Рыбалка - Португалия

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Топ Португалия направлений

Португалия: 58 туров доступно
4.8 / 5
(20 reviews)
4.9 / 5
(50 reviews)
5.0 / 5
(36 reviews)
4.9 / 5
(79 reviews)
4.4 / 5
(18 reviews)
4.7 / 5
(17 reviews)
4.6 / 5
(31 reviews)
4.9 / 5
(46 reviews)
4.8 / 5
(14 reviews)
4.8 / 5
(22 reviews)

Frequently Asked Questions about Fishing Charters in Portugal

According to customer reviews, some of the most popular fishing charters in Portugal are: Full list of top fishing charters in Portugal

The average price for a private 4 hour Portugal fishing trip is US $520, while an 8 hour private trip will cost you US $1,022 based on prices on FishingBooker.com.

Fishing charters in Portugal that received great reviews from families are:

The top 3 fish species targeted on guided fishing trips in Portugal are:

The top 3 fishing techniques in Portugal are:

The top 3 types of fishing in Portugal are:

Many fishing charters in Portugal provide rods, reels and tackle. Some of the top rated are:

According to customer reviews on FishingBooker.com, some of the best rated charter captains in Portugal are:

Who are the top awarded captains in Portugal?

Some of the fishing trips offered by fishing charters in Portugal are:
  • 2-hour fishing trips – US $340
  • 3-hour fishing trips – US $379
  • 4-hour fishing trips – US $526
  • 5-hour fishing trips – US $900
  • 6-hour fishing trips – US $875
  • 7-hour fishing trips – US $1,015
  • 8-hour fishing trips – US $961
  • 10-hour fishing trips – US $1,675

Fishing in Португалия

Покорить воды Атлантического океана на самом краю Европы мечтает каждый уважающий себя рыбак. Если вам посчастливилось оказаться в Португалии и удалось оторваться от саркофагов в Лиссабоне или лечебных гейзеров Азорских островов, идите рыбачить!

Морская рыбалка в Португалии, как и пресноводная, богата своим разнообразием. Здесь царят мягкий субтропический климат и идеальные условия для продуктивной рыбалки. Рельеф берега в Португалии самый разнообразный: вам повстречаются спокойные заливы и бухты, песчаные пляжи в Алгарве, гроты и пещеры в Прайя де Маринья и бирюзовые воды Порту-Санту.

Морская рыбалка в Португалии

Материковая часть Португалии, особенно ее южная часть, – столица европейской большой рыбалки. Рыбаку здесь есть где развернуться – взять хотя бы провинцию Алгарве с 17 видами брима, большими махи-махи и отличными возможностями донной ловли в отвес или рыбалку в Лиссабоне, нацеленную на треску.

Несмотря на то, что за марлином вам все-таки стоит отправляться на острова, на материке возможных трофеев не меньше. Голубой тунец на пару с акулами появляются в местных водах каждое лето. Самый пик клева начинается в середине июля и продолжается до середины сентября. Пополнить коллекцию трофеев в открытом море можно такими сокровищами, как золотая макрель, большеглазый тунец, морской окунь и ваху, а также многими другими представителями фауны даже вне сезона. Ловить рыбу в Португалии можно и на рифах, а рыбой-меч – ночью.

К слову, в Португалии есть и отличные возможности для пресноводной рыбалки: местные водоемы полны карпами, форелью, карасями, сомами, лещами, щуками и многими другими рыбами. За форелью и лососем следует отправляться на северные реки Португалии, а вот на юге лучше клюет окунь и сельдь.


Рыбалка на Мадейре сможет угодить даже самому искушенному рыболову. Ведь “жемчужине Атлантике”, расположившейся на от Канарских островов, есть что предложить: глубоководная рыбалка на Мадейре известна во всем мире. Более того, Мадейра по праву занимает почетное место в ряду лучших мест по ловле марлинов на свете, наряду с Кабо-Сан-Лукасом.

Покорять открытое море на Мадейре можно все лето, ведь именно тогда сезон в самом разгаре. Вы можете смело ожидать альбакору, малого копьеносца, голубого и белого марлинов и голубого и большеглазого тунцов. Если вы планируете исследовать море вне сезона марлинов, то сможете стать счастливым обладателем луциана, амберджека и групера или же барракуды и луфаря в прибрежных водах.

Отправляться рыбачить на Мадейре лучше всего из Кальеты или Фуншала, который находятся на южном побережье острова. В Фуншале есть что посмотреть, когда вы вернетесь на берег, а вот Кальета лучше подойдет тем, кто предпочитает пляжный отдых.

Азорские острова

Рыбалка на Азорских островах обещает полный комлект эмоций и отличного улова. Расположенные в центре Атлантики, эти девять островов буквально излучают тишину и спокойствие. Местные воды не уступают Мадейре, своему южному противнику, – здесь вы можете вытащить на борт микс из марлинов, рыбы-меча, махи-махи (дорады), ваху и тунцов. К тому же, на Азорских островах вам может попасться и малый копьеносец!

Сезон на Азорских островах не такой длинный, как в остальных местах Португалии, но это ни в коей мере не снижает качество рыбалки. Пик приходится на август и сентябрь, а поймать можно вообще что угодно. Чтобы попасть на самые лучшие рыболовные места, вам придется отдалиться на 50-100 километров от берега. А если вы не самый большой фанат марлиновых, приезжайте наслаждаться уловом в любое другое время: на Азорских островах отличная донная рыбалка.

Выбирая лучшее место для рыбалки на Азорских островах, обратите внимание на Понту-Делгаду – это настоящий морской порт на острове Сан-Мигел. Также не стоит забывать про острова Фаял и Пику, где нет недостатка в опытных капитанах.

Правила и положения

When you go fishing with one of Portugal's fishing charters, you don’t need to worry about fishing licenses, as they’re included in the price of the trip. Solo anglers, however, need to do some research and figure out which type of license they need, which can take time and energy. Bear in mind that paper licenses are no longer issued. Instead, everything is done online.

4.7 / 5
На основе 28562 отзывов клиентов FishingBooker

Португалия – сезоны

Встречайте новый год с удочкой в руках! На Азорских островах появляется альбакора, а вот на рифах можно достать что-то вкусное на ужин.
Готовясь к весне, отправляйтесь на донную рыбалку за треской, групером, амберджеком, зубаном и морским окунем.
Большеглазый тунец появляется у берегов Мадейры именно в марте. Успейте насладиться одним из самых вкусных представителей тунцовых!
Альбакора на островах клюет все меньше, а вот в Алгарве начинает набирать оборот рыбалка на рыбу-меча. Большеглазый тунец, кстати, все еще клюет на Мадейре!
Белый и синий марлины приплывают к берегам Мадейры вместе с малым копьеносцем. А вот на Азорских островах ловят первых голубых тунцов!
Самые интересные океанские хищники начинают появляться у берегов Мадейры пока на Азорских островах ловят малого копьеносца и белого марлина.
Июльский Кубок мира по ловле белых марлинов - уникальное соревнование, которое не пропустит ни один уважающий себя рыбак.
Голубые марлины наконец-то приходят к берегам Азорских островов, что означает только одно: их можно теперь найти по всей Португалии!
Турнир по большой рыбалке на Азорских островах - одно из лучших событий сентября. Если вы на Мадейре - не упустите голубого тунца.
Второй месяц осени предоставляет последний шанс поймать синего и белого марлинов в практически любом "рыбном" месте Португалии.
Сезон большой рыбалки подходит к концу, но поймать что-то интересное на рифах все еще можно. Займитесь донной рыбалкой на амберджека!
Скройтесь от холода в Алгарве и насладитесь рыбалкой на басса или отправьтесь на Азорские острова за донной рыбалкой.

Португалия Календарь рыболова

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Рыбалка – Португалия – что говорят?

Very much so. Boat is suitable for the area. Knowledgeable captain and crew
4.7 / 5
Very much so. Boat is suitable for the area. Knowledgeable captain and crew
Madeira Fishing Charters - Gavito
Madeira Fishing Charters - Gavito
Bring layers of clothing. It is cold in the morning and hot in the afternoon. Besides that I was well taken care of.
5.0 / 5
Bring layers of clothing. It is cold in the morning and hot in the afternoon. Besides that I was well taken care of.
X Wing
X Wing
Que vão pescar com a ODF-Madeira, a empresa mais indicada e com excelentes profissionais
5.0 / 5
Que vão pescar com a ODF-Madeira, a empresa mais indicada e com excelentes profissionais
ODF - Ocean Dive & Fishing LDA
ODF - Ocean Dive & Fishing LDA Lisbon, 11
Understand that nothing is guaranteed- it’s fishing. Enjoy the time out on the boat and you’ll have a good time.
5.0 / 5
Understand that nothing is guaranteed- it’s fishing. Enjoy the time out on the boat and you’ll have a good time.
Madeira Fishing Charters – Prime
Madeira Fishing Charters – Prime
Our trip was a 4 hour bottom fishing trip 4 of our family had not fished before ,but all managed to catch with the help of the crew
5.0 / 5
Our trip was a 4 hour bottom fishing trip 4 of our family had not fished before ,but all managed to catch with the help of the crew
Madeira Sea Fishing
Madeira Sea Fishing
Check the weather conditions and contact the captain to see if it is ok to go out in the open.
5.0 / 5
Check the weather conditions and contact the captain to see if it is ok to go out in the open.
Ratinho Sportfishing, BigGame coast
Ratinho Sportfishing, BigGame coast
The boat was well appointed, spotlessly clean. Hennie and Franklin made a great team, professional, courteous and hard working. They really worked hard, and agreed plans were always flexible as they sought out fish for us. We would thoroughly recommend them as we had a great experience. We arrived as clients and left as friends so will be booking again as soon as we can.
4.7 / 5
The boat was well appointed, spotlessly clean. Hennie and Franklin made a great team, professional, courteous and hard working. They really worked hard, and agreed plans were always flexible as they sought out fish for us. We would thoroughly recommend them as we had a great experience. We arrived as clients and left as friends so will be booking again as soon as we can.
Aventura Fishing Charters
Aventura Fishing Charters Aberdeen, Scotland
Plan the fishing trip according to the weather and the direction of the wind. Fish in the wind shadow of the island for smaller waves.
5.0 / 5
Plan the fishing trip according to the weather and the direction of the wind. Fish in the wind shadow of the island for smaller waves.
Native Crew – Fishing & Tours
Native Crew – Fishing & Tours Madeira, 30
Initially I was a little surprised that the boat was small . However, it was sufficient and we had a great time.
5.0 / 5
Initially I was a little surprised that the boat was small . However, it was sufficient and we had a great time.
Azores Fishing Experience – NSTours
Azores Fishing Experience – NSTours
Go to Pedro from Azores Fishing and Adventures Trails of Nature - Azoren Expert Tours
5.0 / 5
Go to Pedro from Azores Fishing and Adventures Trails of Nature - Azoren Expert Tours
Azores Fishing and Adventures – 23'
Azores Fishing and Adventures – 23' Lisbon, Lisbon
Bring plenty of water, snacks and sun screen. Be ready for a relaxed day of fishing on a beautiful Island.
5.0 / 5
Bring plenty of water, snacks and sun screen. Be ready for a relaxed day of fishing on a beautiful Island.
Azores Fishing Experience – NSTours
Azores Fishing Experience – NSTours Visalia, CA
Check the predicted/expected wind speed & direction as a strong Westerly can rain on your parade and lead to cancellations. There are some great free wind apps to keep track.
5.0 / 5
Check the predicted/expected wind speed & direction as a strong Westerly can rain on your parade and lead to cancellations. There are some great free wind apps to keep track.
Tightlines – Portimão
Tightlines – Portimão London, England
Coastal fishing was nice. It’s my second visit in, July. I fished with a crew I met last time in the Marina and once again, there was a lot of Dolphins. Seeing all the Dolphins is absolutely amazing, but makes fishing a bit challenging.
5.0 / 5
Coastal fishing was nice. It’s my second visit in, July. I fished with a crew I met last time in the Marina and once again, there was a lot of Dolphins. Seeing all the Dolphins is absolutely amazing, but makes fishing a bit challenging.
Atlantic Ark Azores
Atlantic Ark Azores
Yes it’s a good fun trip! Capt Miguel will accommodate to your skill level of fishing!
5.0 / 5
Yes it’s a good fun trip! Capt Miguel will accommodate to your skill level of fishing!
Alvor Fishing Donzela
Alvor Fishing Donzela Lagos, 08
Book with Native Crew! They’ll do the rest. Captain is fluent in English which helped communication greatly. Be sure to get out early in the morning while still cool and fish are biting.
5.0 / 5
Book with Native Crew! They’ll do the rest. Captain is fluent in English which helped communication greatly. Be sure to get out early in the morning while still cool and fish are biting.
Native Crew – Fishing & Tours
Native Crew – Fishing & Tours Lake Junaluska, NC
Very nice time of year to fish. Couldn’t ask for better weather. The seas were calm
5.0 / 5
Very nice time of year to fish. Couldn’t ask for better weather. The seas were calm
Azores Fishing - Galáxia 32'
Azores Fishing - Galáxia 32' Sandwich, MA
Keep in mind that it is fishing. There is no guarantee that you might catch something, or catch what you expected on forehand. The fish might be somewhere else then where you are.
4.7 / 5
Keep in mind that it is fishing. There is no guarantee that you might catch something, or catch what you expected on forehand. The fish might be somewhere else then where you are.
Ratinho Sportfishing, BigGame coast
Ratinho Sportfishing, BigGame coast North Providence, RI
Big game can be hit or miss depending on which whales are around the islands. Inshore fishing is basically a sure thing and the landscape vistas are top notch. Well worth the experience
4.7 / 5
Big game can be hit or miss depending on which whales are around the islands. Inshore fishing is basically a sure thing and the landscape vistas are top notch. Well worth the experience
Azores Fishing and Adventures – 23'
Azores Fishing and Adventures – 23'
Do bottom fishing for fun and big game fishing if you want to have a unique experience but without having the garantee to catch fish
5.0 / 5
Do bottom fishing for fun and big game fishing if you want to have a unique experience but without having the garantee to catch fish
Ratinho Sportfishing, BigGame coast
Ratinho Sportfishing, BigGame coast
Just go, but be patient so if you can book a whole day to increase your chance on success.
5.0 / 5
Just go, but be patient so if you can book a whole day to increase your chance on success.
Ratinho Sportfishing, BigGame coast
Ratinho Sportfishing, BigGame coast Berghem, NB

How did anglers rate fishing charters in Португалия?

Madeira Fishing Charters - Gavito
Madeira Fishing Charters - Gavito
Fishing charter in Calheta
4.7 / 5
(53 reviews)
Mike and Alonso are professionals who want to put their customers on the fish. Explained everything to a group of new fisherman. Hooked up on a nice tuna. Would recommend
Bryce  M.
Bryce M.
Bass Catch In Santa Clara
Bass Catch In Santa Clara
Fishing charter in Santa Clara A Velha
5.0 / 5
(26 reviews)
Great family day of large mouth bass fishing in a beautiful environment. 1 hour drive from Algarve. Very professional and knowledgeable guide. Super bass boat plus food and drinks. Will definitely go again.
Russell  M.
Russell M.
Bass Catch In Santa Clara
Bass Catch In Santa Clara
Fishing charter in Santa Clara A Velha
5.0 / 5
(26 reviews)
Thanks to Ricardo and Joaquim for organizing an amazing day out for me and my three boys!
Jeff  E.
Jeff E.
Bass Catch In Santa Clara
Bass Catch In Santa Clara
Fishing charter in Santa Clara A Velha
5.0 / 5
(26 reviews)
we fished with Ricardo for half a day. He explained the technique to my daughter and trained her. There was also a lot of interesting information and delicious food. Thanks for everything, clear recommendation, we'll be back.
Joachim  H.
Joachim H.
Native Crew – Fishing & Tours
Native Crew – Fishing & Tours
Fishing charter in Funchal
4.3 / 5
(30 reviews)
Great day on the Beercuda! The fishing was proactively adapted to give us the best chance of catching fish and having a great time online with the ever changing weather conditions. Passionate skipper and knowledgeable of the local area and fish, we caught 9 species and look forward to returning!
Rory  I.
Rory I.
Native Crew – Fishing & Tours
Native Crew – Fishing & Tours
Fishing charter in Funchal
5.0 / 5
(30 reviews)
I bought this trip for my husband and he absolutely loved it! Pedro and his first mate Alfredo were fantastic! Very professional, very friendly, very helpful. My husband caught fish and had a great day. We would definitely recommend!
Alan  M.
Alan M.
Aventura Fishing Charters
Aventura Fishing Charters
Fishing charter in Funchal
5.0 / 5
(20 reviews)
Great crew. Tried hard to catch tuna but 7 hours with no strikes. Great button fishing .
Niels  P.  H.
Niels P. H.
Native Crew – Fishing & Tours
Native Crew – Fishing & Tours
Fishing charter in Funchal
5.0 / 5
(30 reviews)
We had a great trip with Captain Pedro. He went out of his way to make sure that we were on the fish the entire trip and even extended our half day trip by a couple of hours so that he could get us to better spots. We spent the trip catching countless amberjacks and snappers. We finished up with a 10+KG snapper which made the trip! I highly recommend booking a trip with Captain Pedro!
Andrew  W.
Andrew W.
Madeira Big Game Fishing - Our Mary
Madeira Big Game Fishing - Our Mary
Fishing charter in Funchal
4.7 / 5
(108 reviews)
I did a full day shared trip with a nice German couple. We seen dolphins right away and that was awesome. We spent half the time trolling for big game and the rest bottom fishing. We were still a few weeks too early for the tuna and I knew that going in. We did catch some fish bottom fishing tho. It was a good time. They were very nice and they know what they're doing. I'll definitely hire them again when I come back.
Adam  H.
Adam H.
Alvor Fishing Donzela
Alvor Fishing Donzela
Fishing charter in Alvor
5.0 / 5
(82 reviews)
Great fun. The captain was very helpful and kept me updated on the weather a couple days before to find the best time to go. Once out on the water he shows you what to do and is there to help if you get stuck.
Ben  R.
Ben R.
Native Crew – Fishing & Tours
Native Crew – Fishing & Tours
Fishing charter in Funchal
5.0 / 5
(30 reviews)
Great day with guaranteed succes! Even in less ideal circumstances, Pedro got the best out of the day with some amazing fish hooked!
Alexander  V.
Alexander V.
Native Crew – Fishing & Tours
Native Crew – Fishing & Tours
Fishing charter in Funchal
4.3 / 5
(30 reviews)
Very friendly Captain, we went to nice spots! Meanwhile we had good drinks from Madeira. I highly recommend that fishing trip.
Franziska  M.
Franziska M.
Rock & Reel Land Based Fishing Adventures
Rock & Reel Land Based Fishing Adventures
Fishing charter in Aljezur
5.0 / 5
(18 reviews)
And captain Cristian is the best guide I’ve ever went on a fishing trip with. He picked an awesome location, patiently showed and explained everything to us and helped us to catch a very nice fish. A must-have experience for every adventure seeking fishing enthusiast, no matter the skill level.
Sascha  K.
Sascha K.
Native Crew – Fishing & Tours
Native Crew – Fishing & Tours
Fishing charter in Funchal
5.0 / 5
(30 reviews)
Captain Pedro and crew were fantastic, the boat, tackle, bait and fishing were excellent, we caught lots of fish and enjoyed a couple of snappers for dinner, all facilities 100%, would definitely book again.
Kevin  W.
Kevin W.
Native Crew – Fishing & Tours
Native Crew – Fishing & Tours
Fishing charter in Funchal
5.0 / 5
(30 reviews)
Crew worked very hard to get us on fish. We all caught fish and enjoyed the trip.
Ed  H.
Ed H.
ODF - Ocean Dive & Fishing LDA
ODF - Ocean Dive & Fishing LDA
Fishing charter in Machico
5.0 / 5
(17 reviews)
We loved it . Caught fish to eat at Christmas Then fish for the most superb curry Want to go again v soon Ember to was the best
Fiona  R.
Fiona R.
Native Crew – Fishing & Tours
Native Crew – Fishing & Tours
Fishing charter in Funchal
5.0 / 5
(30 reviews)
It was a difficult day because of wind and high tide. Our captain Pedro did a great job to guide us and we had a great time. Hope we will come across him again and spend longer time than we did today. Thanks, Pedro!
Takuro  A.
Takuro A.
Bass Catch In Santa Clara
Bass Catch In Santa Clara
Fishing charter in Santa Clara A Velha
5.0 / 5
(26 reviews)
The best day of my 4 Weeks Trip so far! Joaquim is really friendly and you get along With him instantly. 👍🏼 Booked a 4 Hour Trip wich turned out much longer…Big + We Both caught beautiful fish 🐟 Very kind he brought sandwiches and cake Asswell lots of drinks. Enjoyed some Beers With him🍻 Watched the Sunset while were going 110kmh on the water 😎 Will come back next year again!!!
Mika  H.
Mika H.
Native Crew – Fishing & Tours
Native Crew – Fishing & Tours
Fishing charter in Funchal
5.0 / 5
(30 reviews)
I only went for a half day morning fish and within two minutes we were into fish - a 5 kilo snapper down deep at 100m , we continued to catch some great fish including amberjack , barracuda and grouper ! I’m definitely coming back - thanks Pedros
Lin  S.
Lin S.
Alvor Fishing Donzela
Alvor Fishing Donzela
Fishing charter in Alvor
5.0 / 5
(82 reviews)
Squid fishing was a unique experience and they did a great job of helping a few new fishermen life time experience
Mark  H.
Mark H.

Самые популырные виды рыб – Португалия