Рыбалка - Барбадос
17 туров
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Самые популярные туры – Барбадос
Барбадос: 17 туров available
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Bridgetown • 42 ft • 6 persons
High Seas Charters is owned and operated by Capt. Robbie Atwell, a local of Barbados who has been fishing the local waters since the age of 5 has since competed successfully in many local fishing tournaments. "Went out with Robert, Hutch and Connor this morning on the 7am - 11am half day fish and where do I start." — Richard,
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trips fromUS $600
Bridgetown • 32 ft • 12 persons
Looking for a spacious purpose-built fishing rig? Look no further than Feelin Nauti Fishing Adventures! "Fishing is part skill, part luck. I got extremely lucky in that they upgraded me to the biggest boat in their fleet and gave me very an experienced captain in Josh and his crewmate, who happens to captain another boat in their fleet, Marlon." — Mike,
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trips fromUS $545
Bridgetown • 37 ft • 6 persons
Lucky Penny Fishing Charters offers inshore and offshore adventures out of Bridgetown, Barbados. "The captain Daniel and first mate Paul was great they were very courteous and knowledgeable of the fishing area and how it needs to be done, the cabin had cold air and plenty of snacks & drinks both alcohol & none alcohol… They did not rush you in any kind of way." — Andrew,
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trips fromUS $700
Speightstown • 27 ft • 6 persons
Spend the day with Nauti Dreams Barbados aboard the Double Nauti, and let them show you what makes fishing in these tropical waters so memorable!
"Wherever we travel my son brings his rods and when I can I book a charter ." — Adam,
Мгновенное подтверждение
trips fromUS $495
Bridgetown • 36 ft • 10 persons
Nauti Dreams Luxury Charters, located in beautiful Bridgetown, Barbados, has one goal in mind: to share the excitement that its captain and crew experience whenever they’re out on these beautiful waters! "Marlon, Randy, and Bradley are awesome. This is the second time fishing with the crew and they never let me down(caught and released a white marlin last year)." — Lucas,
Мгновенное подтверждение
trips fromUS $695
Bridgetown • 33 ft • 6 persons
It’s time to book your Barbados adventure today with Therapy Charters. "We thoroughly enjoyed our time! We caught a barracuda and a king fish." — Breanne,
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trips fromUS $550
Bridgetown • 37 ft • 6 persons
Legacy Fishing Barbados invites you down to Bridgetown to enjoy a relaxing day with your family or a tournament-style adventure. "Captain Jones did great, and the crew was wonderful. We caught 3 black fin tuna and 3 Mai Mai early on, but my daughter got sea sick." — Lenny,
Мгновенное подтверждение
trips fromUS $600
Bridgetown • 40 ft • 6 persons
Billfisher III Deep Sea Fishing is owned and operated by Capt. "Captain Ralph was relaxed and informative. He communicated well prior to the trip." — James,
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trips fromUS $398
Six Mens • 41 ft • 15 persons
Look no further than Speartime Luxury Charters for an unforgettable experience on the water in Barbados. "We enjoyed three days of excellent and successful fishing with Captain Geoff and his right hand man for our trip , Alex ~ the experience was topped off by Geoff cooking the catch for a quality lunch on board ." — David,
Мгновенное подтверждение
trips fromUS $900
Bridgetown • 40 ft • 14 persons
Spend the day with the Nauti By Nature Sportfishing Team and see what's biting in Barbados! "Had a great morning on the water with the crew. Landed son’s 1st wahoo and a few barracuda as well." — FishingBooker Member,
Мгновенное подтверждение
trips fromUS $700
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Frequently Asked Questions about Fishing Charters in Барбадос
Рыбалка – Барбадос
Барбадос – это островной рай с потрясающими песчаными пляжами, невероятно чистыми голубыми водами и множеством мест, которые хочется сфотографировать на зависть друзьям. Рыбачить здесь понравится как искушенному профессионалу, так и тем, кто никогда не держал удочку в руках.
Воды вокруг Барбадоса в паре километров от берега опускаются до тех глубин, в которых можно (и нужно!) ловить марлиновых. Готовьтесь провести весь день, охотясь на синих и белых марлинов, желтоперого тунца, ваху и красавцев махи-махи в открытом море, на окуня в прибрежных рифах или барракуду и альбулу вдоль берега.