Fish Key West - The Coolcast
Fish Key West runs year-round fishing trips around the rich fisheries of Key West, FL. Here you can find a variety of species, techniques, a comfortable boat, and a professional crew. Novice anglers and seasoned fishermen will get the chance to enjoy these fertile fisheries and have an enjoyable day on the water.
The crew has plenty of experience and skills to make your trip worth the while. These fishermen are on the water each day. Numerous repeat customers have landed their dream catch thanks to the help of the Fish Key West crew. They know where the fish bite and how to tailor the trip to your skills and wishes.
You will be fishing from a 36’ Sea Vee center console named ‘Coolcast’. She is an all-round stable boat, fit to take you around shallow waters and look for Tarpon or weather the waters up to 90 miles out in search of Marlin and Tuna. ‘Coolcast’ can take up to six anglers and give them a fast, dry ride. She is powered by two 300 HP Yamaha outboards.
The vessel features modern electronics including TR-1 auto pilot, Ray Marine 12’ color fish finder, two VH radios, Garmin chart plotter, a CD player, and a cell phone. She stores all the gear you need, as well as bait, ice, tackle, and reels. You will find comfortable seating and a T-top to give you shade. There is a clean bathroom onboard.
The fishing is consistent throughout the year, but depends on the season, water temperature, currents, and sea conditions. The target species include anything from Tarpon and Permit inshore on a half day trip, to big Marlin, Tuna, Wahoo, Cobia, Kingfish, and more on longer trips.
You should bring a camera, sunglasses, sunblock, a cap, non-marking shoes, and food and drinks. The fishing license is included in the trip rates. And, if you can’t find a spot here, worry not. Fish Key West has a whole fleet at their disposal. Just scroll down, click on Capt. Damon’s name and see available spots on other boats.
Customer reviews
FAQ о Fish Key West - The Coolcast
- US $900 за группу - Half Day Trip (AM) (4 часа)
- US $900 за группу - Half Day Trip (PM) (4 часа)
- US $1,300 за группу - 3/4 Day Trip (6 часов)
- US $1,600 за группу - Full Day Trip (8 часов)
- Туалет
- Рыболокатор
- Бак для наживки
- Холодильная камера
- Радио
- Удочка, катушка и снасти
- Наживка
- Приманка
- Чистка и разделка рыбы на филе
- Лицензия на рыбалку
- Снаряжение для нахлыста
- Рыбалка у береговой линии
- Прибрежная рыбалка
- Рыбалка в открытом море
- Легкая снасть – рыбалка
- Тяжелая снасть
- Донная рыбалка
- Троллинг
- Джиггинг
- Поппинг
- Ужение на муху (нахлыст)
- Лов на поддев
- Глубоководная рыбалка
- Кобия
- Корифена (махи-махи)
- Чёрный групер
- Королевская макрель
- Пермит (трахинотус)
- Парусник
- Светлый луциан
- Красный луциан (снэппер)
- Желтохвостый луциан
- Тарпон
- Тунец (длиннопёрый)
- Ваху (колючая пеламида)
Your captain
Отчетов: 34 |
ID и лицензия подтверждены |
950 Отзывы клиентов |
Время ответа: в течение часа |
На сайте с: Июнь 2014 |
The fish you can target

What is the boat like?

What kind of fishing will you do?
Which fishing techniques will you try?
Which amenities are available onboard
What’s included in the trip price
How cancellations work
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What the listing policies are
How you can pay
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