Рыбалка - Белиз

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Белиз: 47 туров available

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Reel, Grill & Chill Belize
Reel, Grill & Chill Belize

San Pedro • 23 ft • 6 persons

Operating out of San Pedro, Belize, Reel, Grill & Chill Belize is a boutique company specializing in private charters only.

"Great communication before the trip!  Willy met us on our dock and was early too!" —⁠ Jack,
Мгновенное подтверждение
trips fromUS $300
Nano Guerrero
Nano Guerrero

San Pedro • 23 ft • 2 persons

Nano Guerrero invites you to go fishing around the scenic flats of Ambergris Caye, Belize.
Мгновенное подтверждение
trips fromUS $355
Belize Candace Fish&Reef Tours –BuddyBuddyToo
Belize Candace Fish&Reef Tours –BuddyBuddyToo

San Pedro • 25 ft • 8 persons

Welcome to Belize Candace Fish And Reef Tours! Join Captain Joel, a local fisherman who’s been catching fish with ease since he was a child.

"Mundo and Jairo were about as good as it gets. They put us on fish early and often and were really cool to us." —⁠ James,
Мгновенное подтверждение
trips fromUS $450
Captain Tayo The Epic – San Pedro
Captain Tayo The Epic – San Pedro

San Pedro • 21 ft • 2 persons

Spend the day with Captain Tayo and cast for your dreams over the flats of San Pedro!

"I’ve fished many places. From a guide you want access to your desired fish, expertise, and somebody that is excited as you to be out there." —⁠ Garret,
Мгновенное подтверждение
trips fromUS $350
Uprising Tours Fishing
Uprising Tours Fishing

San Pedro • 25 ft • 7 persons

Uprising Tours is open for business and ready to show you a great time while adhering to all the safety protocols.

"Awesome time out with the Uprising team!!  Hats off to Dylan, Chris and Eric, you guys are awesome, we had an amazing experience!" —⁠ David,
Мгновенное подтверждение
trips fromUS $400
Captain Rogel Sanchez
Captain Rogel Sanchez

San Pedro • 25 ft • 4 persons

Unearth some of the gems of the Caribbean with Suya Tours. Head out from San Pedro and discover a world of diverse fishing.

"My wife and I had a great experience with Captain Rogel today July 30th, 2024." —⁠ William,
Мгновенное подтверждение
trips fromUS $350
Esley Usher Fishing - Agua Mala
Esley Usher Fishing - Agua Mala

Caye Caulker • 25 ft • 5 persons

Elsey Usher Fishing operates around the stunning Caye Caulker, taking groups out to explore Belize’s unique scenery and enjoy its incredible angling.

"Went to go deep sea fishing but the wind was not in our favour ." —⁠ Kenneth,
Мгновенное подтверждение
trips fromUS $350
Freedom Tours – Trolling Passion
Freedom Tours – Trolling Passion

San Pedro • 26 ft • 8 persons

COVID-19 Update: Freedom Tours is open for business and ready to show you a great time while adhering to all the safety protocols.

"We went out for a half day tour and our whole family had a wonderful time." —⁠ Meegan,
Мгновенное подтверждение
trips fromUS $315
Waata Daag Fishing Adventures
Waata Daag Fishing Adventures

Placencia • 25 ft • 4 persons

Get ready for an all-inclusive adventure in Belize and book your next trip with Waata Daag Fishing Adventures!

"Went out with Grayson …morning we hit the Barracuda’s hard or they hit the bait hard… lots of action in the am." —⁠ Mark,
Мгновенное подтверждение
trips fromUS $300
Uprising Tours Fishing – Knotty Pirate
Uprising Tours Fishing – Knotty Pirate

San Pedro • 30 ft • 8 persons

After countless fishing adventures and unforgettable trips, Uprising Tours Fishing has an even better offer for you.

"It’s in their slogan - work hard, play hard (you’ll even see a variation of that on their shirts)." —⁠ Bob,
Мгновенное подтверждение
trips fromUS $500
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Frequently Asked Questions about Fishing Charters in Белиз


Рыбалка – Белиз

Рыбалка в Белизе подойдет даже самым привередливым спортивным рыболовам: вас ждет мелководье с тарпоном и альбулой, Белизский барьерный риф и экспедиции за тунцом и марлином в открытое море. Исследуйте прибрежные воды и насладитесь охотой у устьев рек, ручьев, заливов и лиманов. Отправьтесь покорять барьерный риф, который, к слову, включен в список мирового наследия ЮНЕСКО. А если вы жаждите еще больших приключений – можете смело искать крупных хищников за краем рифа, где морское дно достигает 600 метров – до марлинов и тунцов рукой подать!

Где рыбачить?


Сюда стоит приезжать за дозой нахлыстовой рыбалки и ловить альбулу, тарпона, пермита, барракуду и большого каранкса. Добраться до Амбергрис-Кэй можно на пароме: они ходят из Белиз-Сити несколько раз в день. Поездка длится от 75 до 90 минут, а билет стоит около 20 долларов в одну сторону. Также есть регулярные рейсы в аэропорт Сан-Педро; полет длится чуть меньше получаса. Цены на рыбалку на мелководье и рифах начинаются с 250 долларов, а на ловлю в открытом море – с 400.

Белиз Сити

Белиз Сити – популярное место для рыбаков любой масти. Изюминкой здесь считаются тарпон и снук, которые активно курсируют по берегам Белиз-Ривер и Сибун-Ривер. Кроме тарпона в Белиз-Сити стоит оценить и хищников покрупнее. Оффшорная рыбалка мирового класса доступна всего в паре десятков километров: вас ждут острова Тернеффе и легендарный риф Маяка. Ожидайте альбулу, ваху, королевскую макрель, групера, амберджека и даже марлиновых. Большинство курортов и компаний предлагают трансфер из Белиза (часто за дополнительную плату). Планируя бюджет на рыбалку, ориентируйтесь на примерно 1000 долларов в день.


Лучшая глубоководная рыбалка в стране вас ждет на юге – в Плаценции и Хопкинсе. Здесь добираться до рыболовных угодий немного дольше, чем на севере, однако поверьте нам на слово: это того стоит! Исследуйте риф Гловера – частично затопленный атолл, который находится в нескольких десятках километрах от Хопкинса. Тут вы можете заняться охотой на синего марлина, снэппера и многих других.


На основе 29,146 отзывов клиентов FishingBooker

Белиз – сезоны

January is the middle of the dry season in North and Central Belize and is often considered to be the perfect time of year to visit. Tarpon are prolific, with up to 50–75 being spotted per day!

The dry season continues, although the weather can be changeable. Flats fishing is excellent as long as there isn’t too much wind, while reef fishing is consistently very good. Look out for huge Wahoo over the reefs.

March can be windy in Belize. There's plenty of Bonefish around, though, with Tarpon appearing on calmer days and a fair amount of Permit schooling up. Reef fishing remains excellent for Wahoo.
April is the beginning of the prime flats fishing season, which lasts until October. The water is calm and clear, while rising temperatures may be marked by brief rain showers. Look for King Mackerel on the reefs.
May is usually the hottest time of year in Belize, but that doesn’t stop the fish. This is a great time of year for enormous schools of Bonefish on the flats, with Tarpon present on the flats and the reefs.

Temperatures are high, with morning rain showers bringing a welcome relief. Bone fishing is at its peak, while Tarpon is still there to be caught on the flats and the reef. This makes for a summer holiday you won’t forget!


This is lobster season, and the numerous festivals along the coastline won’t let you forget it! With warm weather broken by showers and cool breezes, this is real summer. Flats and reef fishing are extremely good.

Don't miss the International Costa Maya Festival in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye. Escape the crowds and you’ll find that this is also peak season for Tarpon, with catches reaching over 100 lbs!

The celebrations continue, with locals celebrating both the Battle of St George’s Caye day and Independence day. Will you be having your own little celebration by taming the biggest Tarpon of your angling career?

The fish on the flats are generally larger and more aggressive at this time of year. Permit fishing is heating up, while Tarpon and Bonefish are still breaking lines whenever they can. Jack Crevalle and Snook are also plentiful.

Deep sea fishing is as good as it gets in Belize in November, and the Belize Game Fish Association celebrates this with their annual Bluewater Classic. Look out for Marlin, Tuna, and Belize’s famously large Wahoo.

Peak tourist season means it can be hard to find accomodations. But secure your lodging, and we think you won’t be in your room for long — not with Bonefish, Tarpon, Jacks, Wahoo, Groupers, and Snappers all biting.

Белиз Календарь рыболова


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