because these marlins are fighters. Experience of a lifetime. They make you feel like you’re a real sports fisherman in a tournament. Would do it again. Thank you black marlin sports fishing.
Luis  Q.
Luis Q.
Cabo Sportfishing Crew – Blue Tail
Cabo Sportfishing Crew – Blue Tail
Fishing charter in Cabo San Lucas
5.0 / 5
(776 reviews)
Captain did everything he could to help us catch a fish… and we did! A huge marlin. Had a blast catching other fish too. Definitely recommend this company.
Sandy  B.
Sandy B.
La Paloma 34'
La Paloma 34'
Fishing charter in Cabo San Lucas
5.0 / 5
(60 reviews)
First time in Cabo for a work trip! These guys were absolutely amazing! We caught 140 lb striped marlin and a big ass dorado! Highly recommend using these guys
Travis  T.
Travis T.
BlueSea sportfishing
BlueSea sportfishing
Fishing charter in Cabo San Lucas
5.0 / 5
(524 reviews)
If you want to book a charter where the captain cares about your experience and wants to find fish wants to give you a good experience won’t book a trip when the conditions are not ideal, very knowledgeable very experienced had a wonderful time. I will book again for sure.
Bonnie  K.
Bonnie K.
El Budster Pride
El Budster Pride
Fishing charter in Cabo San Lucas
5.0 / 5
(503 reviews)
Would recommend this boat to anyone. They know how to target the fish you are after. I Will use them again next time I’m in town. Good for inexperienced and experienced anglers. We had 2 Marlin on the hook in the first 30 minutes of lines in the water. Ended up catching a nice Striped Marlin. With over 20 interactions with Marlin throughout our trip.
Tyler  B.
Tyler B.
El Pargo ll Fishing Tours in Cabos
El Pargo ll Fishing Tours in Cabos
Fishing charter in Cabo San Lucas
5.0 / 5
(28 reviews)
We had a wonderful experience! Everyone was professional and made the day very enjoyable and easy. I would highly recommend Capitán Juan and his team! We will be back!
Jake  C.
Jake C.
Tail Walker Fishing
Tail Walker Fishing
Fishing charter in Cabo San Lucas
5.0 / 5
(2 reviews)
The captain and crew were top notch. We fish a lot all over the world and the experience was superb. 5 stars, fun and professional. Outcome driven and extremely high quality gear…we will be back many times!!!
Cody  E.
Cody E.

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Самые популырные виды рыб – Кабо-Сан-Лукас