Рыбалка - Бермудские острова

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Бермудские острова: 6 туров available

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Rum Pirate Fishing
Rum Pirate Fishing

Sandys • 35 ft • 6 persons

Bermuda is an amazing fishery for pelagic and big game blue water fishing, with the closest point of land being North Carolina, 600+ miles to our shorelines, which makes Bermuda a gem in the middle of the Atlantic.

"We had a great time with our two young boys and baby girl! Caught a lot of fish and our boys really loved chatting with Alex." —⁠ Astrid,
Мгновенное подтверждение
trips fromUS $695
Atlantic Spray Charters
Atlantic Spray Charters

St. George's • 38 ft • 6 persons

Atlantic Spray Charters invites you on a one of a kind deep sea fishing experience with one of the most knowledgeable Captains on the island of Bermuda.

"Although the open waters were too rough to go out, we stayed closer inland and were able to have a much smoother ride." —⁠ Jeannie,
Мгновенное подтверждение
trips fromUS $1,000
Sea Wolfe Sportfishing
Sea Wolfe Sportfishing

Sandys • 35 ft • 6 persons

Captain Russell Young has been fishing since he was a young boy with his dad.

"Will absolutely be back. We were blessed with beautiful weather and a few catches in late December." —⁠ Kendra,
Мгновенное подтверждение
trips fromUS $995
Attitude Adjustment Charters
Attitude Adjustment Charters

Sandys • 50 ft • 10 persons

During your vacation to Bermuda, you’re going to want to book a trip with Attitude Adjustment Charters!

"Our excursion with Captain Mike and crew was one of the best experiences we have ever had." —⁠ Matthew,
Мгновенное подтверждение
trips fromUS $1,100
GF Charters
GF Charters

Sandys • 42 ft • 6 persons

Book your next trip with GF Charters and find out what you're missing in Sandys!

"From start to finish we had a great time. Kids were explained the different tactics to fishing and each got to practice reeling in." —⁠ Caroline,
Мгновенное подтверждение
trips fromUS $1,650
Challenger Charter Fishing Bermuda
Challenger Charter Fishing Bermuda

Hog Bay • 40 ft • 6 persons

If you are going to do something well, you should do it with the professionals.

"Let me start with Capt Alan Card and his son Ian are a fishing machine!" —⁠ Gary,
trips fromUS $1,400
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Frequently Asked Questions about Fishing Charters in Бермудские острова


Рыбалка – Бермудские острова

It’s easy to see where Bermuda got its reputation for world class tournament fishing. This island nation located about 600 miles off the coast of Cape Hatteras, NC is a small tropical paradise that one could easily mistake for the Caribbean. You’ll find astonishing variety here, from crystal clear flats and pink sandy beaches to coral reefs and the deep sea beyond. Anglers of all skill levels can make the most of these diverse waters, which is exactly what Bermuda fishing charters are all about. Whether you’re a seasoned tournament angler or just a beginner, you may be the next person to hook into a record-breaking catch here!

Known For

Bermuda is known for spectacular big game fishing, which has everything to do with the local topography. The islands of Bermuda are located on top of a large reef platform. Just beyond this platform, the seafloor plummets and anglers find themselves surrounded by the deep waters of the Atlantic. Due to the close proximity of the Gulf Stream, the water temperature here never drops below 62°F, allowing many big game fish to swim in the area comfortably year-round. Anglers start fishing for these beasts in April, as soon as the weather promises smooth sailing.

Deep Sea Fishing

You can enjoy excellent deep sea fishing on all sides of the island, including the southern and northern fringes of the reef as well as the infamous “Bermuda Edge” to the east. To experience the ultimate deep sea fishing Bermuda is known for, your time is best spent on Challenger Bank and Argus Bank to the southwest. Bottom fishing here is a chance to hook into a wide variety of Jacks and large Barracuda, while trolling the waters between these banks and the Bermuda Edge will bring you face-to-bill with Blue Marlin of enormous proportions (300 lb on average, and occasional catches over 1,000 lb). With fish of this caliber swimming around, it’s no wonder why Bermuda has become a renowned tournament fishing destination!

As impressive as the Blue Marlin are in these waters, the Tuna and Wahoo fishing in Bermuda may be even better. Both species are available year-round, with peak seasons in summer. Just before autumn, anglers get the added bonus of False Albacore for unbeatable light tackle action.

If that’s not enough to satisfy your need for speed, you can enjoy chasing Mahi Mahi, Rainbow Runner, Bonito, and large Sharks. There’s always a chance you could hook into White Marlin, Sailfish, Spearfish, or Swordfish around here, too.

Reef Fishing

Fishing in Bermuda can be equally rewarding close to shore. Shallow waters over the reefs hold Lane Snapper (locally known as Whitewater Snapper) and Triggerfish (Turbot). These fish aren’t large, but they swim in schools and you can fill your cooler in a few short hours. If you’re fishing purely for sport, you’ll enjoy great light tackle action while targeting Bermuda Chub.

Coral areas in deeper water host a wider variety of fish, including Amberjack, False Albacore, Yellowtail Snapper, Porgy, Wrasse, various Groupers, Almaco Jack, and “Gwelly” (a little-known relative of the Jack).

Flats Fishing

Between April and October, local flats hold some of the world’s largest Bonefish. Whether you choose to target them on spinning or fly fishing gear, you can look forward to catching some potential record-breakers. The odd Tarpon and Permit also make an appearance here, giving lucky anglers the chance to land a Grand Slam.

Shore Fishing

Casting lines from docks, jetties, and beaches around Bermuda will bring you anything from Gray and Yellowtail Snapper to Grunts, Bermuda Chub, Barracuda, and Bonefish. You may also catch a couple of lesser-known fish such as Sennet and Palometa, small relatives of the Barracuda and Pompano.

Bermuda Fishing Techniques

Most deep sea fishing in Bermuda involves trolling. At the height of summer, local anglers switch to chumming for Tuna on the banks and along the drop off. Chumming is often combined with kite fishing, which leads to Yellowfin Tuna, record-breaking Blackfin Tuna, and the occasional Marlin. Working the bottom at the same time will produce large Amberjack (100+ lb) and Almaco Jacks.

Chumming and bottom fishing on the reefs closer to shore will bring you Amberjack, False Albacore, Yellowtail Snapper, Porgy, Triggerfish, Grouper, and more.

Light tackle and fly fishing enthusiasts can test their skills anywhere in Bermuda, from the flats to the deep sea. Popular Bermuda fly fishing targets include Bonefish, Barracuda, Jacks, and Tuna.

Need to Know

Getting There

Traveling anglers can catch daily flights to Bermuda from Canada, the U.S., and the U.K.. This destination is just a 90-minute flight from New York City, and less than 3 hours from many significant travel hubs on the East Coast. The flight from London to Bermuda is about 7 hours long. When you arrive, you’ll find charter boats for hire all across the main islands.


You are free to fish in Bermuda without a permit when fishing aboard a licensed fishing charter. Anglers casting lines from shore are also allowed to fish without a permit.

Most fish species are legal to keep in Bermuda, but many of them have size and bag limits. It’s common practice to release a number of gamefish, including Bonefish and Marlin. Be sure to discuss local regulations and your intentions with the captain ahead of time so you know what to expect when it comes to keeping any fish you catch.


Half day trips can take you to the reefs or just offshore in search of Mahi Mahi, Barracuda, and various bottom fish. These trips last around 4 hours and cost $900–$1,150. Full day Bermuda fishing charters will take you farther from shore, with a chance to catch Wahoo, Tuna, and other big game pelagics. These trips are recommended for anglers set on landing a Marlin. Prices range from $1,100–$1,600.

Serious anglers looking to partake in the Bermuda tournament fishing experience can book specialized tournament charters. These usually last 8–10 hours and focus on targeting Marlin for catch-and-release. Tournament charters cost anywhere from $1,500–$3,500 to account for fuel, boat maintenance, and top-of-the-line tackle.

As you can see, there’s more to these waters than meets the eye, and anglers are still discovering the full extent of Bermuda’s fishery. Come cast your line for a chance to experience world class fishing in one of the most beautiful destinations on Earth!

Бермудские острова

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Бермудские острова – сезоны


The weather in Bermuda can be hostile and unpredictable early in the year, causing many charter boats shut down until spring. Anglers fishing the flats can catch Bonefish, Jacks, and more.


Bermuda’s off season continues in February. Few anglers will venture offshore this month, but those who do may be lucky enough to catch Wahoo and Yellowfin Tuna.


You can still expect winter fishing conditions in March, but if spring comes early this year, your luck may change very soon. Cast your line in the right place at the right time, and you never know what you’ll get!


Bermuda’s fishing season officially opens this month, and it’s a spectacular time to be on the water. Wahoo and Tuna are already biting hard offshore, and Marlin aren’t far behind them.


Early summer is one of the best times to fish for White Marlin in Bermuda. Large Blue Marlin are also appearing, and anglers are hooking into Wahoo and Yellowfin Tuna ranging from 20-100 lb in size.


Blue Marlin are at their peak, making this one of the best months for billfishing in Bermuda. Trolling will also bring you Mahi Mahi, Rainbow Runner, large Sharks, and of course Wahoo and Tuna. 


July marks the Bermuda Triple Crown Billfish Championship! This open tournament series includes the Bermuda Billfish Blast, Bermuda Big Game Classic, and the Sea Horse Anglers Club Billfish Tournament.


Bermuda’s deep sea fishing season rolls on, with massive hook-ups happening left and right. You’ll see many anglers chumming and drift fishing along the banks and the drop off for Tuna.


A second wave of Wahoo comes through in September, accompanied by an influx in False Albacore. The result is fantastic light tackle action! Meanwhile, warm nights provide some of the most productive reef fishing.


You can still expect excellent Wahoo and Tuna fishing in October. The Blue Marlin you see at this time of year may be smaller than before, but there are more of them.


Many species are still giving anglers a run for their money as late as November. Try working the bottom as you troll offshore and see what exotic Grouper species you can scrounge up!


As winter gets underway, the sea starts becoming unreliable. Weather permitting, you can still enjoy great fishing for Wahoo and Tuna offshore, or try fishing the flats for Bonefish, Jacks, and small Snappers.

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