Captain Mike’s - Lucky Strike

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Captain Mike’s Charters is the longest running sports fishing company in St. Lucia. This family business has been ruling the waves for over 50 years. Join them and learn from the wisdom that can only come from decades of experience.

Captain Bruce Hackshaw is the owner of the company and is one of the top anglers on the island, having won the International Billfish Trophy a record 7 times, as well as tournaments in Antigua, Grenada, Tobago and Martinique. His passion and enthusiasm for fishing shows though in every part of his life. Fish with his crew and become infected with that passion, too.

Lucky Strike is Bruce’s pride and joy. A fully refitted 46’ Bertram, she combines a touch of luxury with strength and versatility to be the ultimate fish catching machine. She’s fully equipped with top notch sportfishing gear, including outriggers, a fighting chair, and Penn and Shimano fishing gear. At the same time, she features all the personal comforts you could hope for, including two heads (bathrooms), a shower, and a multimedia system.

During your trip, you will be fishing the deep blue waters of the eastern Caribbean Sea. This is a hot spot for Blue and White Marlin, Sailfish, Mahi Mahi, Wahoo, and Tuna, among many other deep sea fish. All the gear you need to catch them is supplied on board, and a first mate will be there to assist you through every stage of your trip.

On the off chance that you want to relax between bites, Lucky Strike’s beautifully finished and air conditioned interior is the perfect place to do so. We have a feeling you’ll be spending more time wrestling fish on the deck, though!

At the end of the trip, the catch will be shared between you and the crew. If you want to take some fillets with you to a local restaurant, the team at Captain Mike’s will help prepare them for you.

If you’ve always wanted to go sportfishing like a pro, this is your chance. Make your vacation extra special this year aboard the Lucky Strike with Captain Mike’s!

Trip availability and prices

  • Частный тур
    Half Day Trip (AM)
    БЕСПЛАТНАЯ отмена – за 1 день до рыбалки
    4-часовая рыбалка, начало в 8:00 AM
    Цена за: до 8 человек
    US $1,000
    Have a go at catching your own lunch aboard the Lucky Strike! This morning trip will get you out in the deep seas, which start just half a mile from shore. This will give you time to target a variety of deep sea fish, such as Mahi Mahi, Tuna, Wahoo, and much more.
  • Частный тур
    Half Day Trip (PM)
    БЕСПЛАТНАЯ отмена – за 1 день до рыбалки
    4-часовая рыбалка, начало в 12:30 PM
    Цена за: до 8 человек
    US $1,000
    This 4 hour trip will help you experience the quality of fishing Saint Lucia has to offer. With the best fishing starting just half a mile from the shore, you'll have time to see what a professional big game fishing operation really looks like. Potential catches include Sailfish, Mahi Mahi, Tuna, and much more.
  • Частный тур
    3/4 Day Trip
    БЕСПЛАТНАЯ отмена – за 1 день до рыбалки
    6-часовая рыбалка, начало в 8:00 AM
    Цена за: до 8 человек
    US $1,300
    A 6 hour trip will give you time to perfect your fishing skills and explore a few more areas out of Saint Lucia. With target species including Yellowfin and Blackfin Tuna, Wahoo, Mahi Mahi, and maybe even Marlin, you'll want an extra couple of hours so everyone can have a go at catching fish!
  • Частный тур
    Full Day Trip
    БЕСПЛАТНАЯ отмена – за 1 день до рыбалки
    8-часовая рыбалка, начало в 8:00 AM
    Цена за: до 8 человек
    US $1,690
    If you want to make the most of your Saint Lucia fishing experience, take a full 8 hour trip aboard the Lucky Strike. With world-class big game fishing starting just half a mile from shore, this will give you time to explore a variety of different areas as you target deep sea fish. Marlin, Tuna, Sailfish, Mahi Mahi, and Wahoo are just some of the fish you could catch on this trip!
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Customer reviews

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4.8 / 5
из 5 на основе 23 отзывов
4.9 / 5
4.9 / 5
4.7 / 5
Фото и видео клиентов (19)
Captain Mike\u2019s
Captain Mike\u2019s
Great trip!
Рейтинг рыбака
Оценено рыбаками
Хороший опыт
Дружелюбный капитан
Рекомендует этот чартр
Подходит для детей
Доволен лодкой
Поймал то, что хотел
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5 из 23 отзывов
David M.
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
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5.0 / 5
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Luck Strike in St. Lucia

Подтвержденный   Half Day Trip (PM) on Декабрь 2, 2024
The crew and boat were excellent. Our first mate did anything and everything he could to get the fish to bite, but they just...
David M. рекомендует Captain Mike’s - Lucky Strike
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David M. рекомендует Captain Mike’s - Lucky Strike
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Justin S.
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
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Great trip!

Подтвержденный   3/4 Day Trip on Апрель 9, 2024
The trip was great. Captain Dwight was knowledgeable and got me on a tuna almost immediately. Later I was able to land a mahi...
Justin S. рекомендует Captain Mike’s - Lucky Strike
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Justin S. рекомендует Captain Mike’s - Lucky Strike
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Oliver M.
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
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Captain Mike’s

Подтвержденный   Half Day Trip (AM) on Декабрь 29, 2024
Unbelievable day. Caught 3 large Wahoo and 6 barracuda on a four hour morning trip. Crew was great!
Oliver M. рекомендует Captain Mike’s - Lucky Strike
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Oliver M. рекомендует Captain Mike’s - Lucky Strike
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Mike D.
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
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What a spectacular crew!!!

Подтвержденный   Full Day Trip on Март 11, 2024
Highly recommend 😊😊
Mike D. рекомендует Captain Mike’s - Lucky Strike
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Mike D. рекомендует Captain Mike’s - Lucky Strike
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Dennis D.
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
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Fishing with Bruce

Подтвержденный   Full Day Trip on Апрель 18, 2023
Dennis D. рекомендует Captain Mike’s - Lucky Strike
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Dennis D. рекомендует Captain Mike’s - Lucky Strike
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FAQ о Captain Mike’s - Lucky Strike

Captain Mike’s - Lucky Strike offers the following trips to customers:
  • US $1,000 за группу - Half Day Trip (AM) (4 часа)
  • US $1,000 за группу - Half Day Trip (PM) (4 часа)
  • US $1,300 за группу - 3/4 Day Trip (6 часов)
  • US $1,690 за группу - Full Day Trip (8 часов)

When you book a trip with Captain Mike’s - Lucky Strike, you can expect the following amenities onboard:
  • Туалет 2
  • Кондиционирование воздуха
  • Рыболовный стул/кресло
  • GPS
  • Кровать
  • Открытый мостик (флайбридж)
  • Оборудование для подводного плавания
  • Кухня
  • Холодильный шкаф
  • Мультимедийная система
  • Аутригеры
  • Холодильная камера

Trips booked with Captain Mike’s - Lucky Strike include:
  • Удочка, катушка и снасти (Penn and Shimano)
  • Приманка
  • Чистка и разделка рыбы на филе
  • Напитки (Beer, soft drinks & water)
  • Первый помощник капитана (Tips at the discretion of the guests )
  • Лицензия на рыбалку

Captain Mike’s - Lucky Strike offers the following type of fishing:
  • Рыбалка в открытом море

Captain Mike’s - Lucky Strike offers the following fishing techniques:
  • Легкая снасть – рыбалка
  • Тяжелая снасть
  • Донная рыбалка
  • Троллинг
  • Джиггинг
  • Лов на поддев
  • С острогой на камбалу
  • Глубоководная рыбалка

Top targeted fish species with Captain Mike’s - Lucky Strike include:
  • Барракуда (большая)
  • Корифена (махи-махи)
  • Синий марлин (атлантический)
  • Белый марлин
  • Парусник
  • Тунец (атлантический)
  • Тунец (желтоперый)
  • Ваху (колючая пеламида)

Your operator

Captain Mike's
Кастри, Сент-Люсия
1 отчет
45 Отзывы клиентов
Время ответа: в течение часа
На сайте с: Август 2014
Fishing is in my blood. I have been on boats and on the water since the day I was born. I have never wanted to be anything other than a fishing captain. I worked with my father, Captain Mike, until he passed away when I was 25. I took over the family business and have developed our fleet to 5 Bertram sportfishers, ranging from 31' to 46'. I am on the water every chance I get, with charters, fishing tournaments, or just fooling around with friends and family. I hold the island Blue Marlin record of 940 lb and the St. Lucia Billfish tournament record of 707 lb. When you fish with me or my crew you know you are fishing with a crew who share a passion for the ocean and and a real love of fishing and fun! – Bruce Hackshaw, owner, Captain Mike's St Lucia.

The fish you can target

Барракуда (большая) Барракуда (большая)
Корифена (махи-махи) Корифена (махи-махи)
Синий марлин (атлантический) Синий марлин (атлантический)
Белый марлин Белый марлин

What is the boat like?

Boat Image
Boat category
Sportfishing boats
8 persons
Boat length
46 ft
Year built
Restored in
Boat manufacturer
Boat type

Engine model
Detroit Diesel
Powered by
2 x 630HP
Max cruising speed
24 knots

What kind of fishing will you do?

Рыбалка в открытом море

Which fishing techniques will you try?

Легкая снасть – рыбалка
Тяжелая снасть
Донная рыбалка
Лов на поддев
С острогой на камбалу
Глубоководная рыбалка

Which amenities are available onboard

Кондиционирование воздуха
Рыболовный стул/кресло
Открытый мостик (флайбридж)

What’s included in the trip price

Удочка, катушка и снасти
Penn and Shimano
Чистка и разделка рыбы на филе
Beer, soft drinks & water
Первый помощник капитана
Tips at the discretion of the guests
Лицензия на рыбалку

How cancellations work

Бесплатная отмена бронирования до 1 день до поездки

Клиенты могут бесплатно отменить или изменить бронирование до 1 день до даты поездки. Если поездка отменена или изменена позже (или в случае неявки), взимается 100% от суммы депозита.

What the listing policies are

Трансфер согласовывается при заказе
Transfer to/from departure site may be available and included in price depending on your location and distance from the dock.
Доступно для детей
Age 8+ is recommended
Вы забираете улов
If your hotel allows you to bring fish back
Улов остается у команды
Catch share
Разрешено поймать и отпустить
Строго поймать и отпустить
Marlin and Sailfish

How you can pay

Бронируйте с депозитом 20%, оплатите остаток капитану

Когда капитан/гид подтвердит бронирование, FishingBooker зарезервирует средства на вашей кредитной карте (20%) в качестве депозита для гарантии бронирования.

Оставшуюся часть суммы необходимо оплатить капитану/гиду лично в день рыбалки или заранее. Способы оплаты:

При оплате оставшейся суммы кредитной картой, взимается 4% комиссия.

What’s biting in Кастри right now

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